
Good morning, Garrison. Lower the voting age, could help us to keep this country free for a bit longer, yes. Here's what I truly believe. If Garrison Keillor did a talk show using this same logic maybe some of the lost would see the light, and this. If Paul Harvey had never left us and kept up his six day a week radio program, we the people might not be in the mess it looks like we are headed for.

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What a lovely dinner you had!

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Showing that nourishment is more than the food you eat,

it is also those whose company you share along with the food.

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Perhaps God created children (after he created the adults) because he wanted the relief of their laughter: laughter unadorned with sarcasm but marked by that unexpected burst of breath from which the universe was first created. "Let the little ones come unto me, for such is the Kingdom..."

Thank you for this story, Garrison.

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Sounds like the dining room at The St Paul Hotel is still the best restaurant downtown. As a college student in the ''60s I was more inclined toward Alary's Club Bar, the original one on Wabasha, in the Theater District. It had its charms, but not suitable for teenaged girls.

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This is such a beautiful, hope-filled piece. And also being from St Paul (we used to live blocks from you near Grand Ave/Summit when your daughter was a newborn and you would be out taking her for walks ) … the lovely picture of St Paul and downtown - really made my heart sing. It’s such a beautiful place. And how amazing to spend that night with engaged, bright, wise young people. I agree, they are our hope and reason to have hope regardless of how dark things are getting.

Thank you so much.

***PS: I hope you’ll consider doing another livestream of this amazing 50th PHC anniversary tour!!! Maybe one of the sold out St Paul shows … we can all go home again; if only for a few hours. ☮️

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One of your best! I’m still chuckling.

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I remember going to Sardi’s Restaurant in NYC many years ago as a teen with my family. Sitting at a large table right next to us was the actor Jack Lemmon. At the time, he was appearing on Broadway in The Odd Couple. He was surrounded by young adults. I think they must have been young actors. He was holding forth, and they were mesmerized, leaning forward towards him. I think he knew the secret to staying young is to engage with the young.

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You make me smile and offer such hope❣️

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Beautiful GK - it is precious when a young person discovers something profound - their eyes alight with delight or discovery. My first granddaughter is two, and a bottomless well of love from whom I can’t stop drinking. Here’s hoping you stay long-engulfed in your blessed cheerfulness! GM

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I am currently privileged to be part of a volunteer renovation team at our church and school. The congregation purchased a vacant high school near our church and adjacent to another private Catholic school. I, like you, am in my dotage, but still vertical and vital where it counts. Each day I watch a listen as kids from that nearby school come and go, the youngest all talking and bouncing along, and the older talking mostly qietly but with great purpose. These kids give me hope for the future. They are also the reason I am committed to the work that will bring more kids into the youthful choir, a choir that gives both pleasure and hope for the future of the country. So, while the orange one dances his gastly way into a dark footnote, there is a bright future. Thank you.

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Vancouver and improve her. This is why limericks are funny : )

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Glad you had a fine time in St. Paul.

There once was a girl from Saint Paul

Who wore a newspaper dress to the ball

Her dress caught on fire and burned her entire, front page, sports section and all.

Regards, Dan Chadwick

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Hey, you stole my one and only limerick, verbatim!!!

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I too frequently share Twain homilies, especially the one about education. The version I've known is "“I have never let schooling interfere with my education." It's a great message but, alas, evidently not one of his. The correct attribution, if the Internet* can on this occasion be believed, is to Twain's contemporary Grant Allen. But it certainly sounds like Twain, and it's something every academic needs to hear repeatedly.

* https://marktwainstudies.com/the-apocryphal-twain-i-have-never-let-schooling-interfere-with-my-education/

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Come to think of it, Trump is kinda funny!

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But bot funny in the ha ha way.

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Like Lupo the Butcher - "...ha-ah, DAM!!"

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It must be so fun having you for an uncle, and a great one at that! Do the kids call you "Uncle Garrison" or "Uncle Gary?" I'm glad that you lived through the off-season oysters. Isn't there a better way to introduce Twain to your youngsters than risking your life that way? I keep picturing in my mind all the things that could have gone wrong with that bit of "poor judgment." Ah well, a good time was had by all it seems. Many more, Uncle Gary . . . have many, many more!

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More Trump BS. Your obsession with the man is really remarkable. Nonetheless, glad you had a nice dinner. Still waiting for the Hunter Biden column. Might be a long wait I realize.

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13

How does it feel, Mr. Cook, to be so tiresome and so tireless? A rare combination.

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Be fair and you will never hear from me. If it were Trump who had a deadbeat son like Hunter you would rail about it constantly. Because it is Biden’s son we get crickets. You insult and demean Trump constantly. I know your core loves it. Call me an outlier.

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

Your admiration of Trump tells me all I need to know about you. To be a fan of outright dishonesty and corruption on a scale never before seen in American history must take quite an imagination on your part. When you've tried to overthrow an election and encouraged an attack on the Capitol, you've hit a depth that your sons cannot possibly compete with. Go back to Bannon and Hannity where your friends are.

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Seems I have a little company if you have looked at recent polling. You see and articulate everything through your narrow prism. A little push back is rare on this site. Your reaction to me is a reflection of your cozy little echo chamber. Lots of good people will be voting for Trump, your demonization is merely a speed bump.

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If you really don't understand why your hero is so fascinating, look up the transcript of his recent speech in Las Vegas (or maybe Reno) where he went on for quite some time about sharks and whether one would rather die by electrocution or by shark attack. This is a long passage of a speech at a campaign rally and it's not like anything you'd expect from a candidate for the presidency. Have a look and tell me what you think.

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Grasping at straws since Biden is so incoherent… Having a little fun with his audience while poking fun at electric boats. I could show you a montage of Biden that makes this look like a dissertation by Einstein. Shows you how desperate the mainstream media has become.

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