You could, but sould not, be an ambassador for New York, you might look peculiar in formal attire and should therefore resist their feeble pleas to accept the job. Continue to enjoy the parade as "The sun pulls away from the shore, and our boat sinks slowly in the West" (Spike Jones, Ca 1943)
You could, but sould not, be an ambassador for New York, you might look peculiar in formal attire and should therefore resist their feeble pleas to accept the job. Continue to enjoy the parade as "The sun pulls away from the shore, and our boat sinks slowly in the West" (Spike Jones, Ca 1943)
You could, but sould not, be an ambassador for New York, you might look peculiar in formal attire and should therefore resist their feeble pleas to accept the job. Continue to enjoy the parade as "The sun pulls away from the shore, and our boat sinks slowly in the West" (Spike Jones, Ca 1943)