I am enjoying receiving the email with "post to the host' - comments and answers/retorts from Garrison Keillor. Thanks! I just wanted to say to the Host(s) that for me, and I suspect many others, the old monologue was one of the most loved parts of the old show. Likewise, the Writers Almanac hit some of the same notes for me on the radio and later as a podcast. I hope that you'll consider doing that monologue again as an audio piece, maybe with variety show, or the piano you've mentioned around you. It could be very low key, studio-only, or a small audience or whatever. Maybe what passes for National Public Radio, "NPR" as they are only known these days, might put you back on Sat on Sundays under just "GK"....

PS, I signed up for the support the Back Room because that also feld old timey and like supporting my local station...

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felt. All other typos (c) 2021 the comment author...

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Hi Garrison... I remember you from U of M days when you were the editor of the literary magazine on campus. I also remember you because Mary and I were classmates through school in Hopkins and who, as you know, had a delightfully wry sense of humor. Every time I read your writings, I think of her. That said, I enjoy your offerings when I get a chance to read them. I am glad you keep on keeping on!

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