Don't fret: I used my iNavturalist app on my homestead, and discovered that my alpine wether was an east African antelope, and my Road Island red was a South Asian jungle foul.

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Just what we need Obama, Clinton, and Bush. I'd prefer the actual Three Stooges.

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As it stands, if Biden had shut himself up- no debates no interviews no press conferences he would now be so far ahead of the game. instead its just sad. Anyway- "silent monarchs"- bless you Garrison for once again diverting us from the pathos of the present.

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"Smarter than I?" I thought it was "smarter than me." I googled it, and it seems that you're correct but only because you're part of a "select group of grammar enthusiasts." https://www.merriam-webster.com/grammar/than-what-follows-it-and-why

I also googled your wild claims about leaders in Nigeria and found some support for that too, but the source is the BBC. More snobbery. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-11418542

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“He is smarter than I am.” Not, “He is smarter than me am.” You can tell which form is correct by adding the verb at the end of sentence.

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Thank You, Michele

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Ha! Well done! Your remark reminded me of my eighth grade teacher. Sister Francis! Loved that lady!

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Prof. Mandrioli, I guess that you are smarter than me too. Thank you for a better explanation than Merriam-Webster gave me . . . I mean, gave I . . . oh never mind.

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Don't mess with the master : )

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I ponder what silk scarf colors would suit Donald and Joseph's skin tone to make their eye color pop.

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It's possible Donny will change his skin color to a different shade of orange.

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Wouldn't surprise me one bit.

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Political malpractice out there— I’m also all for MACA. Have a joyous event tomorrow in Minnesota.


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For every single demand, observation, criticism, notation of error aimed at Biden, the identical demand, observation, criticism, notation of error must be aimed at voldemort.

Yes, Biden introducing the intrepid, noble President Zelensky as "President Putin" was possibly the worst mistake he has ever spoken, and saying he chose "Vice President Trump" was cause to draw up again into the fetal position and cover one's ears, it is wise to remember: he immediately corrected himself about the Zelensky/putin error. Trump has NEVER, EVER corrected himself about anything (that would take several lifetimes!). And the Harris, not trump, error - well, maybe he doesn't really want Harris as his VP or maybe he's hoping Harris will vanquish trump. Hard to say.

But until "the world" starts countering the "Biden must go" because of those errors and "the debate" with all of the endless, obscene, vile, dangerous, cruel, erroneous, filthy, crude, stupid, ignorant, deceptive, lying, con-man, fraudulent, bullying, phony, hate-filled garbage Trump spews and demands that HE withdraw, go away, is too old, is unfit, is a criminal, fraudulent, dangerous traitor - then any criticism of Biden can be answered with: we are voting on policy; we are voting on the issue of evil versus occasional errors; we are voting to destroy the lust for fascism (again!) and voting for those who love the dream of America and want to work (over and over again) to achieve it!

By the way, as Rick Wilson has said: Everything Trump Touches Dies. That includes trees and nations.

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An editorial in the Washington Poast points out that it's time to analyze Trump speeches with the same fervor and accuracy. Others have said that it's Trump who should withdraw.

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Of course trump should withdraw and get fitted for an orange jumpsuit. The additional release of the legal files regarding the vile Jeffrey Epstein in which trump's name with references to horrific accusations against him appear many times can be added to the very long list of obscenities that that criminal has attached to him. He is unfit for anything, let alone to be President of our country. The only problem with trump withdrawing (and he won't.....dictator dreams and all) is that another member of that treasonous, criminal cult would step into his fetid shoes. It is the whole degenerate "movement" that must be soundly and definitively rejected!! (is that what criminal mobs are called now? "movements"? Is that a gastrointestinal reference?)

This election is a question of evil, amorality, corruption, con-man, fraud, deception with plans for the fascist take-over of the country while that cult's defrauding leader continues to conduct the biggest con-game he has ever run even after a lifetime as a professional con-man, a traitor who makes constant loud verbal mistakes while lying, mocking, bullying, demeaning everyone, especially the many, many, many who are so much better than he has ever been - VERSUS - an elder statesman who makes verbal mistakes and isn't as cognitively nimble as he once was but is more knowledgeable and decent on a bad day than trump could ever be on his best day ( trump has no "best days" even though his "wife" called upon the youth of America to "be best" - such an inspiration she is, with her fashion statements like "I don't really care, do you?" when considering children being separated and misplaced by her "husband's" decisions....such a fine person, that one, and a marriage made in heaven.... or a lawyer's office....or Jeffrey Epstein's parties.)

Oh yes, trump should withdraw and then our country should hire some serious cleaning agency to begin the process of wiping away the filth and the stain and the garbage he has spread.

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I happen to know the ghosts of Hugo Chavez and Simon Bolivar stole my vote because I saw it with my own eyes, and then a Jewish space laser conveniently destroyed the Dominion machine to hide the evidence. The $787.5 million that Fox News had to pay was fake news, Kari Lake is governor of Arizona and Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025! He wants abortion to be up to the states, and no one is tougher on Putin than He. Stop the steal and bring back school prayer for all!

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LOL! Sarcasm award!

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Or, in short, elcome to a world in which it is impossible to distinguish between sarcasm and a Fox “News” editorial.

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I have a billing error made by Substack, but Substack provides no support. I can find no other recourse. I paid 6 & 5 for your essay & almanac, but was also charged 65, combining the digits. If I cancel this Visa charge I risk losing your essay & almanac. Lori Atrops.

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I wish I could help. Drop a line to me c/o the website and my assistant will take it up and compensate you.

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I am SO down for the MACA vs maga fireworks competition!!!!! Instead of all this "I am your vengeance" crap, just blow a bunch of psychedelic stuff up in the sky!! Carry ON, Garrison!! XO

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There once was a nation in motion,

Swept up in electoral commotion.

They'd argue and shout,

Their friendships in doubt,

All caught in political devotion!

The voters would fret and would fume,

Social media ablaze with costume.

With signs and with memes,

And passionate screams,

Election fever was in full bloom!

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To name that tree, shub, or other woody landscape specimen, Garrison, is the key . Like Hamlet, its in the play. Or, in modern parlance, "follow the money..."

Be it a king, a president, shiek, or emir central is the story. You know that, I know that, and God does as well. That is why he created us...He likes stories!

So keep writing them. And if a mythology evolves from them, so much the better. Run with it!

It all starts with the naming..."And He saw that it was good..."

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

Some nations acknowledge their royal history by sustaining their royal families as politically impotent artifacts. England is probably most familiar and accessible to Americans. England's royal family and its historic palaces and ceremonies are big parts of the British tourist industry, although many Brits think all this is a money-loser. And it's even possible that U.S. democracy would become an artifact if a certain candidate were to win the nation's next national election.

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I disagree with you about fireworks, which I think should be eliminated, but this is one of your best.

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Are progressive teachers really instructing third graders about Marxism? Are non progressive teachers perhaps failing to instruct second graders about the perils of corporate captalism? Who paid for the Venezualan voting machines? It's good to know broke Venezuala is at least manufacturing something. Americans like many other nations have a tendency to believe all sorts of myths, but some myths are truer than others. Due to your constitution your president does have a lot of power, and so not only many Americans but many people around the world, especially perhaps Ukrainians are very scared about what might happen, should a man, who has no honesty and integrity and only cares about his self-aggransisement, win your election. Much as I enjoy and am amused by your columns, your own comforting myth about America being really governed by educated, competent technocrats, seems to hold less and less water. Neither is Nigeria the comforting apolitical haven you seem to suggest. Democracy, it seems is a bit like gardening, needing vigilance and care. Sticking one's head in the sand only encourages the brambles and bindweed to take over....and don't get me started about minarchies.

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With the advances in AI where you can take a picture or type in a topic and - walla - you get a readymade description or dissertation, perhaps we can hold up a picture of Lincoln and get a roadmap to a more perfect union.

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Voila or wallaby - not walla. (my bad)

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You make some good points. This is a critical time in our country's history. There has never been a national candidate so powerful and so shallow as Mr. Trump. He bewildered his Republican opponents in the 2016 primaries by speaking nonsense and winning popular support. He insisted for five years that Obama was not an American citizen. He is unbelievable. And he owns his party completely. There is very little dissent in the party and it's very quiet.

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Thank you for taking the time to reply. What upsets me about both the Republican Party in the US and the recent Conservative Party in the UK is that before the last ten years, I would have considered that there might be decent, reasonably minded people in both parties, that would have had the courage to speak up against the blatant dishonesty and corruption of those that were leading them. Alas, apart from a few notable exceptions, very few Republicans or Conservatives have had the guts to do so. What you bring out so well in many of your columns is often how decent and kind many ordinary people are, yet it becomes hard to understand why so many people seem willing to vote for a man, who is clearly neither kind nor decent. I write this on the day that Biden has wisely decided to step aside, and I can only hope that whoever replaces him is able to persuade enough of your fellow citizens to vote for democracy and decency and against Trump.

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