You may be able to escape to a hot tub at a California resort or fly back and forth between Minnesota and a New York apartment or sell folksy material with some slightly salacious and personal content and limericks, with talk about being old and being "above it all" by choice. Millions upon millions will be very unlikely to have those op…
You may be able to escape to a hot tub at a California resort or fly back and forth between Minnesota and a New York apartment or sell folksy material with some slightly salacious and personal content and limericks, with talk about being old and being "above it all" by choice. Millions upon millions will be very unlikely to have those options, whether it's the millions of poor or nearly poor folks, old folks and poor/old folks, disabled folks, women, children, those hard workers in the Civil Service, the U.S. Postal Service, member countries of NATO....and on and on, the ones that apparently this New Greater America society has decided are expendable in one way or another.
That said, as critical as it sounds, I guess I understand why you're taking the position you're taking; each of us only has one life, after all, and that son of a roy cohn has already consumed way too much of our lives, so why give him more? I get it. Thing is, he and his crowd have invaded and occupied the country and avoidance - for most of us - will be impossible. Still, to love and respect this sweet gift of being alive, it does seem a higher calling to seek and embrace joy and happiness, so I do get it - and yet still find it challenging to accomplish it! Maybe the best way to "resist" thump and his depravity is to bar him from our peace and happiness. Seems like a plan....
It is difficult to imagine you in a hot tub, but I reckon it's kind of a California version of a sauna, something that those "Norwegian bachelor farmers" might have used, farther north than St. Paul/Minneapolis.
Anyway, best of luck to you and to all of us. Once more into the breach!
Thank you for the note of realism. Yes, the poor and elderly and disabled and people living from paycheck to paycheck are likely to be more affected by the man than I but the fact is that a great many of them voted for him. I leave him to the 'Republicans to deal with. I intend to live in the immediate present with people dear to me and in three years maybe I'll start paying attention again.
Many who fall in the affected group did not vote for him. Many are children. Many others simply didn’t vote for him. I’m afraid your privilege is on display, and while previously I could ignore it, it seems more difficult to do so today.
Self care is essential. I too am trying the deliberate practice of saving my own sanity. A good diet here and there of politics will be a must. Always lived your show ❤️
You may be able to escape to a hot tub at a California resort or fly back and forth between Minnesota and a New York apartment or sell folksy material with some slightly salacious and personal content and limericks, with talk about being old and being "above it all" by choice. Millions upon millions will be very unlikely to have those options, whether it's the millions of poor or nearly poor folks, old folks and poor/old folks, disabled folks, women, children, those hard workers in the Civil Service, the U.S. Postal Service, member countries of NATO....and on and on, the ones that apparently this New Greater America society has decided are expendable in one way or another.
That said, as critical as it sounds, I guess I understand why you're taking the position you're taking; each of us only has one life, after all, and that son of a roy cohn has already consumed way too much of our lives, so why give him more? I get it. Thing is, he and his crowd have invaded and occupied the country and avoidance - for most of us - will be impossible. Still, to love and respect this sweet gift of being alive, it does seem a higher calling to seek and embrace joy and happiness, so I do get it - and yet still find it challenging to accomplish it! Maybe the best way to "resist" thump and his depravity is to bar him from our peace and happiness. Seems like a plan....
It is difficult to imagine you in a hot tub, but I reckon it's kind of a California version of a sauna, something that those "Norwegian bachelor farmers" might have used, farther north than St. Paul/Minneapolis.
Anyway, best of luck to you and to all of us. Once more into the breach!
Thank you, Annie.
Thank you for the note of realism. Yes, the poor and elderly and disabled and people living from paycheck to paycheck are likely to be more affected by the man than I but the fact is that a great many of them voted for him. I leave him to the 'Republicans to deal with. I intend to live in the immediate present with people dear to me and in three years maybe I'll start paying attention again.
You can't fool us. We know that you threaten to stop paying attention but never follow through. Thank God.
Maybe think about the ones that didn’t vote for him. You sound as cold as Minnesota used to be in the winter.
Many who fall in the affected group did not vote for him. Many are children. Many others simply didn’t vote for him. I’m afraid your privilege is on display, and while previously I could ignore it, it seems more difficult to do so today.
What a luxury you possess as a white man; that being free of worry about the loss of autonomy of your own body
Arent you 82 years old ?
Self care is essential. I too am trying the deliberate practice of saving my own sanity. A good diet here and there of politics will be a must. Always lived your show ❤️
Son of a roy cohn, indeed!