Thank you for writing this!

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100 percent. And shame on the media, especially the NYT.

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Remember the appellation” the Yellow Press” .It is more appropriate now than ever. Only not only does the ‘Yellow"‘ now mean dirt dredgers but refers to their spineless approach to reporting facts without corroboration and investigation tempered with good sense and integrity , and with truth. Cowardly would be more appropriate. Don’t they see that if by their self serving distortion of the truth in reporting, and their bias in phrasing what they write or speak of, they are facilitating and promoting the very governmental system ‘ fascism’ that will probably take them over and close them down. Beware what you wish for. I recently titled a weekly family and friends blog on this subject “ oh what fools these mortals be” Shakespeare said it the best.

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Yes, thank you.

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As usual, you’ve spoken eloquently what so many of us feel. Thank you.

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Thank you, thank you Garrison. For those of us who trust your judgement, and candor, we really need this now, from you. Thanks again and again. RR

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What to do with this essay?

Hang a framed copy on my office door -- or on a billboard in Times Square?

Bravo, Mr. Keillor.

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All I did was forward it 8 times, but your billboard in Times Square idea is waaaaaay better!! I'd gladly chip in to do that.

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Garrison Keillor, the witty wordsmith,

Took aim at Trump with satirical pith.

He called him a liar,

A tax cheat for hire,

And skewered him with poetic myth.

Keillor penned verses with zeal,

To mock Trump's dubious appeal.

From birthplace to hair,

No detail was spared,

As he sought to reveal the unreal

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All true! Still doesn’t mean Joe should stay in race.

Joe’s condition has been elephant in room for months, years. The debate was the straw. Does anyone really think that Joe Biden is fit run this country for FOUR more years? C’mon man. Step aside and let the grown kid see what they can do.

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Stop and think about it, Scotty. There will be several people being for the top spot, probably none who could beat Trump for several reasons, the biggest one being there are several states where there is not enough time to get their name on the ballot. All those votes cast go to Trump. Ridin with Biden! (and his administration) Hang Tuff, Joe!

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I love you, Garrison, for the works you have done and the humanity you express. But in this essay, I'm sad you don't see behind the veil. "By their works you will know them," was reportedly said by a prototypical Christian. I think it is a better litmus test than you give it credit for but it requires sober reflection: Isn't it obvious the composite works by the actual current presidential executives have deepened a chasm not seen in this country since the Civil War which extends to a dystopian world?

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No, too much Faux…this is silly as we look at the health and welfare under Joe compared to Donny…Donny’s stupidity has shown, when we compare to other wealthy countries, that he caused an estimate of 500,000 extra deaths during COVID. This is a crime of stupidity! Pure and simple…we had a strong immigration bill that would have passed both the house and senate but Donny blocked because he saw this as a win for Joe…he put his ego over lives, politics over leadership! Why? Because he lies to you to get your votes…he made everything worse! This is his brand.

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Ryan: Ah, CV mortality. If you truly care about this multi-leveled assault on humanity, see Dr. David Martin’s interview today 3Jul24 on https://londonreal.tv/ then possibly re-comment. On your second point, in the mass-based world, which actually matters to the entire country, “we” may not survive the consequences of the epic invasion caused by the entity labeled “Joe,” which may rise to 32 million; for that, see Victor David Hanson's interviews. But this is all very complex, with the collusion of major government agencies who prosper in the dark and survive good and bad Presidents.

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Baloney, no comment on the immigration policy scotched by Trump and those in fear of him?

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Trying to understand. Does this imply you think Trump is responsible for the undocumented immigrant invasion of the last 3.5 years? Or does "baloney" mean you think it's no big deal?

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Trump's "wall" was not working and his splitting up families was inhumane. As has been well documented, the bipartisan deal on immigration policy a couple of years ago, with prior agreement from the Republican Majority, was scotched by those Republicans in thrall of Trump since he said it would make Biden look good. How soon we forget, never came up in the debates or in the right-wing press. So yes, Trump is at least partially responsible.

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Ryan, forgive me for choosing to make my own antibodies to covid, but what specifically did trump do to cause 500,000 deaths? Wild claims require something documented to give them credence.the

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Perhaps it was the bleach that the then-President demonstrated would cure us from the disease. Yep, that's what he did.

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More like what Trump didn't do.

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I disagree. The GOP platform for many years has just been the inverse of whatever the Democrats might propose, followed by fear mongering and fund raising. No real thought or problem solving involved. People respond to that approach, not much work required. God Bless America

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Its like a bad HOA

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One of your best, GK!

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Eloquent and powerful, Mr. Keillor! Thank you!

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The debate showed us what we already knew: Trump is a buffoon and our dear President is failing. Now what? I don’t have the answer. I do know that President Biden has been a very good President and that much of the praise goes to his team and advisors and Cabinet which he has had the good sense to listen to. God Bless America.

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Great question! What is best..elect Joe and his team, he has amazing people, best cabinet ever! They will help keep us on track. The other item on the list is majorities in the house and senate, now more than ever! Good team and guardrails..Now!

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Do not vote for ANY Republican, restore Democratic majority to both houses.

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Truly, this is the only cure for what ails the GOP.

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Thank you. You speak the truth and wisdom from your heart. I am 78 yrs into elder-ship. Right now, I do not see the country I was born into. It is a global embarrassment. I pray for a November Easter for Democracy and for the common good and the beginning of healing for all people.

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Thank you for this, GK!

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Thank you, Mr. Keillor. I have so much I could say, but at this point a simple "thank you" will suffice.

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From whom would you buy a used car? I find this to be a useful decision tool for elections. It’s a pity the punditry doesn’t ask such questions.

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Sadly, the punditry is mostly just looking for clicks rather than assessing the situation.

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