I can rerally relate to the underpants ballet, it may be the underdoing of me.

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Ah, yes, but when you’re taking your undershorts OFF (free-standing), do you still kick them up in the air and try to catch them? I’m still managing it about four out of five times. Full disclosure: When donning, I do lean against a door frame to do the second leg. I’m having enough trouble just lifting my foot high enough. Wearing underwear is not for sissies.

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My wife wants me to sit while urinating too. I comply on occasion, but my dignity as a man comes first. I have so little dignity left.

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I usually get dressed (as much as possible) while sitting on the toilet. I don’t know why, but I always feel compelled to put my left shoe on before the right one.

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I too am a “sitter to pee” but only at night when with my restricted flow would make standing upright take way too long. Glad you touched on the psychological aspect of manliness in all this. I thought the same thing but only YOU had the manly courage to address it.

Still doing the underpants ballet with so far no injuries.

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THIS PASSAGE IS WORTH THE READING: "I do not want my obit to read “The author died at home of a concussion, while trying to pull on his briefs. No foul play was suspected.” And so after a near fall, I sit down on the bed and practice safety, but still there is a sense of loss. Trousers are easier but not without risk."----


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For years I’ve been sitting down to pull on my briefs and pants. It has always seemed the best way to do it. One sits to pull on socks and shoes I reasoned long ago, why not the clothing on the lower half, too?

Rudy Giuliani has mastered the art of shirt-tail tucking whilst lying down! He’s well ahead of us all, if only in this regard.

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So sorry for your loss, I'm right there with you...

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It takes practice! I've gotten pretty good at it

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Funny and so true.

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A meandering story hitting many fun topics. But the unanswered question is this, boxers or briefs?

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A heartfelt essay. The skating element reminds me of early days in Minnetonka. Before they built the 494 freeway, we had a swamp across the road in front of our house. Smoky's Swamp, named for a neighborhood dog. We would skate there and play hockey in November amidst the pussy willows, before the snow but after the freeze.

One year five of us skated a mile down the Minnehaha creek to our elementary school, Burwell. That went well in the morning, but come afternoon, the sun peeked through the clouds. We warned the new kid in town, Greg F, to avoid the center of the creek, where the ice seemed thinnest.

He didn't listen and slipped into a hole up to his waist. We pulled him out. On the skate back, the afternoon sun waning, his pant legs froze. Poor kid had a tough time skating without bending his knees, but we got him home. His mother wouldn't let us play with him from that day on. Nice kid, too.

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Oh, Lord! I go through the same gyrations day after day, seemingly suddenly a slow learner toward the end of my life. Such daily humiliation as we do face ... thank you, as always, for being our articulate spokesperson and companion.

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This reminds me of the story about a gentleman in assisted living who didn’t come down for breakfast one morning. His pals went to his room and found him on the floor, both legs stuck in one pant leg!

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Ah, an age-thing then. I thought there was something wrong with me.

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