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Jul 31
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Some may call it distasteful, but actually you are showing Trump all the respect he deserves.

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Finally, I have HOPE!!!! The future may be BRIGHT!

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Be Kamala's VP!

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Tears of joy! The Democrats get something right finally. There is hope.

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“Go home and read French novels and be less miserable.” Great line! Thanks.

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In the race, Swift's fans take a stand,

For Kamala, they hope she'll command.

With rallies and cheers,

They'll conquer their fears,

As "Swifties for Harris" expand.

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A new take on "History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes"?

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Very clever, sir.

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God (or whatever) save us from the florid vapidity of Taylor Swift. Good Lord!

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Indeed, Mr. Keillor. Compared to the great Orange stain on the carpet of America, Attorney Harris seems like, not just a breath of fresh air but an entire Canadian cold front coming through your present city of Chicago, clearing out mega-tons of atmospheric dreck in minutes.

But have you (or most of us) looked at her record as DA in CA? She threw parents in jail if their kids were too often truant.

Now, there have been notable examples of seemingly authoritarian personalities becoming great progressives. Two that come to mind are Franklin Roosevelt. Before 1933 FDR was an ambitious if somewhat rudderless New York politico. Once elected to President he surrounded himself with some of the best economic-political minds in America including John Maynard Keynes (perhaps the greatest, most insightful economist of all time) and Francis Perkins (the first female Cabinet member). As well as Adolph Berle who was the brains behind much of the New Deal.

The second authoritarian turned progressive was Chief Justice (of the Supreme Court) Earl Warren. In the late 1950s Warren was a prosecutor in California (not unlike Ms. Harris's earlier job). It is said that Eisenhower nominated him to the High Court because it was thought he would be tough on crime. Instead once Warren was secure in his position on The Court he enacted over a period of about 15 years some of the most remarkably progressive criminal procedure laws (Supreme Court rulings) probably in the history of the world. Justice Warren gave us the Miranda Warnings (You have a right to an attorney, the right to remain silent...etc.) as well as other protections against arbitrary detainment and imprisonment by over zealous authorities. When asked why he had forsaken his tough on crime roots his response was he had seen too many innocent people railroaded into prison during his term as a prosecutor and he wanted to enact protections against such police state tactics.

Let up hope Ms. Harris makes the same sort of progressive turn around. Some of her initial speeches have been heartening. She will certainly be better for the working-classes of this country than another four years of an amoral, self-aggrandizing narcissist who offered to sell America to his fossil fuel supporters in the oil extraction industry for a billion dollars. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/09/trump-asks-oil-executives-campaign-finance-00157131#:~:text=Former%20President%20Donald%20Trump%20asked,troubling%20but%20is%20probably%20legal.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but Kamala threatened to throw parents in jail, but no parents went to jail (source Wikipedia). Her approach of going after truancy was a brilliant move that brought truancy down, and as she hoped, juvenile violent crime also decreased (source Wikipedia). I wish more cities took this approach to save at risk youth.

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Honestly, the children of the people Harris threatened to jail (both they and their children) have no realistic stake in America anyway. Whether the kids go to school or not doesn't really matter. The vast majority of these people are consigned by America's hierarchical, class based society to the lowest of the low working class or welfare class. They have no opportunity and never will. Whether they attend school or not is largely irrelevant. These kids (and their families) have no stake in America and never will. Harris used them (cynically I might add) as a political football to advance her tough on, not crime, but the poor and downtrodden,bolstering her image of an authoritarian tough on the lower classes.

Supremely cynical pandering to conservatives tough on crime, law and order types (who, the only thing they really care about is protecting their property from the have nots.) All I am saying is Harris and her supporters should be honest regarding her record. What she does in the future remains to be seen.

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In saying whether the "kids go to school or not doesn't really matter", you seem to be unaware of Dr. Ben Carson's life story. Check it out before you repeat your opinion.. In Carson's recent interview with Tucker Carlson he tells his story.

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A one in a million (sometimes called a "black swan event" ; no reference to Mr. Carson's skin color) occurrence is what statisticians refer to as statistically irrelevant. There are always exception to the rule (or the overwhelming trend). They are so rare as to have no significance.

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By the way, in case you are so naive, the American media trots out these "rags to riches" Horatio Algier stories every so often to preserve the image of America as an "equal opportunity for all" society.

If you are over a certain age and are still hoodwinked by these fairy tales then I pity you, sir.

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What is with people accosting other citizens and diminishing their rights or place in society based on whether or not they have a (perceived) stake in the future? Has Congress passed a Constitutional amendment reestablishing the three-fifths compromise?

And how would you suggest to level the playing field and give everyone a path of mobility out of these classes you mention? By giving up on them and not encouraging them to complete a basic education? Have you considered that by branding them “losers” and actively discouraging them from participating in democracy, and trying to take away their rights, is akin to slavery?

VP Harris’s own life is an example of how to break the system you outlined.


As soon as someone starts tipping the scales and affording more rights to one individual relative to another, they deny them what is constitutionally theirs. “Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is no democracy.”

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Mr. Oswald, You completely misunderstand my comment. I am not "accosting other citizens and diminishing their rights..." in any way. I am simply telling the truth about American society. It is a very hierarchical society (despite the lies and myths about it being completely fair and egalitarian) in which some people, due to the circumstances they were born in have little to no opportunity. For material success. I know this personally.

If you prefer to believe in lies, myths and fairy tales about how America is an "equal opportunity" society then go ahead and delude yourself.

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There is a distinct separation between what I view as reality and what I believe we should strive toward. The suggestion by one Vice Presidential nominee that parents should have more of a say in the country’s political future is amazingly shortsighted, insulting to so many, and just plain stupid. History may remember that statement for what it is, which is pure horse manure, and as the quote that sank an entire presidential campaign. His statements set the boundaries: if you want to maintain the current system which neglects citizens who are not born into wealth, vote for them. If you believe in true freedom to be rewarded proportional to your effort, and to attempt to repair the injustices of the past and present, then don’t. By classifying ideals outlined in the founding documents of this country as “lies, myths and fairy (sic) tales,” you are perpetuating oppression. Just because things have historically been done a certain way does not make it just, legal or correct.

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Interesting that you use the word cynical, because your comments here are the height of cynicism. Truly disturbing.

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If this is "disturbing" to you I suggest you (as the saying goes) get a life.

I 'm just being realistic. You seem to misunderstand what I am saying about Ms. Harris. I am not against her. I am simply calling attention to her actions in the past. We shall see what she does in the future.

If you wish to ignore or cover up her past perhaps adhering to the old adage that "ignorance is bliss" then fine. Have at it.

I prefer to know what happened in the past.

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As interpreted by whom?

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When she became Attorney General many of her DA's below her did indeed follow her guidance and throw parents in jail for allegedly truant children. As I said in a previous comment, these people (the lower classes that Harris opportunistically used to promote her "tough on crime" credentials) are irrelevant to the American capitalist system anyway. Whether incarcerated on petty charges or struggling in minimum (slave) wage jobs doesn't really make any difference. These folks don't count in America except as political footballs to be kicked around by people like Harris. And used by their capitalist master as sources of productivity and wealth for the capitalist masters (like, not to mention any names, Bezos and those like him).

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Does anyone really believe that "the leopard will change is spots"?!!! Kamala's record of incarcerating people (Black people, mainly) in California is chilling and will undoubtedly provide fodder for some powerful negative campaign ads against her by the Republicans. And, BTW - while lauding FDR for turning "progressive" let us not forget his herding the people of Japanese descent into camps during WWII and some of FDR's solutions to bring back demand were brutal on the farmers. So, while it is correct to recognize his progressivism, we must also recognize that his tendency towards being authoritarian did not diminish when he became POTUS. So, while we can hope for the best that Kamala will evolve, it's far from conclusive that she will.

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So you would have us vote for the authoritarian felon who cavorts with white supremacists?

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The thought of someone turning Mr. Golfpants upside down and jiggling him makes *me* smile. 😅

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French novels... less miserable...aw, ya still got it!

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Well said, Mr. K. Thank you!

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I am so hopeful that I think she can carry Texas!

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What percentage of your population are women who can and will vote? Or has Abbott outlawed that too?

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A very fine piece. It does my heart well to see something so... so... *sprightly* from you this morning. Thanks!

Aside from the tone and the topic (a sprightly enough one, thank the gods of current events), one thing occurred to me when reading this. To wit: "Mr. Keillor really loves writing, doesn't he?" Oh, I know it's often a slog. But then I come across a passage like "...read French novels and be less miserable" and I think, "Oboy -- you *had* to have a grin on your face when that one unspooled from your fingertips!"

Well done, sir. And a pleasant Wednesday to you!

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The reality TV star with the orange hair booped his pants when he realized he'd been elected the first time. Now constipated with power he can't get off the porcelain throne as he surrounds himself purloined Top Secret documents and sycophants. Anything resembling a smile originates from that stoppage and his smirk of contempt.

Open the windows, let in the fresh air, and let us all break out in a well-deserved smile. Thank you Joe, Go Kamala!

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Correction: gilded porcelain throne.

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a king must have his gold!

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The joy felt from Kamala’s now-secure nomination (thanks to all who worked those phone!)is heightened by your words. This is the most glorious tribute to a country that can and a woman who will.

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Now if only you can get the Republicans to have a good week or two. (Sometimes it takes an extra week). It's the coalescence that matters most. Let's reach out irrespective.. There's room for us all....

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Trump isn't a Republican. He's an authoritarian.

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