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There's a deep truth buried in the app world. You found it. Congratulations.

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As usual, you gave me some good laughs. And hidden in all the humor was the hint that the heart surgery went well. Hallelujah for that!

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Innovation is indeed wonderful. But it can be carried to annoying extremes. Remember the old thermostats with dials? If you wanted your house at 70, you turned the dial, the heat came on, and when 70 was achieved, the furnace shut off. After a while when it cooled off a bit, the furnace kicked in again. Anybody could do this.

Now I have a thermostat with about 15 functions and 5 buttons. There are cryptic codes for each function involving specific buttons and numbers; when seasons change from sweltering to chilly, I just want to unplug the thing. I am told it saves energy through innovation and technology; I think it saves energy because if you press enough buttons and sacrifice a peanut butter sandwich, it shuts off.

I am so pleased that your ersatz pack of cigs has given you more time with us. May you not spend it programming a thermostat, but rather strolling with your sweetie.

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Keep right on going, Mr. Keillor. I'm paying rapt attention.

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No, don’t shut up. Please keep rolling along. We need you, Garrison. Thank You.

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I looked up biobot just to see if you were on to something. No you are not. It says biobot tracks waste-water from Covid 19. That's a good one.

Also you should listen to Adele. She is great. I am closing in on your age, but appreciate some newer music.

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I've heard that 100% of that authority that men acquire is from that test in which they believed they got all the right answers. When the women witnessed this they elicited a rather testy moan. The men went on to discover that new hormone they dubbed testoserone.

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Priceless! Your writing improves with the years.

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Good morning from Ohio Garrison.

So glad you let us know how it is going. You do remember the Smothers Brothers and Jack Benny and that is comforting.

I heard the Smothers Bros at the Fraze near Dayton, and you too

I think at least a couple times open to elements. Magical.

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You got me with the defibulater feeling like a pack of Luckies. It motivated a long lost tic of reaching for the shirt pocket pack. Ah- I used to enjoy a Lucky. And they only cost a quarter a pack.

Well, at the pharmacy and the hospital I'm known as 9,24,41. I suspect that you have similar numbers. BUT..I've survived the luckies and two years work in an asbestos mill also leaded gas and paint, cleaning grease with carbon tet, dissecting a frog in formaldehyde- the list goes on. I thumb my nose at the number because the only real concession I give to "old" age is....i really don't care much.

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You are a treat gathering my scattered thoughts and presenting them in an organized and charming way I never could. You represent a friend so hard to find. I thank you.

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I wish I had an AlexaPlus. Lots of people look familiar but I don't know who they are - but they know who I am.

Blackburnian warblers are among my favourites. They are stunning. You're lucky to have seen a couple of them. The females are grey and yellow instead of black and orange.

And I love this new Comments thing. It's easy to use.

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I’m 70 , with health issues similar to yours, and I’m just glad the coffee maker works.

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I just love starting my day with a cup of coffee and you, sir. 🤗

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You have not lost your wit.

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