Well, I loved the write up and at some point will probably order the stories so I will be able to listen to your voice as much as I want. But this morning I’ve lost track of my expenses and figure I’d better not take a chance on completely blowing it. I’ll get back to you once I do my cash flow analysis!

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Don’t be so hard on yourself. So much is lost in the reduction of a live performance (and LAUGHTER) to text. Besides, all those dishes got washed anyway.

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This last Sunday evening, we were a part of a pre-Christmas Sunday night dinner with dear friends, four couples, ranging from 75 to 92 years old. The core group of these couples are the guys, three of whom discovered five years ago that they had all owned Lambretta motor scooters in Europe in the 1950s. Thus, the three guys launched a conversation club (see Dr. Samuel Johnson) and called themselves the "Lambrettini." We have met every two weeks ever since, no book, no agenda, no politics, just camaraderie. Their careers include medicine, law, philosophy , all at "elite" institutions.

Well, to your lovely piece about Christmas reveries, the dinner table conversation turned to "what comes to mind when you think about Christmas?" Each person spoke. Each remembrance was unique, not one similar to another. They ranged geographically from the Isle of Man to Racine, Wisconsin, from Detroit, Michigan to Las Vegas, etc. Some involved church , others gifts, all included family, especially mothers. We could have gone on and on, cycled happily back around the table. Christmas is a treasure trove of memory and meaning.

Thanks for yours.

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Oh my, thank you for adding to the discussion. Your mention of the Isle of Man was probably about the TT races based on your scooters, but having begun my school career in Ramsey at age 4 the memory warmed the cockles of my heart.

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“ it’s good to look back, but don’t stare.” Satchel Paige

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Capitalizing e. e. cummings? You? I weep.

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Maybe that's why GK said don't fall in love with a copy editor.

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Already married to one !

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Just as Cummings himself did (https://faculty.gvsu.edu/websterm/cummings/caps.htm).

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Clearly fAKe NeWs. 😊

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There's a psychological term for looking back on the past and cringing - it's called "rumination" and I only know this because my psychiatrist explained that that's what I'm doing when I can't stop thinking about all the "bad" things I've ever done or said. She said that I should work to distract myself when my brain gets stuck in a negative thinking rut - rumination can worsen symptoms of depression and anxiety, so it's best to guide one's brain to more positive paths.

At any rate, a script is not the same thing as a performance - words that look flat and lifeless on paper come alive when voiced, especially when the voice is as expressive as yours. I remember listening to and enjoying your weekly radio show back in the day and, yes, I laughed. I hope you can catch yourself a case of the giggles - after all, laughter can lead to cheerfulness, you know. 😉

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This is great, Jeannine!

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You always have a delivery that invites LAUGHTER, even if the mirth doesn’t translate textually. That’s what Matt Groening didn’t get, in that Simpsons spoof... https://youtu.be/tmkq7yylRkU?si=6PIQvR7z38jQnVrV

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You made my late husband laugh every Saturday night and I shall always be grateful to you for that. Don't underestimate your audience! They loved the corny jokes.

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What an enjoyable read. This man is a treasure.

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The simple pleasure of a Christmas stocking combined with the wry play on e.e. cummings --> E.E Cummings = a morning chuckle.

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I'm sure I'm not the only one who Googled "Stoned Noel" this morning. The search-term beancounters down in the bowels of Google's data-mining center(s) must be scratching their heads over all the sudden interest.

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I did, but couldn't find it. Did you have any luck?

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Not a real Stones album. I didn't know think it would be -- GK is such a kidder (and the aside about Guatemala seemed to confirm that take on it) -- but just had to check anyway. All the real references to that word pair seem to be just random coincidental juxtapositions. 🙂

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Well, he got me! Most of the hits mention cannabis in some way, unsurprisingly. I hope my Google search doesn't get me into trouble. The stuff is still illegal in New Hampshire, despite our "Live free or die" state motto. At least we can drive motorcycles without a helmet and carry AK47s through Concord. 🙄

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First of all, are you kidding me, Garrison? Hopefully you are because while every one of your monologues on the air may not have been funny, they always contained understated nuggets of brilliance. So stop watering the weeds.

My favorite Christmas carols are “O Holy Night” performed by Josh Grobin and “The Little Drummer Boy” done by Bing Crosby and David Bowie (I’m pretty sure it was Bowie, but it could have been another rock star). Genius collaboration in any case.

Christmas growing up for me was a fifty fifty split between a Rockwell painting and a poster for dysfunction. The tree was beautiful (underneath was a small village passed down by her mother with lights inside the houses that lit up the windows; it was enchanting, and now I put up that same village on a tabletop of “snow” so I can enjoy it every time I walk through the living room into the dining room) the gifts, which she bought, were wrapped and placed perfectly under the tree and dinner was amazing. But my mother did ALL of it. And every year she had to hold back three daughters who were chomping at the bit to open presents until my father finally came downstairs because he needed to sleep off all the beer he drank the night before. The tedious hour long commute on the Long Island Railroad into the city didn’t do him any favors either. It exhausted him. He was a skilled industrial designer and he loved his job, though, so he was great at erecting architecturally accurate igloos with the neighborhood kids on our front lawn in the winter. My mother was all work, leaving little time for herself. My father was FUN.

My daughter and I love Jackson Browne, and we’ve seen him together in concert every chance we get.

Christmas for us these days is a wonderful, chaotic time with my sister’s family.

Last summer my daughter treated me to a cruise to Bermuda. I always send out Christmas cards, but this year I designed my own with an extraordinary stationer that was beautifully tropical; a warm island breeze for everyone on my list in the midst of a cold winter.

I like my own writing. Whether it’s the book I’m currently working on or just one of my journals, even if what I’m writing is particularly ordinary. I enjoy doing it and I enjoy reading it.

Salinger once wrote that when writers go to heaven they will only be asked one question. Did you write the one thing you most enjoyed reading.

Sometimes life can be so hard, I mean REALLY hard. But my answer is a resounding yes.

Happy Christmas, everyone.

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Yes, it was David Bowie.

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Good morning, Garrison: Laughter is among the many emotions I've experienced since the first time we were gifted two seats inside the Fitzgerald and laughed our way through two hours of live entertainment there. Several personal visits more than one final close encounter at the three-day anniversary celebration at a Minnesota college campus sitting on the lawn under a very large shade tree. If we detect a bit of doom and gloom here, it's understandable. Trying to connect yesterday's emotions into today's confusion of "news", might interfere with our moments of past laughter. Thanks, RRoeder

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I laughed and cried. You did it again!

Merry Christmas!

x x x

a mom

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Stop! Of course you have contributed something of value.

BTW: are you familiar with song groups?

I have recently joined a song group in Reno, NV. A group of friends. Old and new, get together at someone’s home. Musicians come with guitars, banjos, and an assortment of other things that make noise.

Song books are available and each person has a turn to pick a song from vast collection of folk, country, jazz, etc songs. Everyone brings snacks. Each takes a turn in picking a song. No silly conversations about the price of gas, climate change, the next election, etc. It was one the most enjoyable and relaxing experiences I have had. Many of the songs are better than prayers.

I thought of you and how you have incorporated singing into your shows.

Your stories about audiences singing songs together and being moved to tears. No matter where you take your show.

How did that practice begin?

We need more song groups in the world!!

We would all be less irritable, angry, and fearful.

Thanks for all you do for all of us. Katy

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I just about blew coffee out my nose when you said your wife got you a "60 ounce filet."

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A gift of beef from a someone who doesn't eat cows - a sign of true love!

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