Hello Garrison: If you came to our home and did something entertaining for us and a few friends and I pretended to be Rich Dworsky playing our baby grand piano, you would not get sick, I promise. What is available for you? RR
I’m going on 70 and I still I like to dance to disco, sing to Johnny Cash and Alan Jackson, head bang to Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones, feel the remorse of a lost love hearing Edda James sing At Last.
I have never played the Hollywood Bowl but I too am a relic, albeit not yet 80. Happy to be connected to you in any old way. You played Fayetteville AR several years ago to a packed house, and thanks to the feeling of being surrounded by good people, I let my voice out and sang! It was glorious! 💕
Hi, How are you? I am Jordan by name. I am in my 70s. I clicked on you and i think it would be nice to get to know more about each other, if you don't mind. Hope to hear from you soon.
and.... 8 years ago... you FILLLED the Hollywood Bowl... !!...sold out crowd..!! primo!!!.
and it was EXQUISITE!!.... soo AWESOME!.. thank YOU soo much!.
and the POTUS CALLED you!..... KUDOS!!..
and sooooo THANKFUL you are still performing.. you messages are exquisite! and soooo very VERY helpful in a hundred ways!... !!.... and the laughter is VITAL now...
Twenty-one years ago you did a wonderful narration for my first documentary film, "THE DANISH SOLUTION" about the rescue of the Danish Jews in 1943. (Co-produced and directed by Danish national Camilla Kjaerulff.) I've made three additional documentaries - the last entitled "RETURN" about Native American women reclaiming their foodways for health and spirit. Why relevant? One of the women featured in the film lived and flourished in Menomonie, Wisconsin. Such a wonderful place.
One of my frequent pleasures is reading your columns. Tusind Tak!
Very insightful piece, told with flare and verve, and all tied up nicely with compassion and joy.
I greatly appreciated listening to the Poets’ record this summer.
Hello Garrison: If you came to our home and did something entertaining for us and a few friends and I pretended to be Rich Dworsky playing our baby grand piano, you would not get sick, I promise. What is available for you? RR
Good stuff.
We’re all gonna die soon enough.
So let’s watch some baseball before we do, drink a beer, eat a good mustarded brat . . . and smile more. 😎
PS: I typed this on my phone with just my right thumb while listening to some old Bob Dylan who is older than you, GK! 😜 https://youtu.be/IwOfCgkyEj0?feature=shared
Some wonderful reminders for us all. Thank-you
Looking forward to seeing you at Bombyx in Northampton in April!!
What a wonder - thank you!!
Do you wear a mask when you talk to your fans up close? I hope you recover quickly from the flu!
GK, My grown daughter Margaret was delighted to hear that you are a swifty! See, you’re branching out to new generations all the time. Peace, Wells+
I’m going on 70 and I still I like to dance to disco, sing to Johnny Cash and Alan Jackson, head bang to Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones, feel the remorse of a lost love hearing Edda James sing At Last.
Life is good.
It is simply wonderful to listen to Keillor opine. He is a real treasure.
I have never played the Hollywood Bowl but I too am a relic, albeit not yet 80. Happy to be connected to you in any old way. You played Fayetteville AR several years ago to a packed house, and thanks to the feeling of being surrounded by good people, I let my voice out and sang! It was glorious! 💕
Hi, How are you? I am Jordan by name. I am in my 70s. I clicked on you and i think it would be nice to get to know more about each other, if you don't mind. Hope to hear from you soon.
and.... 8 years ago... you FILLLED the Hollywood Bowl... !!...sold out crowd..!! primo!!!.
and it was EXQUISITE!!.... soo AWESOME!.. thank YOU soo much!.
and the POTUS CALLED you!..... KUDOS!!..
and sooooo THANKFUL you are still performing.. you messages are exquisite! and soooo very VERY helpful in a hundred ways!... !!.... and the laughter is VITAL now...
"Do Taylor’s fans get to share their germs with her?" No. But unlike GK, I'm not really sure she actually exists : )
Book Ends - sort of.
Twenty-one years ago you did a wonderful narration for my first documentary film, "THE DANISH SOLUTION" about the rescue of the Danish Jews in 1943. (Co-produced and directed by Danish national Camilla Kjaerulff.) I've made three additional documentaries - the last entitled "RETURN" about Native American women reclaiming their foodways for health and spirit. Why relevant? One of the women featured in the film lived and flourished in Menomonie, Wisconsin. Such a wonderful place.
One of my frequent pleasures is reading your columns. Tusind Tak!
Thanks Garrison. Glorious to hear your voice here. No other like it. That is part of my moments of happiness. Thank you.