Yes! Thank you for using your platform to speak up for ACTION on climate change and other looming political disasters. And for anyone who thinks you shouldn't write about this crisis now upon us, they can plug up their ears and shut their eyes, but it won't make the threats go away.

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GK, The Republican party is in denial over global warming because their reelection, necessary to maintain their positions of wealth and power, are dependent on campaign contributions from wealthy corporations and donors who who have great interest in a thriving oil industry.

Their devotion to an illiterate leader is another matter even more tightly tied to reelection.

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I wish what you said wasn’t true, but thanks for saying it so well!

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All true, every single word, sadly. Here's my prescription for the fastest fix: lower the voting age to 16. I'm serious. If they can drive a car, handle a gun, quit school...they can vote. I go one further: if I could, I'd happily assign my vote (I'm 71) to a young person. After all, they've got a hell of a lot more skin in the environmental game than I do, don't they?

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We know we are boomers when we post the wrong date :-)

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Polar bears in zoos! Yes! What about the psychological effects of having to be a "displaced bear" rather than one wandering around in a pre-Global Warming Arctic?

I kid you not! For Real! In the world-famous San Diego Zoo, they had a polar bear there, in the 1990's. This poor bear paced, and paced, and paced, the same number of steps, the same route, all day long! A sign by her enclosure said that she was climate stressed - she couldn't adapt to the subtropical, sunny, people-friendly Southern California environment. She wouldn't even go swimming in the pond provided for her to cool down, at least a little!

On the strength of this evidence, I can bear witness that climate stress could give rise to psychotic polar bears. I bet that's an argument to save the planet's climate that Greta Thunberg and company haven't hit upon yet!

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Why does the headings say October 12? It’s November.

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"Or if Yellowstone blew up and ushered in a year of darkness. That could be the Pearl Harbor that moves our country to action." IF Yellowstone blows -- it's one of the four super-volcanos on earth, and it's 40,000 years overdue -- global warming will suddenly be the least of our worrries. It would not be just a "year" of darkness. Global cooling would overwhelm us much faster than clobal warming.

For a fictional but accurate portrayal, check out "Super Volcano: Eruption" by Harry Turtledove, well-known "alternative history" writer.

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Soylent green is people

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Your Hyperbole is Hyperbolic.

I get it. Trump is the devil and conservatives are knuckle dragging simpletons who need Greta Thornburg to sound out the big words for them.

Man, this schtick is getting old.

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Yes, the governments need to start working on fixing the climate, but I think it's even more important for us more citizens to start making changes in the way we live: Travel less, buy less stuff, recycle, eat more local food, find better ways to heat and run our homes... My husband keeps telling me that I can't save the planet by myself, and of course he's right: I'm just one little person - but if lots of little people make lots of little changes, it might all add up to a solution, maybe even more quickly than the ponderous governments can figure it out.

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Hello Mr Keillor. Thank you for writing about climate change. As a mother of two very small children, it's an issue that gives me great anxiety. I came across this organisation recently and I was compelled to share it with you in case you, or your readership, are interested in getting involved: https://thirdact.org/what-we-do/

(I'm not based in the US, and have a couple of decades to go before I reach 60, so I personally haven't joined this particular cause).

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