I recommended Garrison to a woman who reading at a Nursing Care Facility. Needless, to explain his tranquil voice and soothing stories of Wobegone were well received. Garrison the narrator of a fictional small Midwestern town in America. ❤️

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As far as using the restroom signed for the opposite gender, I am surprised you did not respond, “That’s different.”

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You see her as presidential? I see her as an airhead, a woman who slept her way with the married mayor to prominence in San Francisco, whose speeches are garbled word salad, and whose mannerisms are flirtatious, not serious or dignified at all. I am not a walrus, BTW. I am 79 and an essayist, a poet, and an artist, just hitting my stride, as you say you are doing at your age. I am not bellowing. I am ashamed to think this woman could be the first woman president, and I shrink to think she would represent to the world how well a woman could head the United States. I would rather wait for a woman candidate with a high IQ, seriousness of demeanor, oratorical abilities, and traditional family values.

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I grew up in Minnesota and was traveling with my elderly mother and father and young daughter. While the plane was loading, I glanced at the aisle seat a few rows ahead where my mother sat. I watched her block, with her outstretched arm, this tall man from going further. The man was you Garrison Keillor showing kindness to an elderly fan. 🥰

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I am glad Garrison Kiellor lives on earth one

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You fools the dems are pulling the wool over your eyes.

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Always making general statements, unsupported by evidence. Just what did the Dems do to fool supporters of the serial molester of women and convicted felon, not to mention the blatant daily lies?

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There's no thicker wool than that which is over the eyes of the Fat Orange supporters...

And I'm a Repub.

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I’ll be 82, the same age as Garrison, a week before Christmas. Although he’s a Wobegoner and I’m a native, and life-long, New Yorker I know exactly where he’s coming from, because I’ve come through it all with him. My first favorite author was Sinclair Lewis and I read all his books about Zenith, a fictional, but real American burg. I’d give anything to go back to those good old days when I was an adolescent and I’d curl up with the boring exploits of George Babbit and Cliff Clawson and feel so smugly superior. Today, I curl up with Bilbo Baggins and, oh yeah, Garrison Keillor and I feel . . . this is all I need to get by. Thanks for the memories, Gar!

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Today we saw the play, “Primary First”, that won a Pulitzer which is very nice to have won. The messages tho were sorta like Mrs Shaver and Kamala Harris: it takes a few who care, show it, see us and our potential, believe in us, uplift us, help relieve our fears and ensure we move forward. We will as a country with President Kamala! Thank you, Garrison Keillor, for heartfelt being, thinking and writing.

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Kam along with Kamala

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Well, if we do get a Madame President in three months, it might not be so bad. Elizabeths I & II weren't so bad for their countries in each of their respective times. "Bloody Mary" was aptly named, I guess, murdering as many Protestants as she could, but her reign was short and led to Elizabeth's. So, I guess it all evened out in the end.

I know that nobody wants a "walrus" for a POTUS again. Maybe John Lennon would because he was one once, or so he said, oh and half our country too, I guess, the detestable half, that is.

But here's something really cool that I read today on a blog written by a young man who walks around the world and talks to actual people, the vast majority who love America and our American culture that the cultural elites over here deplore. Isn't that wonderful good news? That and Mongolian Hip Hop Rap, I think, is even better than our domestic stuff. So REJOICE, therefore. Even if we manage to destroy ourselves, there's enough of our seed sown across the globe that we may be reincarnated somewhere! https://themjkxn.substack.com/p/the-world-doesnt-hate-us

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The walrus was Paul.

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Couldn't be, because Paul was dead.

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Kamala's problem is that she does not address the accusations hurled at her. Why does she not hammer home the fact that border crossings are lower now than during Donold's tenure, that the "recession" was caused in large measure by his mishandling of the Covid epidemy, and that inflation is under control?

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Thank you for this! I agree with what you have said and certainly hope that Kamala and Walz win!

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The through line of kindness here touches me deeply. I can’t think of anything I want more for my/all children, than for them to be kind and to have kindnesses shown to them. I look forward to casting my ballot for competence, grace, intelligence, experience and above all, human compassion and kindness.

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Love this post!

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I'm thinking you are halfway right.

It's amazing what a small act of kindness will do. I've spent a lifetime watching my wife, she's amazing. Her little acts, her speaking to folks (anyone, known or not), the way she treats people... Sooner or later a lil bit is gonna rub off on me, maybe I'll learn something.

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I was at this show. It was great.

Do you remember the name of the cafe in Keene?

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I don't, sorry. But I do know that Mickey's Diner has reopened in St. Paul, the diner Bob Altman loved so much that he spent hours working on the scenes he shot for the movie, making it look like the Hopper painting. I plan to go back there in October.

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I remember going to Mickey's Diner after your TPHC show at the World Theater.

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