The contrast between the joy and the lies and fear mongering is so stark!

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My goodness, Garrison, you have this 79-year-old absolutely bawling this morning! You have such a firm grasp on America the Beautiful and an incredible knack with language. The other morning I was with you in Maine and now we’re back in Manhattan. And Minneapolis beckons, as Michelle assures us we shall overcome. Peace and Love to all.

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JOY! INTEGRITY! HOPE! May it last and unite us all.

A prayer from the Iona community which is apt:

God of all life

in the places of power

let the voices of the voiceless be heard.

In the places of wealth

let the plight of the poor be understood.

In the places of plenty

let those living in poverty be remembered.

In the places of decisions

let your kingdom be the watchword.


Ewan Aitken, from 50 New Prayers from the Iona Community

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Hope. Joy. Peace. Love.

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My personal motto (which I've used to close lay sermons): Through God's universally given grace and his peace, come all good things: Hope, Love, Beauty, Joy.

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Good morning, Garrison: Our daughter and son-in-law are at the MSF now, probably for the 30th year in a row and they live in Atlanta, so you get yourself out there, back home on the prairie. And yes, the English language took a big step forward this week especially last night in Chicago. Now let's see if we can get mankind to get back to holding a pencil correctly.

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Had plans to make a trip to MN to see friends and relatives and take in the Fair but guess I'm getting too old to travel. Lot of great memories though.

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Virtually all of us are represented at the Minnesota State Fair....right down and up to our last DNA. We're still different, of course, from a tiny bit of a cell to a a bunch of differing chromosomes.

And yet, and yet, there's a likeness among us that can't be hidden. The State Fair brings it out in us....from petting a sheep to biting into a three foot hot dog. What a world!

I was near you in the Grandstand that day, Mr. K.And Mr. Frost moved us all with the road he took.And Neil Diamond had us all dancing in the Grandstand aisle. What a world!

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I am so happy I watched Kamala's speech last night. It was one of the great good-hearted performances of my life. The woman is a miracle. God is blessing America.

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I'm with you on Kamala's speech. I didn't watch anything of the DNC except the acceptance speeches by Walz and Harris. Both were fine and did the jobs they each needed to do. I loved Walz's son's reaction to his "Dad." I thought that while watching Harris that I was watching the next President of the United States. And when she ended with "And may God bless the United States of America" she reminded me of a little of Ronald Reagan. Most politicians don't say that or use the entire phrasing, but she did, and it was a nice touch.

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That last line a good maxim for us all....

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No one could have said it better. For me, the joy of the many moments to follow started when I and my wife were in Minnesota and heard that Governor Walz was named to the ticket. A small dance and few whoops in our hotel room followed. Hope and joy sprang from the endless supply within the Democratic party and spread across the stage at the convention while the Republicans wallowed in hate and name calling. Life is indeed good.

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What's happened at the DNC these past few nights has brought hope and cautionary optimism to many of us. The speeches have been inspirational, but if I had to choose the absolute best of the best, it's Pete Buttigieg. He is smart, articulate, and every other statesman-like quality you can think of. We need more of him, and those like him. Between his speech and Gus's "That's my dad!" I've felt better than I have in a long time about all of this. I just hope it pays off.

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This week has given me hope for our country. You quoted my favorite Frost poem. I love it so much. I'm in KS and am driving to MN to go to the fair on Monday and Tuesday. It would be fun to see you there.

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Wondering why Garrison didn’t mention Walz

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he’s written plenty about walz in earlier columns

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😍😍 I also hope God will bless America and we will see that our kindness, our humanity and our inclusivity MUST include our foreign policy and to whom we dole out money and weapons, or we’re hypocrites. I think we can agree that Israel has ‘defended itself’ ENOUGH and they must stop or be stopped.

On another note, Michelle Obama was INCREDIBLE. That woman is incredible! I don’t get the impression she’s spinning anything when she talks. I believe she’s speaking the honest to God real down to earth truth! If she had been selling waterfront property in Arizona that night I would now be the proud owner of a giant mortgage for at least a hectare. 😂 Go Michelle!!!!!

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"...he exited down the aisle where I stood and passed within three feet of me. I could’ve touched him. I still sort of think I can."

I understand the sentiment, Garrison. You entered that cave in Pelham last Fall and passed within three feet of my wife and me. Entered singing. It's a memory I'll treasure when I'm 82. I hope.

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Well said, my friend. We live in a country where one can make comments, such as you did, and not be sent to a dark, cold prison. Our state fair is a wonder, a place were one can walk to see the sights and not be afraid to be taken away, never to be seen again.

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