Just subscribed this morning. And look what I got already. A beautiful essay. So funny and true. Though it pains me to say that I need Jim Jordan.

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Maybe I meant Jim Jordan who played Fibber on "Fibber McGee & Molly'.

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'Tain't funny, McGee.

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I hope you did, NOBODY need the current one

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I went for a walk yesterday with my dog, my iPhone and my AirPods, and while I didn't see Proust or Twain or even Hemingway (who liked to be seen), I did see Stephen King walking his dog. Both of our dogs are named Molly. I guess if you go out aligned with the accoutrements of the modern era, you only encounter modern writers. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow I will run into John Grisham.

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Very cool!!!

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Since I live in Kentucky my Senator will be pushing to cut back on Social Security. So I am cutting back on everything. I really want to do the full experience. I also like to go to the grocery store and pay my utility bills. We make choices, so I choose to wear a mask when out and about. Since I got my 2nd vaccine shot 3 weeks ago, I do this to irritate the anti-vaccine crowd. I’m a liberal, but can be as petty as the next person. I’ve decided to think of it as performance art.

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I love this, Judy!

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You go Judy!!! love it

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This may be why I find myself rather gleefully doublemasking @ the grocery store! Fully vaccinated, but.

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I have been a fan for decades without regrets. You are quite crazy but extremely funny. Thank you for your thoughts and please keep writing.

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Thanks very much Garrison for not giving up on us.

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.i got a kick out of this one. However I think of the guy in The Princess Bride when you mention Vermonters. I din’t Think that word means what you think it means. You should meet some of my highschool buddies

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I love the idea in your post-script of having Mark Twain come up to me and ask for directions. Thanks for this post. Have an amblin’ day.

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Nice essay and keep writing. I'm not sure about the word "woke", however.

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I suspect you'll be getting a call or note from Terry Gross. Maybe she'll interview you.

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Having been born and raised in Minnesota before my family moved East, I share your appreciation of irrelevance. And now in retirement I look forward to enjoying the fruits of your dotage. It keeps me regular - in the Minnesotan sense.

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I read your column to my husband this morning. We laughed until we cried!! Thanks so much for starting our day off right!!!

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I do the same!

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Like quarantine, I’ve always told my kids, if you and your significant other can survive a long car trip, your marriage will make it. You find out a lot about someone trapped in a small, enclosed space for days.

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All true.

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“It heartens me to think of Verdi who composed thundering operas in his eighties; Michelangelo who did fine work in his ninetieth year; and Titian, who painted better than ever in his one hundredth.”

The foregoing is a quote by James Michener. I am 10 years behind you in age, but I work full time, enjoy robust health, pursue favorite interests, and often remark to my beloved wife, Sandra, “I’m just now getting warmed up!”

We have attended your shows, and collected and read your books. Burn ever brighter my friend! We love you for the work you do, and wish you every blessing and success going forward!

David Campbell

Murfreesboro, TN

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And Pablo Casals

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And omg Andres Segovia---witnessed one of his last performances in his 90s in Chicago years ago. He was led on stage, doing the old man shuffle, feebly waving to his audience, helped to his musician's seat, guitar handed to him---and then his age disappeared as he played music of the angels.

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yes, indeed. if only we knew this earlier in our life span. ecclesiastes 9:9

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Hi There. I'm not sure the Republic needs to survive if this is what's necessary to ensure that it will. Maybe we need a new paradigm?

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We do not need Jim Jordan, Josh Hawley et al, though of course we do need a loyal, honest, and competent opposition. And of course we of the npr tribe need to take ourselves less seriously. So thanks for that.

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