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"So I am focused on the positive aspects of life" - but you really are not. You are so angry at the election that you succumb with each post to the temptation for one more jab. I remember the days years ago being introduced to the Lake Wobegon books and I would laugh and laugh reading them. I would love to be able to read your current work without being insulted with each new read.

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Sounds like you’ve made poor choices in the ensuing years. As the thoughts of an author you once enjoyed now insult you, perhaps the fault doesn’t lie with the author.

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I think most people found Garrison's earlier writings as a place to escape the realities of the real world for awhile. Heck, the place he wrote about most often was a made up place, Lake Wobegon, that we all wished we could live in for at least a few minutes a week while he spoke about the kindness of the people and the simplicity of their lifestyles. Sure, he may have mixed in some political or social commentary but it was much more subtle and involved less name calling. I don't feel like he excluded half the population in his earlier writings. My 2 cents.

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And a good $.02. Thanks. Of course that was the time before my neighbor felt free to wear a t shirt emblazoned with “F**k Your Feelings”, permission granted by a movement based on hate of “others”.

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Hi Gail!

Indeed. There have always been differing political points of view - but we could still enjoy and respect each other. From 2006 to 2014 we lived in Maine next door to an affluent financial executive guy. A self described "conservative". The four of us would enjoy cocktails and dinners. The discussions were great. Why? Because we agreed to tackle each topic with the goal of finding common solutions - he using his right leaning religious ideas and me with my lefty agnostic idealism.

At the end of the evening we would hug and exclaim "Look how we figured that out!" Whether it was homelessness or government regulation, we always found middle ground compromises and solutions. And we teased each other along the way. Healthy discussions between two radically different political perspectives.

Why was that possible? Because we really cared for each other, never demonized the others ideas and were determined to work the ideas through - together. It was fun.

But upon reflection, maybe it worked because my friend was employing the original ideas of Jesus. Who, of course, wrote the book on DEI :)

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So true Bill. And amazingly in those times I was able to adjust my thinking about various topics because of the discourse. It’s quite different these days when so much that is debated is either a product of culture wars or out and out lies, mis and dis- information. Thankfully among some I still carry the title “my favorite liberal”.

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I’m simply known among my friends of the opposing viewpoint as the resident heretic.😆

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I love it! 😘

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I’m pretty old, but I have never lived in a time when half the population has been brainwashed to believe the demise of democratic government is a good thing.

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The apathy in these comments is disheartening.

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The commentary was much more subtle because Republican leaders back then didn't talk about grabbing women by the pu$$y or accuse minorities of eating our pets. They were never found liable for sexual assault. They weren't impeached. They didn't threaten to jail their political opponents. They didn't claim in advance that they wouldn't respect the results of an election if they lost. Why on earth would you expect commentary to remain subtle given the total lack of subtlety (and integrity, and decency, and honesty) that Republicans have looked for in their candidates of choice?

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Wisdom, maybe in other circumstances, in this case, Gail, it’s not us, it’s you.

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History says otherwise.

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Jan 6Edited

No, it does not.

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There is a large difference in being aware of an event and dwelling on the event. If your nation has been handed over to criminals and thieves, it's difficult to not notice and comment. But it is possible to make a conscious choice to focus elsewhere, and await the eventual collapse of either the criminal enterprise or the nation. Of course, the criminals would greatly prefer that we not mention their mendacity.

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Unfortunately I see far too many people of good will simply turning away out of exhaustion. I understand the need for the occasional brief sabbatical in order to recharge, but I fear the majority of the population may tune out altogether. If that happens we truly are doomed.

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Bless you, Maribeth. I feel much the same way. I keep peeking at this poor soul’s writing, hoping for a spark of something I can reach out to, to try to comfort and help.

It’s the scene from CS Lewis’ “The Final Battle,” where the dwarves have lived in darkness so long they can’t look up or get out.

Be well. Many are turning, many are seeing the light and the hope.

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Jan 6Edited

More condescension, referring to Garrison Keillor as a "poor soul" and harping on your desire to "comfort and help!" Please! You don't need to keep "peeking," Kathy. Bless your heart! There is no light or hope in a liar who talks about grabbing women by the pu$$y whenever he feels like it. Also, you might want to check on your dogs and/or cats, because your cult leader has accused Haitian migrants of eating our pets. It's downright sick, but you just keep calling it light and hope, if you must. Be well. Blessings. Whatever. You've chosen to get behind a total lying asshole, so you can't expect only cheer, jolliness and peace to ensue.

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I come from Lake Wobegon and the comments I make about the lunatic you voted for are based on what I learned there. You clearry didn't understand what you were reading. This real-estate conman has nothing in common with Lake Wobegon. Nothing.

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Geez. You really are angry. I am sorry for that. I saw you in Brevard, NC some years back and I really enjoyed when you broke out singing a hymn from the back after intermission. It was a fun night. Maybe you should keep singing.

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Ms. Price, you and Ms. Leicester seem determined to defend the indefensible. Along with Mr. Keillor and most educated Americans, I recognize how difficult it is to avoid being angry when seeing the waste and detritus being pawned off on our nation with the suggestion that it represents growth and improvement. Frankly, I deeply admire Mr. Keillor for his ability to restrain himself to the extent that he has. Most of us, having hoped to hand our children a nation which is truly a 'shining light', are livid; we can see what is coming, and it is too terrible to imagine.

Even so, none of us wants to see you unhappy, angry or disappointed. Is it possible that you might find elsewhere the sorts of articles that don't upset you as much?

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Mr. Brown, my original comment was that although Mr. Keillor said he was focusing on the positive aspects of life, I pointed out that clearly, to me, he was not. And then I suggested he refrain from venting his anger in his posts which I mostly enjoy and will continue to read, unless someone wants to censor me for having a differing opinion.

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I find it quite interesting that any pushback to the twisted defense of a man inherently unfit for the position he’s about to assume is labeled “censorship”. I’m looking forward to seeing the author’s show in Key West next month, while I deplore the censorship forced on Floridians by an overly ambitious governor.

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It needed to be said! Thank you!

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Individuals can't censor. Governments censor. Telling you to go elsewhere has nothing whatever to do with censorship.

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Exactly right. With the death of the Fairness Doctrine the floodgates were opened to the right wing opportunists, who have milked it into the discord we now face.

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I never stopped. I'm not angry, but I do know where I come from and I have an idea of what is normal.

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I don’t hear anger at all in your postings…

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He still sings, Maribeth. All the time.

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Sarcasm gets you nowhere.

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Let's take a step back here. You voted for someone you know is a liar. Someone who constantly denigrates half the country ("radical left-wing communist fascist Democrats"). Someone presidential historians widely consider to be the worst president we've ever had. Someone who says in advance that he will not respect the results of any election he loses. Someone who proclaims loudly, on television, that Haitian migrants are eating our dogs and our cats--placing Haitian migrants in danger. Someone who falsely accuses innocent individuals of tampering with elections--placing these individuals in danger. Now, you made the decision to ignore all this, but you can't seriously expect people to pretend none of it is true to avoid "insulting" you. Or can you?

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