So America has gone and done it, elected the evil grandpa, which goes to show that literacy is in serious decline. Nobody who read the transcripts of his two-hour rants would want this old man in the White House. I’ve been reading them with fascination for the past couple months and they are beyond description, the anger and violent obsessions, the confusion, the incredible frequency of blatant falsehoods, the absence of any coherent philosophy, but now the Secret Service is going to have to guard him on his daily golf round, probably requiring the help of the Army and Marines, and who knows if there will be another election in 2026? Congress will be deadlocked, the man owns the Supreme Court, who will stop him if he declares the name of our country is now United Trump?
The beauty of being on the losing side is that there is no shame. Kamala Harris was a serious and tireless candidate who ran a heroic campaign and spoke about the real world, and the outcome shows the high degree of misogyny among American women. She could have been an excellent president. Everyone in my life voted for her, nobody ever walked up to me and tried to talk about her opponent’s good points, so it’s clear that I don’t live in his country. And because I’m 82 and he never talked about cutting Medicare and Social Security or deporting elderly people or accused us of having bad blood or eating dogs and cats, I can rest easy. His 20% tariffs are likely to cause inflation but an old man doesn’t need much to get along.
And the gorgeous thing about being a Democrat is that I can stop reading the newspaper and ignore Washington and walk around the Upper West Side of Manhattan where the Don got maybe 12% of the vote and enjoy the parks, the cafes, the little kids heading for school in the morning, talk to people in the subway, go to the public library on 42nd Street and sit in the reading room among college kids and work on my musical comedy.
The country voted against politics Tuesday and voted in a man who will fix everything. He will make Ukraine and Gaza disappear. Big tax cuts, Bobby Kennedy Jr. will end fluoridation and eliminate vaccines, Elon Musk will cut two or three trillion from the national budget, the U.S. Army will round up ten or eleven million undocumented migrants, many of whom are employed on farms or in hotels or nursing homes, and the profound results of all of this are on the heads of the Make America Cruel Again people.
I’m glad that Minnesota went blue though it was a close one, and I have to admit that Lake Wobegon went 58% for the Don and that will be the subject of my next book. It’s going to be a comic novel. Norwegians can be cranky, as any Minnesotan knows, and though they’ve been here for five or six generations, America has been a disappointment for many of them, they feel ignored or looked down upon and the Lutheran pastor talks like a socialist sometimes. They don’t like the Germans and the feeling is mutual and many of their children have married aliens, and there is resistance to the idea of public education (why should we pay for it after our kids have grown up) and coffee costs 50 cents that used to cost a dime. Nothing is like it used to be, young people are rude and go around with earphones and they mumble and you can’t read their handwriting and the language is vulgar. They’ve been unfairly dealt with left and right and they like the Don because he’s been mistreated too and is angry and he’s going to fix things. Nuts to Europe, to hell with Mexico and South America, and let’s show the Chinese who is who. Congress is a mess, can’t get anything done. We need one man who can take charge and do the job right and anybody who doesn’t like it, send them to Canada.
There’s a whole novel here and I’m going to enjoy writing it and I’m tired of worrying about democracy. You go worry about it and stew over the news. I’m done. The New York Times said that a vote for Kamala was the only patriotic option. Which shows you how important the Times is.
No, journalism is dead. There is no point in stating facts anymore. I’m going back to fiction. It’s worked beautifully for the Don and now it’s my turn.
thank you Garrison. I have listened to your radio broadcast for years. I love your wit, poetry, music and love of people. Your words really soothed my tired brain and broken heart. I am a 75 yr. old Grandmother and I never every thought this could happen in our country. Hears my rant...Goodbye for awhile…… you have my email if you want to message me. I am just too upset and sad to be social on fb right now. It’s over. It’s beyond comprehension how the majority of this country could still vote for Trump.the second time. KNOWING that he is a Felon, a rapist, a liar, a racist, a bully and cheap con-man who hides behind the Bible but does not live by it, a woman hater, an immigrant hater…. The list is so long. Knowing all of this, still the great majority of good decent Americans voted for him, some for the second time. I think this fact bothers me even more than the fact that the Democrats lost their chance to bring the country back together again. We are in a dystopian society now. Anything could happen. There are no checks and balances anymore. There is no adult to supervise this monstrous child-man. I truly fear for our country and for the world. Women will be subjugated. There will be no free press. Ukraine will be abandoned. Russia will have their way. Israel will continue the slaughter that has been going on much much too long. Maybe this is our punishment for allowing the horror in Gaza to continue? I don’t know anymore. I am not overly religious but I do believe in God. I am wondering if this really is God’s testing America? Could God be saying, “I gave you a second chance, you saw who he was, he told you what he was going to do. You can abandon this dark evil man. This is your chance for redemption” And we failed. At least I can tell my grandchildren that our family did not vote for this monster. I don’t know how I can explain the fact that now we will lose opportunities to fix climate change because this idiot does not support or believe in it. He only believes in supporting big companies. How can I tell them that we are not a nation who helps those in need anymore? What can I say when, they see mean spirited white supremacist thugs marching through the streets again chanting “America first, “You Will Not Replace Us”. What do I say to my granddaughter who can not get the proper care for a medical emergency, due to complications from a pregnancy? How do I shield their young ears from vile racist comments and filthy sexual innuendo toward women? How do I defend our system of justice when a convicted rapist is now the President of the United States? I am leaving social media for awhile because I am truly afraid of what I will say about how I really feel and Trump will send his brownshirts to my home and arrest me. God help us now.
I will turn 83 in a few weeks, and I take comfort, just a little, in the fact that I won’t be around to endure this much longer. But I will vote to set things right as long as I can.