I can still hear my Midwest stoic mother, who heard it from her mother: “whaddaya think..the world owes you a living?”. This seems harsh, but ingrained in me that I should always work harder than was required or expected of me to be an acceptable person.

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I am so glad you are on Substack, and I hope to keep reading your measured sensible words right through this crucial year

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I am also from the Midwest and I know all those words you shared. I have not forgotten. Have a Happy Birthday and do eat cake! I do want to say how much I like how you pray. Thank you.

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I think it is so precious that your nephew and his wife named their baby Kamala Harris. God bless them!

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Ah, I have a very very close reader. Bravo.

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I am driving up today to see old friends in Portland, Maine. Reading your reflections this morning I feel like a kindred spirit. You lift up what really counts. Prayer, tears and laughter, they go together.

Thy will be done, thy kingdom come…

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A dear friend of mine, who knew you long ago in Minnesota, died at the end of June. Next time you pray, say his name. Jack Kamerman

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I am sorry to hear that Jack was a large presence wherever he went.I'm sorry we lost touch.

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His third marriage was the charm. Became a doting dad, godfather to our first born. Owner of the largest LP collection I ever saw.

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Thank you for your wisdom and thoughtful humor.

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A pitch perfect reminder of all that blesses so many of us...and prayers for our lives and those who struggle... May I add our returned hostages and their families.

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Thank you for your writing. Gives me hope that old age will be manageable and there will still be pleasure in every day living. Grateful.

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Good morning Garrison

We (my wife and I) are really looking forward to seeing you in Rockingham/Bellows Falls VT on Sunday.

(If you happen to lead the crowd in a sing-along, and are open to suggestions/requests, how about “In the Garden”?

I always loved this hymn as a kid, but I’ve not had a chance to sing it with other folks in an age.)

Hope the current tour is going well.

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Love it- inspiring even to this old agnostic looking for hope if not faith.

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"But God hears the prayers of a sinner," I believe we all who pray for betterment in our life say it. But few pray for the better of others.....or, if they do, have little acquiescence.

Maybe a little more of both prayers could really help.

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"I want to spend my birthday doing a show."

Has also been my tradition to try and spend the natal day on a life's work project. So that, lest I fall dead, they'll say that about me.

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Aug 2·edited Aug 2

In a year when the votes will be cast,

Let kindness and caring hold fast.

With each word that we say,

Let compassion lead the way,

For together, our bonds will outlast!

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Look forward to finally seeing you in person at Cadogan Hall, London in October! Hope the tour is fabulous!! X

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Good morning, Garrison. Thanks, now take the rest of the day off. RR

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