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No, because it would be unbelievable. Biden regularly rides a bike, which I have not been able to re-access in my life. Trump plays the "elite" game of golf, in white pants. How is it they think Trump as "manly " with his fake tan? It's because he talks about hurting people. Joe isn't going to start doing that, either.

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I think you might have read Maureen Dowd’s piece today, too. And all of the reader’s comments. Thank you, Garrison. I hope Joe reads this one.

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"Teddy Roosevelt had the disadvantage of a pampered New York upbringing and he overcame it by going out west and shooting things."

I also remember Pres. Roosevelt trust busting robber-barons and establishing the National Park System. We are no longer in the 19th century and the Wild West has been tamed. Time to demonstrate our power other than at the tip of a gun...

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I don't know how you do it, Garrison, but it must be your Midwest Sensibilities. Always great with the vibe. Describing the uneducated not with words but with graphics. I'm loving this! Ditto on Maureen Dowd today.

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I love you Garrison and I am old DFL from Freeborn County where Wilson Meat packing had their strike and neighbors died...but please tell us the Truth of why they put folks on ice flows (or at least assisted living) when itstime.

i have appreciated your storytelling for 50 years, but its time to be honest and transparent. Not something Lutherans are very good at.

Cheers from Albert Lea MN

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The people see the emperor is naked, There is nothing that can be done to change that reality.

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Here is the information page the publisher Jo-Anne Rosen prepared to which I added the SoundCloud item Hiram Larew made and that you could pass on to others who have access to the internet and might want to know and receive it. And also because you can still online read all the poems that continue to be free online”  

I Am a Fact Not a Fiction: Selected Poems by Edward Mycue & Cover Art by Richard Steger San Francisco poet Edward Mycue was born in Niagara Falls, New York, and raised in Texas from age eleven. He was a Lowell Fellow at Boston University Graduate School of Public Relations and Communications, a WGBH-TV Boston intern, a Macdowell Colony Fellow, a Peace Corps teacher in Ghana, editor at the Norton Coker Press, and he taught American Literature at the International Peoples College in Elsinore, Denmark. He has had 18 books or chapbooks published. His poems appear in multiple anthologies and journals. Am a Fact Not a Fiction is a selection of poems culled from three areas of interest: War and Peace, Life / Time Memory, and History

.--“The precision of Ed Mycue’s dreamscape is laser-sharp and as warm as chocolate. Images rush pell-mell across the page, jumbling and tossing each other aside as one supplants the other in a rush to break the barrier between words and meaning, perception and feeling.” — Laura Kennelly, Ph.D., Associate Editor,  Bach: Journal of the Riemenschneider, Bach Institute

--“Ed Mycue’s poetry is a lifetime of surprises. He was born surprised, grew up on wonder, and now surely lives under the ever crashing waterfalls of amazement. His language is pure chirp, flip and rouse. It never ever sleeps. Savor his lines — like memory — for as long as you dare.” — Hiram Larew, author of More than Anything and Part Of

Now available from the publisher Wordrunner, and Kindle, and Amazon

Sound Cloud audio file -- Stream Edward Mycue Reads Three Poems --

ISBN: 978-1-941066-64-5

58 pages, perfect bound, 5 x 8 inches

$10.00, paperback; $2.99, Kindle

I Am a Fact Not a Fiction: Selected Poems by Edward Mycue & Cover Art by Richard Steger San Francisco poet Edward Mycue was born in Niagara Falls, New York, and raised in Texas from age eleven. He was a Lowell Fellow at Boston University Graduate School of Public Relations and Communications, a WGBH-TV Boston intern, a Macdowell Colony Fellow, a Peace Corps teacher in Ghana, editor at the Norton Coker Press, and he taught American Literature at the International Peoples College in Elsinore, Denmark. He has had 18 books or chapbooks published. His poems appear in multiple anthologies and journals. Am a Fact Not a Fiction is a selection of poems culled from three areas of interest: War and Peace, Life / Time Memory, and History.

--“The precision of Ed Mycue’s dreamscape is laser-sharp and as warm as chocolate. Images rush pell-mell across the page, jumbling and tossing each other aside as one supplants the other in a rush to break the barrier between words and meaning, perception and feeling.” — Laura Kennelly, Ph.D., Associate Editor,  Bach: Journal of the Riemenschneider, Bach Institute

--“Ed Mycue’s poetry is a lifetime of surprises. He was born surprised, grew up on wonder, and now surely lives under the ever crashing waterfalls of amazement. His language is pure chirp, flip and rouse. It never ever sleeps. Savor his lines — like memory — for as long as you dare.” — Hiram Larew, author of More than Anything and Part Of

Now available from the publisher Wordrunner, and Kindle, and Amazon

Sound Cloud audio file -- Stream Edward Mycue Reads Thre Poems -- Audio by Hiram Larew | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

ISBN: 978-1-941066-64-5

58 pages, perfect bound, 5 x 8 inches

$10.00, paperback; $2.99, Kindle

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Here is the information page the publisher Jo-Anne Rosen prepared to which I added the SoundCloud item Hiram Larew made and that you could pass on to others who have access to the internet and might want to know and receive it. And also because you can still online read all the poems that continue to be free online”  

I Am a Fact Not a Fiction: Selected Poems by Edward Mycue & Cover Art by Richard Steger San Francisco poet Edward Mycue was born in Niagara Falls, New York, and raised in Texas from age eleven. He was a Lowell Fellow at Boston University Graduate School of Public Relations and Communications, a WGBH-TV Boston intern, a Macdowell Colony Fellow, a Peace Corps teacher in Ghana, editor at the Norton Coker Press, and he taught American Literature at the International Peoples College in Elsinore, Denmark. He has had 18 books or chapbooks published. His poems appear in multiple anthologies and journals. Am a Fact Not a Fiction is a selection of poems culled from three areas of interest: War and Peace, Life / Time Memory, and History

.--“The precision of Ed Mycue’s dreamscape is laser-sharp and as warm as chocolate. Images rush pell-mell across the page, jumbling and tossing each other aside as one supplants the other in a rush to break the barrier between words and meaning, perception and feeling.” — Laura Kennelly, Ph.D., Associate Editor,  Bach: Journal of the Riemenschneider, Bach Institute

--“Ed Mycue’s poetry is a lifetime of surprises. He was born surprised, grew up on wonder, and now surely lives under the ever crashing waterfalls of amazement. His language is pure chirp, flip and rouse. It never ever sleeps. Savor his lines — like memory — for as long as you dare.” — Hiram Larew, author of More than Anything and Part Of

Now available from the publisher Wordrunner, and Kindle, and Amazon

Sound Cloud audio file -- Stream Edward Mycue Reads Three Poems --

ISBN: 978-1-941066-64-5

58 pages, perfect bound, 5 x 8 inches

$10.00, paperback; $2.99, Kindle

I Am a Fact Not a Fiction: Selected Poems by Edward Mycue & Cover Art by Richard Steger San Francisco poet Edward Mycue was born in Niagara Falls, New York, and raised in Texas from age eleven. He was a Lowell Fellow at Boston University Graduate School of Public Relations and Communications, a WGBH-TV Boston intern, a Macdowell Colony Fellow, a Peace Corps teacher in Ghana, editor at the Norton Coker Press, and he taught American Literature at the International Peoples College in Elsinore, Denmark. He has had 18 books or chapbooks published. His poems appear in multiple anthologies and journals. Am a Fact Not a Fiction is a selection of poems culled from three areas of interest: War and Peace, Life / Time Memory, and History.

--“The precision of Ed Mycue’s dreamscape is laser-sharp and as warm as chocolate. Images rush pell-mell across the page, jumbling and tossing each other aside as one supplants the other in a rush to break the barrier between words and meaning, perception and feeling.” — Laura Kennelly, Ph.D., Associate Editor,  Bach: Journal of the Riemenschneider, Bach Institute

--“Ed Mycue’s poetry is a lifetime of surprises. He was born surprised, grew up on wonder, and now surely lives under the ever crashing waterfalls of amazement. His language is pure chirp, flip and rouse. It never ever sleeps. Savor his lines — like memory — for as long as you dare.” — Hiram Larew, author of More than Anything and Part Of

Now available from the publisher Wordrunner, and Kindle, and Amazon

Sound Cloud audio file -- Stream Edward Mycue Reads Thre Poems -- Audio by Hiram Larew | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

ISBN: 978-1-941066-64-5

58 pages, perfect bound, 5 x 8 inches

$10.00, paperback; $2.99, Kindle

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I do not think Garrison Keillor owns a serious firearm. However, h might be onto something. Biden should stay away from aeroplane steps & podiums. Yes President Cluelessness needs a hobby. I doubt he writes or reads poetry. This was classic satire.

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Joe may dodder a bit, but he's far from the old fool in this race, and that should be enough. I love how sure he is of where he is leading the country and how incredibly effective he has been. I simply don't understand people who can't see that.

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Yay guns! Actually all of Garrison's advice is great except the shooting part. Tramp through some woods, make light of your age (I.e. follow Garrison's lead), self-deprecate w/tongue-in-cheek in response to the nuttier age complaints.

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What about the infamous bike fall? The least to come out of that was having his fellow cyclists feel bad for him. We all forget to clip out once in a while, especially within the first month of the season, which for me is April.

The irony of it all is that the frame builder who made my road bike frame was invited to the White House for an American manufacturing showcase. Unfortunately, it was in 2018. So I have a picture of the President of the United States standing in front of bikes which are very similar to my own, and since it was the previous President (the precedent?), the only thing I could imagine as a caption would be “I don’t know anything about these and will never get on one and ride it.” His supporters don’t strike me as the Middle-Aged-Man-In-Lycra type. Whereas the current President fell down while being a man of the people and gets attacked for making a common mistake that we all make, given enough time. I don’t get it.

Go clipless, Joe, and back out the adjustment screws so it’s extra easy to clip out.

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Actually, this is a great idea. And it should be a photo that can be on billboards in rural areas. Maybe subliminally change their minds. A moment in the voting booth with the pen over the ballot, and a sudden recollection of the dog and the hunting. You just might need to be a presidential advisor...from afar.

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They should have you run… I for one would be beside myself to actually have one of the old-fashioned gun-toting Democrats to vote. I'm pondering the word ecstatic! Yes certainly made the blood pressure settle and just the thought of someone who could tell a man from a woman, without the need to consult with the biological bureaucracy made my day. Small wonder you have such a great and loyal fanbase… Thats what people look forward to hearing an honest man who takes the time to listen to the farmers, who grow the corn and work the good earth. Thanksgiving and thank you for that dear friend.

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I'm a Dem and I hunt. With guns. And a knife. And I dress out and eat the animal I killed. Often with my Republican brother.

I'm also in favor of significant gun legislation to require training to use a gun; and other limits on access to guns.

Gun control needs to be treated similar to owning and using an automobile. Requirements. You get training, you get licensed; the car gets registered. You pay taxes and insurance. Certain individuals are disqualified. Felons, minors, people with mental health issues, people with violent criminal convictions.

Responsibility and Reason.

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It’s sad that so many voters are too shallow to look deeper than a photo, because that’s where the solutions are, down deep. But I agree with Garrison on this strategy.

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