Thank you for sharing this presentation of thanks and love, and everything else that went into the production of such a beautiful and moving recital, and to the audience that gently joined in the four-part singing of 'America.' How generous to include the script as a transcript.

Thank you!

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This left me weepy. Thank you.

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May 28·edited May 28

Beautiful. Thank you. I went to the Antietam National Battlefield this week, a powerful time, yes hopefully we will all reclaim this day. I share this memory. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkCVlJSqAQA&t=2s

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Excellent poem and all so true! We must never forget their bravery and sacrifice and hopefully learn from mistakes of the past. Thank you for this reminder of what Memorial Day really means.

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thanks and amen

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Like the round: Where have all the flowers gone. ... Gone to graveyards everyone. When will they ever learn ...

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Thank you, from an old vet

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I, sincerely, thank you,

for your service, Mr. Braithwaite.

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Thank you for reminding us of the purpose of this holiday in such a beautiful way.

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Edited and reposted on my Facebook page, but I had to wipe the tears off my face before I could do that.

.One of the most moving posts you have ever done, Thank You, Mr, Keillor!

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Hear, Hear !! Thank All Of You!!

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I would like to share this: Remembering The Men of The Vietnam War https://tinyurl.com/3eff5hyc

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Such a perfect way to remind us of war's horror that, hopefully someday, cause us to find peace!

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Such a lovely, poignant poem. Thank you.

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Thank you for helping to provide the meaning of this day. Wonderful homage!

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Thank you.

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How far we move from history and meaning with our 3 day weekends. How far we move from history untaught - by law, untaught. Is it any wonder that we end up with those elected to govern who know so little by choice and that the future may mean even greater numbers of them? "Decoration Day" had great meaning. Thank you for reminding all.

A personal footnote: I asked a colleague, involved in the planning of military reunions, if statistics of deaths IN wars included people who died BECAUSE of wars - that is, the many among my high school peers (Class of '65) who returned with physical and mental injuries so grievous that they committed suicide, or who, like my cousin, a new Rabbi and new husband, who went to serve as a chaplain, and returned only to die of Agent Orange-caused cancer? I too recall my Vietnamese friend from Hue, a college student, who often stayed with our family, and, who, upon returning to Viet Nam, told us to stop being in contact with her and her family because of the danger to them, was never again heard from nor found.

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