
And now I know what the word ‘prehensile’ means. Thank you, Garrison, for this morning’s chuckle before breakfast.

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Continue to troll for those who don’t register irony among us. Their rants just add to the amusement. Here they come.

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Just be careful that now that you’ve been successfully returned to society from the wolves that you don’t get killed chasing a car!

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After listening to you earlier on The Writer’s Almanac, it was fun to have another dose after lunch.

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Ah Garrison, come on now, you made that up, didn't you?


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I read about this in Gray’s Sporting Journal. You are too modest for failing to mention that as a result of your experience the AKC added field trials for farmers dogs who could successfully guard a hen house while being distracted by coyotes. My dog, Lucky, a Newfoundland-Jack Russell Terrier mix, won best-in-show in 1968, while I met and married the farmer’s daughter that June, all thanks to you, Garrison. We just celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary and always remember to give you full credit each year on June 1st. The farmer had a bounty hunter looking for you and me both for years but he never picked up the scent thanks to your obfuscating blend of irony and metaphor. He passed away from utter bewilderment in 2019 so the coast is clear.

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Based on this story, there is nothing wrong with your memory. However, can you provide two coyotes as witnesses to verify your testimony?

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"Good Grief!" - and I more than agree with Charlie Brown, this is very good.

Thank you!

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A Limerick packs laughs anatomical

Ah, you thought I’d give verses canonical.

But between you and me,

I wouldn’t, you see,

As that wouldn’t be at all humorous.

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