I enjoy the limericks!

I’d like to share one of my father’s favorites (may he be resting in peace:)

There was a young lady from Kroll

Whose humor was exceedingly droll.

When invited to a costume ball

She went in nothing at all

And backed in as a Parker House roll.

I love your writings, Garrison! You always cheer me up! Thanks!!

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Garrison, my family is one of those which has appreciated and enjoyed you for a very long time. My dad must have started listening to you as soon as you were on the air in NYC. We were Midwesterners exiled to North Jersey in 1978. He would listen to the opera, and they must have mentioned your upcoming show. He, and then I, have listened to you since then. My parents safely returned home. I will be taking them to your show this month at the Chicago Theater. We will be near the front of the balcony (Tom and Sally from Wisconsin, if you still salute audience members), which seems like a good place to be for the cheaper seats and better view. Anyways, I wanted to drop a line and let you know how much we have appreciated you and your troupe.

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I really look forward to reading "Post to the Host." Thanks to all who contribute to it and to Garrison for his lovely replies.

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Back when the Dodgers were in Brooklyn, and Stengel was da man, they took on a new pitcher name of Melvin Famy. He was talented, strong and much admired and feared. The opposing teams knew he was the one they had to beat. And so, the Yankees came to meet the Dodgers in the World Series one year. The Yank manager (who shall remain nameless for more obvious reasons) realized he had to get some thing to beat Famy, so he hired a private detective and told him to find out everything he could about Famy. The PI came back and reported: " Listen. I got it. Famy is a reformed alcoholic. But he ain't too far off the wagon, if you know what I mean ! You get one beer in him, and he'd be all over that plate, it'd be over." The manager thought this over and told the PI to do what he could, whatever the cost.... So, as the Series progressed, sure enough, it came down to the last game. The PI came into the manager's office and said, " I did it! I got a pal to pretend to be an old war buddy of Famy last night, Famy got drunk, there's nothin' to worry about." Sure enough , the Dodgwers lost, Famy WALKED nine Yankee batters..... Back in the locker room, the manager calmed everyone down, and told them they had to see something, so they all went out to the parking lot where they gathered around Mel's custom Cadillac convertible, The back seat was full of BEER CANS ! The manager calmed the noisy crowd, pointed and proclaimed, "Boys, that's the beer that made Mel Famy walk us."

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I love the limericks. (I liked lime rickeys at Woolworth's long ago.)

I can't take credit for this one - it was posted without attrbution on a Latin Facebook group I follow.

There was a young man named Rex

Who was fond of flashing his sex.

When the evidence was viewed

The judge held it not lewd,

Saying "de minimis non curat lex!"

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I've enjoyed reading your columns and responses to readers for some time. Invariably I find some nugget of wisdom therein. Today, in your response to Debra, I saw the following:

"I turned to the laptop and started typing and something always came of it."

I had the same experience, starting in graduate school, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and there were no laptops. Sitting down to put one's thoughts on paper helps to clarify them and also helps you decide if the thoughts are worth pursuing and the writing worth preserving. I never became an academic but the practice of writing down my thoughts has been a useful activity that I have pursued over the years. It is indeed a kind of therapy.

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Dear Mr Keillor

I also have a suggestion to give us your thoughts on some broader relatable ideas. How about all those women’s whole body deodorant products that are on a loop on many networks? No other comics have anything to say! Not Seinfeld, David, Cobert or even Kimmel! You could be the first!

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My limerick for today on democracy here today:

Our democracy's facing a test,

With trust in the system depressed.

Voters feel quite divided,

Their faith has subsided,

As old norms are put to the test.

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This is a comment on today’s column on the Debate. While I agree with your analysis of the two candidates the problem is that there is going to be an election the results of which will be determined by people who don’t share this view of reality. It cannot be reasonably denied that Biden did not have a one-off bad night, he had an instance of a condition. That is clear to the voters who will decide the election. Therefore the only way to avoid a calamitous outcome is for Biden to step aside for a younger candidate. Of course Trump is monumentally unqualified to be president and should step aside - but he will not and apparently, cannot be compelled to do so. He must be defeated at the polls. Biden, no matter the excellence of his accomplishments as president, is no longer the candidate who can do so.

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