Working my way through

“Cheerfulness” and still looking forward to Red Bank. Will buy “Brisk Verse” with next month’s discretionary $.

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"I do believe the facts are out in the open for everyone to see and that you can’t make people see what they don’t want to know. God help us. GK"

AMEN, Brother.

A better sermon would be hard to find.

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I don’t like former president Trump either. l enjoyed PHC for years and it’s wholesome delivery. I don’t enjoy your inclusion of politics and mild vulgarity. Why are millions flocking to Trump? This economy and security are awful. I feel for President Biden. He’s not well.

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The economy, by all relevant measure, is doing fine. It is still the safest time in history to be alive. Listen to Biden’s commencement speech at Howard University, he couldn’t be better.

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The numbers don’t support economy is fine. It took only 19 people to do the damage on 911. FBI director is concerned regarding terrorism.

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Stock Market at all time high, wage increases beating inflation by 0.7%, 27 month stretch of unemployment below 3.9%. 272,000 new jobs last month.

In the first attempt to bring down the twin towers, the Blind Sheik and accomplices were found, arrested, and the Blind Sheik died in a South Carolina prison a few years ago as I recall. The response to the more horrifying second attack is still in progress with more than a trillion dollars spent and more than 100,000 lives lost bungling every opportunity for peace and prosperity in the middle east. The damage done is very disproportionately own goals.

FBI crime statistics show crime far below historical levels and, if you want to be really safe, move to the Southern Boarder regions of the country or migrant communities where crime is typically lower than the average of the State where those communities reside.

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Read Director Ray’s testimony to Congress please.

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You are absolutely right. Many people are ignorant of the facts - they probably only watch Fox News. I looked up the statistics on viewership of various news outlets and the population watching Fox News has by far the lowest average educational attainment - sad but true...

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Sorry, I meant Morehouse

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Wrong. The economy is currently strong, with slow and steady growth. Inflation is a global problem, and it's no coincidence that corporate profits are at an all-time high, so place the blame squarely where it belongs: with them. You think Trump is "well?" Geez, that's a disturbingly low bar. I'll take an intelligent, well-spoken, well-meaning guy who stutters any day over a wannabe Fascist dictator with no allegiance to anyone but himself.

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And how does President Biden appear to you?

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He "appears" to be an 81-year-old patriot and public servant who's still working his butt off to save this country from a political party, the "GOP," that has abandoned all integrity and decency by unconditionally backing a lying, criminal scoundrel who wants to be another Putin, but in control of an economy 10 times bigger than Russia's.

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He appears to be doing a good job of getting things done. In other words, he's doing his job. Is he aging? Of course, but trump is only three years younger and not aging well at all, from every indication. Listen to his incoherent ramblings to understand he's becoming more unhinged mentally, and physically? I'm surprised he hasn't simply keeled over. I'll stick with President Biden.

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See my post above.

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He strikes me as perfectly well. Then again, I actually listen to, and read, his speeches— and follow his zillions of appearances around the country. I assume you’ve been persuaded by the widely discredited WSJ piece over the weekend which smeared him, based on the “evidence” from two hyper partisan “colleagues,” Mike Johnson and Kevin McCarthy (known to Trump as “My Kevin”). If you’d care to read a thorough debunking of that piece (and the concept of Biden being “not well”), please take a look at Jennifer Rubin’s excellent response: https://wapo.st/3XeNNvu

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I listen and view President Biden’s speaking. There’s a significant change since 2020.

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In what way? I certainly hear a weakness in the actual voice, but not in what he’s saying. Also, I thought the voice sounded much stronger in his DDay speech. Did you listen to that?

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Read and watch the main stream media as it reports on his decline.

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I do. NYT, WaPo, Slate, TNR, and more! That’s why I’m not getting more done in a day. But NYT and WaPo aren’t exactly uniform in their coverage of this issue— and both are currently struggling with management which is either heavily into both-sidesing (NYT) or fresh from the Murdoch empire (WaPo). That means there’s a certain amount of droning on about Biden’s age from some segments of each— and a lot of pushback from lots of their reporters and columnists (see the link to today’s J. Rubin post, which I included above, and about which you haven’t yet commented).

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Let the VP run and replace President Biden.

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Biden has arthritis in his back and legs, but otherwise is in excellent health.

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Just wondering why my question wasn't included in the "Post to the Host"?

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Hi Fredricka,

What is your question?

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I asked about Vern Sutton.

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I have concerns that I thought were so personally alarming, like the climate in Ohio before Trump and his followers have become a worldwide concern.

Then my own health challenges out me in a house by myself, and staying away from groups. Then COVID hit and the world was experiencing my seclusion problems.

So ..Garrison went away and that was a deep grief for me, now he is back big time.

I feel God in all things and would not follow you if not for your marriage and faith.

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Dear GK, you are very good to allow “speaking out” by your correspondents and yourself.

Maybe there’s hope for civility, morality, common sense, citizenship, generosity, fellowship, etc.

Keep on, friend.

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Thank you, Garrison, for not backing down when it comes to remarks about Trump. I'm 73 years old and I, too, have never seen an outright Fascist running for office in this country. I'm afraid - really afraid - about the downhill trajectory we saw under him the first time and what is to come if it happens again. Too many true Americans, and American allies, fought and died against the guy who Trump is emulating. It makes me heartsick to see so many, who call themselves lovers of America and democracy, continuining to support him.

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Trump's rise in America is like wildfires that spread a miasma causing all of the bells and alarms to ring across the country, but it is the "fellow Americans" who are following him, embracing him and apparently worshipping him that is something even more alarming, more disheartening. What in the world do those people imagine they are summoning to this country? Do they have no awareness of history or even contemporary world events?? The (once) unimaginable somnolence of the population in some kind of zombie-like state of mind from drugs, pornography, "social" media, and whatever other "drug" and apathy about what is going on in the country is forcing all of us to the brink of destruction of all we have held dear and taken for granted.

And the posters here - or anywhere - who rise up to decry and complain about the inclusion of alarms, criticisms, facts about the horrors of Trump and his mobs -where would you have been in 1938-39 Europe when "democratic" Germany was "electing" their own "savior"?? Calling for only the comfort of humor and jokes, songs and dances? They have their place, to be sure, and laughter sure can help forestall despair and fear, but good grief, people, Keillor is a very moderate critic of Trump and still you want it stopped??!

Some of you have noted your age and given that, you are aware of Charlie Chaplin or Jack Benny - and so many others - who used their humor with brilliance, wit and sharp barbs to direct a reluctant public's attention to the growing horror in Europe. Funny people today are trying to that now - in the face of thuggish threats - although it is often "preaching to the choir" unfortunately; Colbert, Meyers, Kimmel, Fallon, and others doing what they can where they can. Don't be afraid of the funny; be afraid of the un-funny, of he who has no sense of humor at all, and his followers who seem to only be amused by cruelty, vulgarity and obscenity.

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I wrote you my first "Post to the Host" this month . . . at your staff's invitation, mind you . . . asking you if you would be so kind as to edit the three or four unfinished books that I am working on, but I don't see my post among the ones above, so I'll take that absence as your rejection. That's OK. I am super proud to have been rejected by you, Mr. Keillor, even sub silentio. If I ever do publish, I'll dedicate my first book to you if I remember to do so. Thank you again.

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I'm not an edittor except of my own work.

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Ha, ha!

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Thank you, Mr. Keillor.

I’m going to print this rejection and frame it. You’ve really made my day, Sir!

PS: I was just beginning to wonder where the hell was my copy of "Brisk Verse" that I had ordered on-line about a month or so ago, and it came in the mail today!

Thank you for that too.

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PPS: Thank you for this too. I hope you enjoy it, Sir. https://themjkxn.substack.com/p/audacious-ii

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

I have a story about an aging performer you might enjoy. Irv Williams was a beloved tenor sax player who kept his brand of jazz alive for decades in the Twin Cities. I’d worked with him sporadically over the years until, at age 96, he asked me to be his weekly accompanist for a Friday happy hour gig at the Dakota Jazz Club in Minneapolis. I was a mere 72 at that point. Irv had known my father, also a local jazz musician, and was one of the few people around who thought of me as “Harry’s kid,” a sweet bonus for me.

My responsibilities went beyond just showing up with my guitar. I also picked him up each week at Episcopal Homes, drove him to the club and helped him get to the stage. He had had hip replacement when he was 90, lived with prostate cancer and hobbled with a hernia the size of a throw pillow. But once he got planted on his chair and had his sax assembled and his reed ready, he played with power, with humor and with a musicality that floored me every week. His sound was exquisite.

Every August the Dakota celebrated Irv’s birthday with a sold out couple of sets, expanding the band from three to five. A couple hundred people would show up and inspire Irv to even greater heights. I was on board for his 97th, 98th and 99th birthdays. He never disappointed.

Surgery slowed him down after that and he stopped the weekly gigs. But when his 100th birthday came around, the Dakota was ready to feature him again. And Irv agreed. The day came, we spoke in the phone, and the Dakota sent a car for him. But when the driver knocked on Irv’s door, he told him he was staying home! The disappointed crowd stayed anyway and listened to a parade of Irv’s friends and bandmates play a musical tribute to him. Three days later Irv played his sax for some of the residents at Episcopal Homes. He passed a few months after that .

Watching Irv’s determination and struggle every week just to get to those gigs, it was obvious to me that that his music kept him alive.

So, GK, I’d say keep going, even if you have to do standup sitting down.

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Great story!

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Maybe a Brethren can't be a journalists but a Catholic can. You need something for Confession : )

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Ha, ha! I used to have trouble thinking of sins to tell in confession. I haven't been for about 60 years.

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I sincerely hope your narration of archived Writers Almanacs hasn't been replaced. Please say it ain't so! It's just not the same. By a long shot.

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Several months ago I ordered and paid for 2 boxes of your note cards with the girl and her balloons on them. I could hardly wait for them to arrive. They never did. I was and am SO disappointed that for my first time, an order that I made online never came. Maybe especially because it was from your company. Martha

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Sent us your address. Use the PHC email at the website.

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Wow Garrison!! What a collection!! All those P's to the H; and the frosting on the cake: The comments! Your followers outdid themselves! I did notice the punch had a strange flavor. In future I intend to serve myself to get a look in the bowl. Relaxin Rog - L.A.

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Good afternoon Garrison

Just a quick note to tell you that when my two darling daughters asked what they could get me for Father’s Day, my single request was a (personalized) copy of “Brisk Verse”. Really looking forward to it.

As Greg Brown wrote, “I am a man rich in daughters”.

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Read James Carville’s assessment of President Biden. This is not my parents Democrat party. Progressives are killing our core beliefs.

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Read recent Atlantic Magazine. A strong and supported article to drop Biden. Give our VP a chance.

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Yes, the progs will be the death of the Democrat party, but give Kamala a chance? Yikes!!!

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Ok, then reform the Democrat party to mirror the Carter, Clinton administrations and Congressman Sam Nunn - Congresswoman Barbara Jordan in Congress.

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