You are still writing and I'm grateful for that

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How had I not found you in so long? Yes, I’d not looked and thus popped up. Needed. Wanted. Thank you.

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Good one! I wish that we had a short lesbian former mayor with whom I could reminisce.

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Like Latimer, you are an icon on many fronts and will remain so until our generation will have passed. Actually, our generation has already passed.

But a few octogenarians, like us, and some active nonogenarians remain whose marbles still roll about and the marble roller can tell us why they did and they still do. George looks somewhat like unto a political middleman even though he's not.

So does Garrison in his field. One can't sell their own goods without pushing their enduring-ness. You have it and George had it too. But, I think you both have been wakened to nothing lasts forever.

We need more unoffensive Georges and Garrisons!

The Good News for Garrison is you can sir sing in both parties and enjoy it and still be loved.

Libraries are on the way out for most of us, given our handheld libraries. It's best to stick with the music, played and sung.....and be sure to include "Nearer My God to Thee." We all are nearer.....Use it!

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Thank you. Reading this changed my whole mood this morning. Yes we do crossword puzzles and, wordle too!

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Garrison, does anybody not like you? Really not like you. Sometimes I say similar stuff as you, in different ways of course. and it causes people to shy away from me, it seems. After reading sentence after sentence here today I hear my thoughts and I'm feeling happy and have no negative feelings. Mostly because I agree totally but I feel that some on the other side would/should be upset. Thanks. RRoeder

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I bet there a few. But they're probably kind of lazy -- I mean, it's easy to dislike someone you've never met.

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As I read this column, I remembered attending your show last year in Highlands, North Carolina and listening to the host who introduced you. If you are a modest person in your bones, which I sense you are, do you wince a bit at being introduced as a national treasure (or as someone whose name should go on a library or building?) Not that you, present and alive, haven't earned the accolades.

Hey, I just got a more down-to-earth idea: maybe we readers should stop thinking of ourselves as followers or fans and start calling ourselves Garries. It makes you less ossified and still honored.

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Nice column. You and I see through the same lenses when it comes to current progressive issues.

I am old fashioned and I am still focused on the problems women currently face in the United States: women currently making $0.82 for every dollar men make; the glass ceiling for women in business and government (yes, we are about 50% woment); unrecognized sexual violence against women (remember all the national issues that were brought up when Brett Cavanaugh was going through his nomination?); and of course reproductive rights for women. It seems to me that focus on gender fluidity takes resources away from some basic progress that must be made for women.

I hope the rumor is true and that you are coming to New Orleans later this summer. If true, I can't wait to buy tickets. But you have to be careful around here in the summer. Hurricane season is predicted to be especially ornery.

Take care, stay healthy, and thanks again for your thoughts.

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I just read an article that some streams and rivers in Alaska are turning orange due to the permafrost starting to thaw. The world we knew is indeed slipping away.

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I am a proud Unitarian, and I did enjoy your thoughts. Thanks for the chuckles!

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HI Garrison,

In response to your comments of politically correctness via "vertically challenged," I thought you might enjoy an old piece of my doggerel:

Beyond Pretentious Feminine Statements

A Pretentious Feminine Statement is one that boldly insists

on changing familiar language to hit you square with both fists.

Feminists often change spellings so the new words tend to reflect

the uniqueness of feminine gender, which they feel we tend to neglect.

They must think that men chose the spellings, so they might forever attach

themselves to the gender of females, which they must have thought was no match.

But beware, oh ye masters of language! You’ve opened a big can of worms!

And now there are women among us who will give you good reason to squirm.

The women now are rebelling, calling for our veneration

of new words they think are important for upcoming generations.

But folks find these changes confusing and not at all crystal clear.

Some just show up in the spelling and others in words that you hear.

W - O - M - O - N is now “woman,” removing the obvious letters.

By taking “man” from the spelling, a Feminist shakes off her fetters.

They want to change the word “women” to W - I - M - Y - N

They hope that the new way of spelling will remove any reference to men.

They want to change the word “female” to F - E - M - A - Y - L - E

They’re simply saying that women are no male appendage, you see?

But while the Feminists might have begun it, others are following suit

and hoping to change our language and give our old word forms the boot.

Now it’s not just the Feminists changing the language that we all know.

A great many groups are attacking and each group is finding a foe.

And with all these pretentious reworkings, nothing now seems the same,

The “Spinally Challenged Frenchman” is the Hunchback of Notre Dame fame.

An ugly man’s “differently visaged,” the mean are “kindness-impaired.”

The fat? “Circumferentially challenged!” The bald are now just “unhaired!”

The old are “chronologically advantaged,” the handicapped, “differently abled.”

The things that we once had words for have been politically correctly relabeled.

So please, let’s give up the pretensions and use language as it was made.

A shovel’s no “earth reassembler” so let’s call a spade a “spade.”

Annette Chaudet

PS/ Thanks again for keeping me smiling!

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May 24·edited May 24

For anyone who applauds a loser proclaiming himself a winner there is a special social media site where every post is a "truth" and every lie shared is a "re-truth." It's great entertainment and the true® definition of patriotism. When you're a star they let you do it!

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Some days, Garrison, you sound like an old guy. To this old gal, originally from Schenectardy.

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I'm 5’ and have been all my life. No one provided me with stilts. Maybe because I was born in 1951. You are the voice of reason and a blessing to your “followers.” Love you Garr!

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The Lebanese/Lesbian anecdote is preciously priceless.

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Best warning sign I've seen recently was at a ski slope, " Warning, the terrain ahead may include hazards that are not well marked."

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