"Face to face before facebook and facetime"...what a concept.

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I really enjoyed your comments on the shows in Georgia and the 2 conversations

you had the next morning. As an amateur musician, I really love the idea of having the audience sing with you and your musicians.

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What a gift, describing and then reading your experiences - simple, clear, beautiful.

Thank you.

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To add to your visiting observation, in a radio interview, an “expert” commented that texting not only deprives children of the attention of their parents, it also importantly deprives them of learning the interests and emotions of their parents that they once learned by overhearing their phone conversations. A silent text doesn’t let them know that their mother is sad that her sister had a miscarriage or that dad told his brother that Uncle Joe is a windbag. Or that no one in the family wants Tonya to marry Ned but no one else would marry her.

In light of that information, when I am texting around my preteen grandchildren, l use dictation- - so they can know who and what their grandma is interested in.

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👍 We love ya from Alaska 🙏 VOAK Veterans For Alaska

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Sweetheart. Love it. In Tennessee you’re good to go Hon (Hun?).

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