
Such beautiful photographs in this column. Who does the graphics?


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For Mr. Maynard, it could be worse, you could be trying to afford tickets to a NYC show.

At least the rail fare from San Antonio to Austin is very affordable: $7-8 for a coach seat for two and a half hours.

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Garrison's recent discussion involving Biden's failure to be photographed doing "manly" activities is a masterpiece of insight. It had not occurred to me that Reagan chopping brush earned him any votes. But I can easily understand how looking like a wuss can color a voter's opinion. Maybe the Democrats need to nominate a former, or current, NFL quarterback in 2024.

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Sometimes it is difficult to determine if these letters are meant to be humorous or cynical. The letter noting anger-management with a facilitator named Ocean Eagle was particularly questionable. But it turns out Central Park has a facilitator named Ill Eagle so the practice is fundamentally sound.

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