I had no idea, either - I grew up in MA and now I live in NH - always in the more rural parts of both states. I've only been to NYC twice, once on a school field trip to see the Statue of Liberty in the 1970's (when the teacher-chaperones had to plead with some of the more boisterous students to keep their middle fingers away from the wi…
I had no idea, either - I grew up in MA and now I live in NH - always in the more rural parts of both states. I've only been to NYC twice, once on a school field trip to see the Statue of Liberty in the 1970's (when the teacher-chaperones had to plead with some of the more boisterous students to keep their middle fingers away from the windows) and once for a brief stop at Grand Central Station on a bus trip to SC with my hubby to pick up a van he'd bought on Ebay (where I watched a uniformed gentleman checking everyone's luggage - one non-English speaking elderly lady opened up her suitcase and a gigantic ham rolled out. The inspector tried vainly to explain that she couldn't bring the ham out of the state, but finally gave up when it was clear she had no idea what he was saying - and that the rest of the passengers were clearly on the ham lady's side).
I knew about the coyotes from a documentary I'd once watched, but some of the others surprised me. Who would think that NYC would end up with so many deer that they would have to do vasectomies on the bucks? Personally, I would be more worried about the two legged critters myself, but that's just me. You're a lot braver than I am!
I had no idea, either - I grew up in MA and now I live in NH - always in the more rural parts of both states. I've only been to NYC twice, once on a school field trip to see the Statue of Liberty in the 1970's (when the teacher-chaperones had to plead with some of the more boisterous students to keep their middle fingers away from the windows) and once for a brief stop at Grand Central Station on a bus trip to SC with my hubby to pick up a van he'd bought on Ebay (where I watched a uniformed gentleman checking everyone's luggage - one non-English speaking elderly lady opened up her suitcase and a gigantic ham rolled out. The inspector tried vainly to explain that she couldn't bring the ham out of the state, but finally gave up when it was clear she had no idea what he was saying - and that the rest of the passengers were clearly on the ham lady's side).
I knew about the coyotes from a documentary I'd once watched, but some of the others surprised me. Who would think that NYC would end up with so many deer that they would have to do vasectomies on the bucks? Personally, I would be more worried about the two legged critters myself, but that's just me. You're a lot braver than I am!