
Good morning, Garrison. It's 5:30AM here in the middle of the great plains. The excitement you speak of is real here too. The day is going to be amazing with sunshine and way above normal temperature. Here's my thought when we are 20 to 30 degrees above the normal. It is wonderful to be in the 50's and 60's in the middle of February. What will it be like when it's 20 to 30 degrees above the norm in July? I guess we will see. Thanks, Garrison, for being with us now. RRoeder

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try the 80s in tx today! you never have to shovel heat! at age

75 my favorite home was in phoenix though.

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I can't believe you wrote that. I usually agree with you but not today. George McGovern is the answer to your question.

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A good man and a fine writer, but as a Senator? I don't know. He was a lonely icon, that's for sure.

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You're on to something, GK....it reflects a new means of moving about our fine metro-plexes. I've loved trains since you and I were kids. My grampa took us town to see the "Bullet" train leave the station from the St. Paul Train Depot to Chicago. Those big steel wheels slipped and steam flew. I dare say travel to our fair cities trumped (excuse me!!!)) those 90 miles of travel. But times have changed....Folks fly, not ride. No longer do we hear that engine rolling....it's now a swish a away. I miss it too.....but faster is better. Buckle your seatbelt.

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What an amazing dream. What if we didn't disenfranchise the Great Plains states and make them a destination for the flood of immigrants coming up through Texas and our southern border states to increase our agriculture output to compensate for the impending loss of Ukraine and the other food producers under attack from Russia and the other climate change disasters happening around the globe.

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Good morning. Read about your local boondoggle you termed a hyperloop. How does Minnesota generate electricity these days, hamsters on exercise wheels attached to generators? Something is likely burned to run boilers to create steam to run turbines. Electricity is not nearly the clean fuel everyone is hoping. In Ohio they burned coal. Not sure how they do it in Louisiana, my new home as of just about a year ago, but I have driven past a hundred acres of solar panels on the way to Monroe from Oak Grove. Just like you can't give someone a government handout without first taking it from someone else, you usually can't generate power without consuming carbon based fuels. So don't kid yourself. Changing topics midstream. You have been subject to cerebral circulatory oddities it seems. Been there, done that. I went to the hospital a day after I had what was termed a significant stroke. What do you mean you didn't know you were having a stroke? Wasn't your speech slurred? Yes, my wife caught it, but I had another explanation. At the time I had a nipple in my mouth. Ever try to enunciate clearly in that posture? My slurring of words was perfectly understandable to me. Not typically a time for a lot of words anyway! But said stroke was located in a portion of the brain that had been removed in the 1980s to end my relationship with epilepsy. So my significant stroke ended up being fairly insignificant. Hope you are well, taking aspirin. Oh yeah, proudly anti vax for me as I have miscoding on chromosome 23 that makes me the opposite of a hemophiliac so as long as the spectre of blood clots looms in the vicinity of any off the vaccines, I am not inviting another stroke as I strongly suspect my brain will be my cause of death. It has been the only thing to ever give me trouble health wise.

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Bill, Government “handouts” are investments that owners of private capital have chosen to bypass. Yup, the process takes funds from some and distributes to many and results in a vibrant economy. History tells us that.

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I love the "pull up your socks" phrase. It's a whole lot better than "put on your big girl panties" that I've been hearing for the last 20 years. Thanks for giving that to me this morning. And, YES, we need to pull up our socks! It's 5:30 here in Southern California in the middle of the Mojave Desert and I'm much happier now after reading your lovely words.

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Pull up your compression socks! It helps your circulation and getting more oxygen therefore more energy.

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I’m quite puzzled how we went from Everett Dirksen to Mike Johnson in the course of my lifetime. From moonshots to complaining about flush toilets.

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Kim,you said more in those 25 words than the others took paragraphs to explain! Well done!

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The flush toilet thing amuses me because we had a non-flush toilet just a few yards out from the back door.

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I too wish trains played a larger part in our day-to-day lives. As to the Republican Party, we're mostly lovers, not fighters. What you notice is Republicans starting to grow a backbone to counter the failed and brutal Socialist/Communist policies in the past, that Democrats continually try to resurrect. It's ironic that once some people become very successful, monetarily in life, through free markets and personal endeavors, they forget the special American freedom fabric that brought them to the dance, allowing for their success. Blindly giving that fabric away to leftist Big Government control is just something I will never comprehend, here in the USA. God bless America.

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I can understand your point of view, although I strongly disagree. In 1924 the Democratic National Convention was so dominated by the KKK that it was dubbed the "Klanbake." The Republican Party was the party of Lincoln. Political parties change, and in a sense the two have traded places. Today's Republican Party has wholeheartedly embraced lies, conspiracies, election denialism, authoritarianism, voter suppression, white supremacy, crime, a generalized disdain for science (where would the USA be if not for science?) and—in just about the least healthy campaign strategy imaginable—pitting Americans against one another. Such ideas have not served it well in the past (think of McCarthyism and Watergate), and none of it is evidence of a backbone as you say. Having a spine is the opposite of licking the boots of a cult leader, sucking up to dictators and adopting the tactics of Mafia bosses. With the cult leader now insisting that he should have total immunity even if he assassinates his political opponents, it's now up to people like you to remove the rot at the core of your party by supporting Democrats (who by the way are capitalists, not communists as you suggest) until the former GOP once again accepts the rule of law and our country's democratic institutions. Unless of course your priority is to be a loyal "Republican" rather than an American patriot.

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Unfortunately and realistically, the entire Republican party will prevail in 2024, and 2025 will be very sad and dangerous for the "tired, the poor, and the huddled masses".

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You mean like that red wave in 2022, which was largely thanks to certain districts in California and New York that now seem to be trending blue again? Our democracy is on the line. Don't give up the ship.

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I think it would be cheaper and more efficient to just shoot people out of a cannon to their next destination…

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And, it has a higher likelihood of working.

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That sudden stop at the end is the problem. Mike Lindell is from Minnesota, how about some mattress toppers, Mike…

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Did Ghandi say 'life is not about going faster'?

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WanderingSioux Feb 21 Wait a minute! 700 mph! Underground, there’s a certain amount of air in a tunnel! If a train is pushing against all that atmosphere – isn’t it possible that humans wouldn’t have enough “good air” to breathe? We can fly in planes at that speed because internal air pressure is regulated. But there’s plenty of atmosphere outside. Being confined to a tunnel, it seems to me, would threaten anoxia and asphyxiation!

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It does kind of bring to mind the demise of the Titan...

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There should be a hyperloop, several, all over the place. Let's get them build quickly. The people could all benefit from such a transportation option. But sadly, it will never happen. Bureaucracy, conflicting politics, unions and corporations held together by investors will throw mud under the wheels of such progress.

Middle America? Leave it alone. Do you know why most rural areas are devoid of progress, seem to be backwards and way, way, way behind the times? It's simple. We like it that way. Less government involvement in our lives, less rules and to be left alone in our peace and quiet. We don't mind change, we just don't like the kind of change that will alter our peace and quiet. Alter our way of life. Us folks up here in the farmlands and rural areas of America, the country as it's called, like our country to stay country and will fight you tooth and nail to prevent you to change that. Don't city our country.

I'm all for technological advances as long as it is going to be put to use by the people who NEED it. The people who WANT it, however, tend to think with their back pocket.

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You mentioned the name Antietam however you neglected to instruct on how to pronounce it. You trying to be funny?

Juezze Louise G.


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Bob Dole.

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Good answer.

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