Thank you for that smile and unexpected rush of stale air from my lungs, Garrison. My wife kicked my snoring body out of bed this morning as the sun peeked over the horizon. My troubled dreams, disturbed by darkness, needed the innocence of the dawn and its freshness that is essential for a good laugh.

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Thank you for this breath of fresh morning air! You describe so perfectly my love of 5am, and my distaste of leafblowers!

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Good morning, Garrison. We can see everything you are saying in this writing. Now this: A confession of sort. Each morning when your writing comes onto my desktop screen, and as I read down, down, down, my brain is waiting, hoping mostly to see one tiny bit of sarcasm about the guy, you know who, we all would recognize who. Thanks for not, today. Maybe tomorrow. rr

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Ah, again, we blame the Irish for the din at the pub: "Is this a private fight or can anybody get in?" Guided by the rules you have and your code and chockful of stories. so sober you remain. Pardon me GK, but the Irish are often tromped upon by the sober. Hungover is no way to start the day, so the dog that bit you yesterday can bite you again. Right you are though, the best way to be astonished by an early summer morn is to note the green of the pasture and reflections of the creek. PS: Back here in MN we have fallen waters everywhere with our roads covered, homes semi-submerged, and the flooding of our Mankata river that incredibly flows up to the Minnesota and the Missisippi River as it flows down to the Gulf. There's an awful noise to those rushing waters and beauty can't be found. Just the untamed. Like the Irish are. Ugly too.!

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Thank you! Have a blessed day. Your writing brightens mine.

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I wish I could remember more of the jokes from your jokefest PHC some years ago. One I won't forget is about the discussion among three engineers...

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A good day!

All good jokes.

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Good one! Thank you.

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My church formed a men's group that meets once a month around a "camp fire." Most men talk about the angst they experience in every day life. I call them "ain't it awful" exercises. I no longer attend since life for me isn't all that bad. I might start attended again if we were asked to bring a joke to share. Thanks.

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You want jokes? Join a Jewish group.

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But where does it meet? And do they want an elderly Episcopalian?

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How about an elderly Lutheran?

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I'll try to find one for you.

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“Humoristicism.” I tried saying that word but my tongue had a conniption and died.

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I didn't try to say it, just reading it correctly hurts. I gloss over the Dad jokes and this word.

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"Dad jokes??" Oh my, I should be ashamed of begetting offspring?

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One “fewer” drunk, although I suppose the deceased might be less drunk but I’m not sure how you would tell.

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Excellent! I know how you feel re noise. I dislike certain mornings of the week due to the regular lawn mowing that starts very early. On the other hand, my tinnitus sounds like a lawn mower except that it doesn't change volume like the device when it goes farther away and then comes back.

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Mee too, I've had tinnitus for 5 decades, sounds like those infernal cicadas (which we don't have in Maine).

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It can be very disconcerting. And take on many forms.

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I love your writings! Thank you for sharing your gift! 💝

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Thanks for your deep honesty~You continue to help change our world. I've sat in circle for 24 years❤️

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Beautifully described. The early mornings are so magical.🌟🙏🌟

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A very apropos essay on this day as the lawn maintenance crew for our subdivision just arrived to do their weekly duty. The mowers, trimers and blowers create quite a lot of noise. What could I do,you ask? I opened the windows (it is a beautiful 70 degree day), and turned my hearing aids off. and finished your excellent column

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