Garrison Keillor and Friends
Garrison Keillor's Podcast
On the road again, meeting folks again

On the road again, meeting folks again

Podcast 53 - Solomon said, “The thing that has been is the thing that shall be, and the thing that is done is that which shall be done: there is nothing new under the sun.” Joke.

It’s an age of dread, the news perpetually discouraging, TV and media merchandising ugliness, and either you join the Greek chorus of gloom or you go with the American choir of cheerful resolve, and I choose cheerfulness. I am capable of dismay: I’m dismayed by the Working From Home syndrome that is leaving our big office buildings half empty. I call up an office to get answers to difficult questions and I hear Death Chute singing “Vanilla Windows” and a guy says, “Yeah?” and a dog barks and a woman yells, “Put it on headphones!” This is what Allied Federated has come to. I’d prefer to get a woman named Mildred who is an authority on health coverage and who is looking at me across her desk. But never mind me, I’m old.

Garrison Keillor and Friends
Garrison Keillor's Podcast
Funny, poignant, sentimental, and sometimes controversial thoughts of the day