Sikh is pronounced “sick” not “seek”! Give a kiss to my City. Best city in the world! Loved growing up there. Happy you’re enjoying it!

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Helene Maram

Deaf people cannot hear a podcast. We need to see it transcribed. You are leaving out a huge segment of people who would pay if they received equal access. Thank you

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Observe the top right-hand corner, where it says "transcript".

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YES! Thank You

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YES Thank You

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A delightful cogent rendering of the best and worse of NYC - where I enjoyed the first 17 years of my life.

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Great piece, GK. And I admire you all the more for acknowledging that element of luck involved in making it in the arts. I would be the last to not also admire your talent, hard work, and keen self-editing eye.

But your Angel Mary had a good day and spotted your stories in the slush pile of thousands. What if she had a bad cold that day, or a boyfriend had jilted her the night before? The world might have missed Garrison Keillor, and wouldn’t that have been a shame.

Oh, and you pronounced “Sikh” perfectly. I checked “The Google.”

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Oh my my. If not for Substack Sunday I’d have lost your Taxi , Algonquin , Crab cakes, soup and Jenny. Of course your book was bought. We all need your voice

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…thanks to an angel named Mary…and Roger!!

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