Thank you for sharing your other readers comments. Everyone loves your voice. And I would love to buy the bag but honestly have so many that my friends and family call me the bag lady.

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When Garrison came to Irvine, California a few years ago, I made sure to wear my red Rockport tennis shoes. I was not aware there were red socks included. Next time I will be twice as prepared!

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I’m 5 years older than you (86) and also an ex “Sanctified Brother.” I got turned on to you and PHC in the mid-1970s after receiving a cassette from a (still remaining) Sanctified Brother in the Bay Area of a monologue in which you poked gracious fun at some SB customs including the requirement that Sanctified Sisters wear head coverings during their meetings. My wife (an ex Sanctified Sister) and I left that movement in the late 70s, but are forever grateful that you achieved a high enough public profile to enable us to talk about our religious backgrounds without undue embarrassment because we could just say that we were raised in the same tradition as Garrison Keillor – even though our branch of SB was perhaps slightly more sanctified than your branch😉.

PHC was a Saturday ritual in our household for many years, and we missed it so much being unceremoniously ousted from NPR. Now, thanks to modern technology, we have recently discovered you on YouTube, and are thankful to relive and enjoy many of those older programs and monologues. We try to do at least one episode every night before going to bed.

And we’re hoping to catch you live in Boise, ID (as we have a couple of times over the years) in April if we can get seats that have wheelchair access.

John Erisman

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Pistols rare in Manhattan? Tell that to the foreign tourist who was just shot in Times Square by a “migrant.” Gun-free zone? Yeah, right.

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I just talk about what I see.

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I love your posts so much! Thank you!! I had the pleasure of meeting you (I was the guest of Tim and Sue as I'd worked on some radio spots with them) in KC. It was SO flipping hot! Yet after the show you were gracious enough to wipe the sweat from your brow and hand, then shake my hand. We shared about 8 words. Generously speaking. Anyway........a long time ago you sang a song about the mosquitos in MN. It went something like this....."In Minneapolis, Minnesota, we many slapitous many squitos......." or something close to that. It stuck with me!! Do you recall the remainder of the lyrics? Thank you SO much for all you've done over the years!!!

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I have googled "slapitous" and it doesn't seem to be in my hard drive.

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Oh my goodness—how has it happened?!—the President has aged during his first term. Did anyone expect rejuvenation under pressure? Meanwhile, the former liar-in-chief, in addition to attacking "former House Speaker" Nikki Haley and warning of a possible WWII, is saying he'd encourage Russia to attack NATO allies who don't spend enough on their militaries. Maybe that will get him some help from his idol Putin. Why do some people long for dictatorship, even in Germany, Italy, Spain, the Dominican Republic, Chile, El Salvador, Argentina, Brazil, etc.? I don't get it, and trumpists seem determined to prove definitively that American exceptionalism is a myth—because American exceptionalism is supposed to be about democracy, not dictatorship, not even for a day. I doubt age can really be anyone's reason for voting for a liar who's a few years younger and inept at everything but self-promotion. One independent voter interviewed on the news said he felt no enthusiasm for either candidate, but that in the event of the expected matchup he'd vote for Biden even if Biden was dead. In a two-party democracy where one party has abandoned democracy, Biden is our only real choice.

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Well, let's see how they'll match up in a debate. Will there be a debate?

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Debates are meaningless with trump; he just spews lies and insists that he's not lying. I think he's said he won't be participating in any case.

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I am confused by Garrison’s comment about Writers Almanac. He said that NPR took it off the air but he forgot to mention that it is available through email if you sign up

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Those are reruns of the original. We stopped producing TWA in 2017 because NPR dropped it.

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Memory eternal, Bob Edwards! NPR did you dirty, as it did to our dear host. It was pretty cringey listening to NPR today speaking in reverent tones over Edwards, knowing that he was dumped for DIE.

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Where else could we read life facts and heartfelt thanks from people in Illinois, NY, and Utah? It’s like being invited into a community of souls who were transformed by Garrison’s radio show, and even though it ended, we are still sitting by the radio.

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Darn. Thank you for taking a few moments to check.

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I would have preferred to not have to hear about the National Foot-ball-Themed Capitalism Orgy.

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Garrison, the issue of Super Bowl interest you seem to lack makes me feel better somehow. What's the point, actually? Four to five hours of what? What's the reward? For the first time ever, and because Kansas is just a few miles down the road from here, and some close family members really like the Chiefs, Betty and I watched most of this year's event. At the start I attached my respect to the guy with the 49rs because he looked so much cuter and his story seemed to deserve more affection. Well, throughout the game, or most of it, my emotion ran the gambit, up, down, up, down and so on. I soon realized this is what the weekend is like for all those football crazed viewers each and every weekend in the fall and early winter, and who needs that. At the end I was OK with the outcome but what was my reward? Thanks, RRoeder

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