Extinguished rather than distinguished. Great line.

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The speaky Keill gets the gre-... er... oil.

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One of your best. If this is you demented then please stop swilling the olive oil this instant!!

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Everyone is singing the praises of olive oil to reduce and or eliminate dementia. I wonder.

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Here it is. The complaint of a man who has led a truly blessed life: you forgot A WORD. And from the sound of it maybe this is the first time this has occurred! Of all the two hundred thousand words in your lexicon, you forgot one. One. So maybe your IQ dropped from 180 to 179. You'll get by. You have eighty some-odd years on the odometer - what do you expect? Think of how lucky you are. At any cue, be it in an elevator or on the can, you could tell fifty jokes from memory - and tell them well. You've written how many books? You've managed to live through six wars and at least three complete revolutions in communication, and here you are! You have a loving wife. An apartment in New York. You're able to observe both pampered liberals and brainwashed conservatives in their own specious baths of self-absorber brine and quip about it. And you're worried about a word?? Get ahold of yourself. Work it into your act... What do you expect from a guy who can't keep on the same subject for more than twelve lines? I'm talking to you, mister. Come back when you can't remember how to spell Dysarrtsville, Minnesoda. Till then, count your blessings.

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Popeye's love of Olive Oyl is probably the reason for his long, lusty life - along with spinach, of cours.

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You are amazing. Really good olive oil on Ice cream is a thing. Keep your stick on the ice. Everything will be okay.

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You seem to be very concerned about your mental competency, my friend. You are a flesh and blood person, with all the faults and frailties of a human being. You're also a loved and respected person. People would go out of their way to help and keep you safe. You’re gonna be fine.

The lovely and talented Doris Day said it best, “Que sera, sera.”. Worrying is just a waste of energy and time. If you like olive oil, “Enjoy”. My Italian wife uses “first cold pressed extra virgin olive oil” in her recipes. I can’t tell the difference between it and corn oil, but l am also Irish.

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oh wow -- that was terrific, dear Garrison!

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Well no, you"re not "Writing Nonsense". You are where most of us are which is a place of feeling uncertain about what it's all about. The longer you are on this planet the less certain you are about any of it. Olive oil has nothing to do with it. Other than being a great pairing with red vinegar on a green salad with salt and pepper.

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Mine sits waiting. I am sceptical of all recommendations. I could sip some with my coffee. I could do that.

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You are so funny !! I am a fan from New Zealand .. grew up in Kenya listening to cassette tapes of your Lake Wobbegon series visitors brought us from overseas. ..

Olive oil was also a delicacy , brought to us by overseas visitors ..

I think you are very sharp .. keep calm, carry on and please keep making me chuckle ..Thanks GK !!

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I read the same article and now have sworn off butter in favor of olive oil. Also ordered the “weighted vest” which can carry up to 10 lbs while you walk the dog (supposed to be good for your core.) Also add B vitamins & methylfolate per Dr Sanjay Gupta on the dementia. He said go for prevention since there is no cure once you get it.

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The ingredients in pancake mix keep you from being demented. The olive oil, cemented, yet it must be from Italy ( avoiding Greece and Portugal ) which must be the extra virgin version. Always ask for a photo ID declaring virginity and the last four digits of the SSN. Virgins often carry fake ID's. Too, the olive oil can be a useful substitute for 10W40 or as a lubricant to the squeaky back porch screen door if you're sneaking in late. Full disclosure : do not harvest olives that were born with a pimento uterus. DrC

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Enjoying this article with a sip of olive oil.

And now putting it in my smoothie for breakfast.

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My friend says she is having trouble with "mentation." I agree with the commenter below that you will keep dementia at bay forever. My problem is a voice tremor; let's hope you keep your soothing voice forever.

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