Keep sticking up for us oldies. I am 82 (six months older than you, I believe) and still have my wits about me. Enough to know that I shouldn't expect to have the energy to be President but there are nonetheless still good things to do with my time. And I happen to love to stand on my head. Do visit my Substack to see me do so in a 2 minute video.

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I saw your video a while back and am very impressed. I'm 64 and can't stand on my head - mind you, I am naturally clumsy and couldn't do it as a kid, either. You rock! 👍

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I was the last person chosen for any team at my school, so I never thought of myself as athletic, but I took to yoga. Doing yoga is supposed to be serious and I was somewhat reluctant to post a video of me doing it, but when I thought about it, it is a perfect way to say old people aren't completely past it (long before Biden was an issue). There is something delightfully silly about standing on your head, it implies fun. A friend (and fellow yoga devotee) suggested it also implies looking at the world from another point of view. In any case, I am for having fun whatever your age – and if you look for it, there is a post about orgasms at The Granny Who Stands on her Head!

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Wearing the appropriate underwear I hope?

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Thick tights do the trick.

Go have a look: https://arichardson.substack.com/p/why-does-anyone-stand-on-their-head

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Only joking Ann.

I have watched the video and it is perfectly appropriate.

Live long and prosper !

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Garrison, you are calming balm of wisdom and humor for humanity. Thank you for starting my morning with grace.

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I couldn’t agree more. His voice of reason has made such a difference in my life. 🇨🇦

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Kindness is what it is all about! How to be kind today!

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Compassion comes in handy, as well. They're sort of like cousins.

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Good morning, Garrison: After 33 treatments of radiation to my neck to rid my body of tonsillar cancer a dozen years ago, now at age 82 I lead parishioners at catholic mass at St. Patrick church as the cantor once a month. It was the holy spirit I feel that coaxed me to go down there and praise the Lord by singing his word for saving my life. Yesterday I sang "America" and "Glory glory halleluiah plus the psalm and several more. Close to the end of America the Beautiful I felt my eyes start to water and I was at peace. rr

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Have to agree with you, we're not old till we quit learning. Interestingly, what about people that keep learning but keep repeating their mistakes?

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There once was a man named Keillor

At 81, still quite a regaler

From Lake Wobegon's lore

To Manhattan's front door

His wit remains sharp as a tailor

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There once was a man named Keillor

At 81, still quite regular

From a crescent moon door

To Lake Wobegon's shore

A constitutional overachiever.

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"Keillor" rhymes with "wheeler" and "dealer," not "regaler" or "tailor."

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There once was a fellow named Carl Voss,

Whose rhyming skills were at a loss.

He'd fumble and stutter,

His words a mere mutter,

His poems were just verbal floss

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Good! "Voss" and "floss" do rhyme. But "Keillor" and "tailor" still don't.

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I regret that our culture doesn’t respect the wisdom, experience and calmness that comes with age.

I wish the different generations were more connected. Our senior citizens should be mentoring younger generations and preparing them for life and leadership.

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Hi folks ! Check out the ProPolitica interview of

President Biden. They’ve re-released it. You really get to see the man in his thoughtful ways. You’ll all enjoy it.

I’m 81 by the way, and I’ve never in my life been sharper. I’m enjoy it ! (P.S. turn your phone to side view, you’ll get a lovely close up!)

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Totally agree. I have friends in their 80's and friends who are younger than I am. I'm 53. My wife is 50. As for our president, I have no problem with his age. I am nervous about his health and stamina regarding the office, that's all.

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I’m in my 50’s, my kids are in their 20s. I look forward to their generation taking over. I just want to be sure they learn from our mistakes and our successes.

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No triscuits? No wonder you moved.

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You will see at least 100. Why am I so sure? Because you have, what used to be called, perhaps quaintly, "a good heart." You are kind to people and appreciate the little things of worth and value around you, Mr. Keillor.

I had an uncle (my mother's sister's husband) who was a mean and spiteful old codger. He used to spitefully tease us children when we were too young to even understand what the word "snide" meant. One day without warning he just dropped dead of a heart attack. I don't know for certain that his mean-spirited attitude toward life caused his sudden death but I'm pretty sure it at least contributed to it.

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81 can be really healthy or really unhealthy. It can mean robust cognitive health, or dementia, and everything in between. It can mean ambulatory or wheelchair ridden. Because some people are robust at 81 does not mean all people are. I hate to say it, but Mick Jagger is probably a great example 😁 I hate to say it, but it’s true. My husband died of cancer at 58 years old. He was a trim, fit, engaged man. About a week before he died he said, “I can’t believe Mick Jagger is going to outlive me”. My husband had good humor right up until the end. Watch Mick Jagger run on stage. It’s trending on the internet right now, but it’s a great reminder. And we must remember that you can be cognizant enough to be someone’s husband and someone’s grandpa, but that doesn’t mean you are fit to be president!

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We’ll see you a week from Sunday.

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Totally awesomely cool column, thank you.

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Thanks again Garrison. I am smiling from the inside out. Some thoughts.

Your serenity at 81 is due in part that you embrace your capabilities at your age. You accept the limiations with grace. I wish Joe would be honest with himself and embrace his age appropriate limitations. It might be the first step for a better life.

I applaud you being able to say something positive about Trump. He is clearly an a______, but I too hope that he picks up a little humanity as he gets older. Not likely, but I am still hoping for him.

You have worked very hard your entire life and you deserve the serenity that you share with us. Joe has worked his tail off his entire career in government. I wish that Joe would find a serenity not too different than yours. Perhaps he would choose to drive his Corvette more often!!

Thanks again and take care!

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