This message is cranberry sauce for my soul. The homemade version. With the rum

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Again, Garrison, Thx for your Giving... Although as occasionally occurs, your voice doesn't seem to reach quite far enough. No same person would ar-gue with your view on grumpy trumpy & van-ished being even worse than an Ag-new & Nix...

However & onward...

So yes (!) of course, your view on cranberries & those who grow them is right on... except you forgot to mention the crucial secret ingredient in the very best home-made CB sauce... Just like the best complex tossed salad needs the subtle unami overtone punch of anchovies, the tart sweetness of the CB sauce needs that sneaky snarky hint of cayenne pepper & perhaps the suggestion of jalapenos to remind you that not all of life is sweetness & sane presidents.

And while I am on this cranberry box, I have to respectfully broaden your comment on the much (rightfully so) disparaged pumpkin pie by mentioning it's far more worthy cousin... sweet potato pie. Even as a little kid, I knew my Mom's sweet potato pie was the world's best "pumpkin" pie ... and that rich substantial complexity still exists today... Just as we hope it will continue to exist in our apolitical political system.

And of course... It's impossible to resist that apocryphal pseudo-Chinese sarcastic curse re "May you live in interesting times..." & so broaden it out to ...

"May we all have an interesting 2025 (& survive same)..."💕

Neil Richards

Pittsford NY


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Nicely expressed - thank you!

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We may differ on Cranberry but we in india still can't make out why the USA did not dump Trump when it had a proper evolved and a decent option in Kamla Harris.

Why is being a woman such a crime in US not only on Thanksgiving Day but also vote giving day?

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On my dear god! Now I have the Orange lard dancing and singing in a bowl of jelly, not sauce, jelly! A little miniature thumb, maybe human, jury is out, singing his tiny little seven sizes too small heart out! And what is he singing? ‘Oh my oh me me me me mine!’ Over and over.

So let him have it—his own little Jelly world. His own little bowl with an odd non-cranberry smell…a sort of musky poo…it depends the height of the LEEP

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Good, but I would substitute stink for smell. We will live with the stink of him for the next four years. Bring on the cranberry scented candles.

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I wasn't aware that Mango Mussolini had a heart.

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And thank you for sending it to us.

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What a great country!

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As you said, "There is something good in all of us" ... even Donald Trump."

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Not keen on your politics, it would seem Mr Keillor, but I have always enjoyed your writing. Thank you.

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Half of the country were just detoured to go down a road that we know is going to be a sloppy, rough, rocky, muddy mess. The group we're being dragged by, in the big smoky trucks, think/hope it's going to be a hilarious, funny adventure leading to a new place where gas is cheap, women pay better attention, people know their places, reading is stupid and sticks and stones make the rules. Buckle up, put a helmet on, roll up the windows, tune radio to NPR and make sure the kids pay attention. Wifey and me will be in our Jeep for this four-year tour.

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You are too good a writer to include editorial opinion constantly. I read for entertainment not political opinion. I am sure Lake W. had various opinions like the town of Bob Newhart’s Stratford Inn. They were only shared at town meetings.please keep up the great writing.

Phil Adams

A fellow octogenarian!

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Ah, Making the Thanking specific. How sweet and tart. I give thanks for the Original People who kept this place so well tended we called it the New World. They were geo-located, ahh. May we learn their ways an honor them and our place and the lives here that make us all right, in giving Thanks.

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“Everyday I am a new beginning. “

It lets us of the hook of always

having to be a whopping success!

I saw you live in Lubbock Texas last week. We were all impressed with your vitality-no sitting down sipping on water- walking on stage the whole time leading us in songs❤️🫶🏼❤️

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So nice to hear his calming voice telling short stories about every day life that help me cope with my issues.not pointing at me the smart-alec way …

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Thx all...

Garrison is good

But so are we

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you're too kind.

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Cranberry growers voted for Trump?? I give up.

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