Jun 21·edited Jun 21

I scrolled through schedule looking for possible livestream - which is only way I’d be able watch a PHC reunion/anniversary show. I know you were toying with streaming another one and I keep looking … please consider it!!!!! Stay safe and well. Looking both ways in all senses.

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I would be happy to pay for a livestream and I'm sure lots of other people would, too.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

As a boy in the '60's in the UK, loved the TV re- runs of the old b&w slapstick silents & early talkies. Promoted compiled & presented by a then contemporary English comedian, Bob Monkhouse, who revered them. Harold Lloyd , Laurel & Hardy & Buster Keaton were always and remain my favourites, not so much Chaplin, a bit too much saccharine & victim! Recall Buster's cameo in a A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, which would have been a few years after you saw him in person. Taken aback by him speaking, but still funny. Comedy is a great antidote to many aspects of life & thank you too for your contribution to that humourous medicine.

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Have you considered wearing a helmet on your neighborhood walks? Maybe employ a walking companion to lookout for possible accidents. Life gets faster and we get slower, there's no justice in growing elderly.

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Thanks again for your wonderful insights.

I see bikes on sidewalks or otherwise being ridden in dangerous ways and it is a pet peeve I see every day where I live.

Some people are mentally unstable and

drive around on bikes and cars.

Then there are the Hapless Hal type pedestrians that live in a great town for pedestrians and leave the town and don't realize how crazy it is out there and get run-over jaywalking. I know about a couple that happened to recently.

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Well dreamed, Sir Garrison! There, and in someone else’s dream or movie. Is it better to lie dying in a hospital bed, or to step off the stage, break one’s cranium and die doing what you love. Or on a crushed bike and with a crushed head, or, well you know. There’s something to be said for the quick unconscious here and be sent to a far better place where happiness is. Yes, look at corners too, but hope you draw the card of quick. TK

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Good morning, Garrison. We've been to Manhattan many times getting from here to there by walking, mostly. Central Park from top to bottom is a must for anyone wanting to see/feel the joy of big city life. New Yorkers are all there, one by one in their real looks, we love that about your city. rr

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Happy Day Garrison, we are both on the right side of the turf!

A quick question, and if you do not mind, I would rather ask you than Google. What does LGBTQRST stand for? Is it an acronym or an initialism? Bonus question.

Take care and thanks for adding value to my day.

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Option 3: It’s a joke.

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Having looked up "acronym" and "initialism," I think we can say it's an acronym, an initialism, an alphabetism, and (part of the) alphabet -- and, of course, a joke.

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Hello there ! I am from rural Wyoming, so I would actually love to see more people riding bikes and walking, instead of zooming everywhere in cars😉, especially when our weather is cooperative:) Yes bikes can be a hazard in bigger cities as well as the drivers. We have had a few serious accidents even in my small town.

I enjoy listening and reading your articles. Often it is a rich part of my literary day. Your gift is unmatchable.

I struggle though, when your writing gets political as not everyone as you know thinks or believes as you do. I am sensitive to political pander, and try to look at issues from both sides. I don’t necessarily get that vibe from your speech.

A few times as per the article on the Met opening its doors to kids, I was so enjoying the article, until it turned to politics. Then I was soured and did not finish reading it. We all in America need to be able to think and come to our own conclusions politically, and never are candidates nor issues black and white. There is always the good with the bad.

Thank you for all you offer as insights to daily life. I do miss hearing your voice now, but am appreciative that your articles are continuing! Writer’s Almanac has and is always such a blessing! Take care and be well Mr. Garrison:🙏

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Hi Vickie: I live here in Michigan on a beautiful northern lake. Essentially rural. Your concerns about Garrison's political comments might be valid if, in fact, politics today were not black and white. However, if you believe that's the case, I suggest you pay more attention. Without pulling any more punches, Trump and the Trumpers are a mortal danger to what's left of my life after 87 years of relatively sane existence voting on both sides of the fence. These are not normal times and while I continue to enjoy the Writer's Almanac daily, I also enjoy when Garrison's political observations hit the very necessary mark! Please continue to think and vote accordingly.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

Vickie: I am one of the few who reads Garrison, whom fully agrees with you! From here in S/W Kansas Farm & Ranch country!

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Yes, you're one of the few who agree with Vickie, and you've also commented that this website is full of "Satanism trying to destroy this nation." Again, you are a perfect illustration of why trump is so dangerous, and why thinking Republicans, Independents and Democrats must join forces to outnumber those willing to give unlimited power to a criminal, a scoundrel, known by some of his followers as Republican Jesus, a guy whose only concern has always been himself. The continued existence of our democracy and any hope for "American exceptionalism" depends entirely on whether sane people will outnumber you and your fellow cult members at the polls. "When you're a star they let you do it. They let you do anything"? You may be okay with that, but most of us aren't.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

You misunderstood the Satanism remark! I was NOT calling "you" a Satanist, but showing that Satanism IS trying to destroy this nation, the actual Leaders of both the Democrat & Republican parties, who do NOT believe in God, i.e., Nature's God, as in our Founding Documents. In trying, to move us and the USA into the One World Government (OWG/OWO) of which the World Economic Council (WEF) desires, and has been pushing for, for Decades. Fortunately, "they" have overplayed their hand, and are now being strenuously denied and stopped by Freedom Loving People throughout the World, especially independent small Farmers and businesses outside of the especially Metro areas!

You also appear to believe everything your chosen Master News Media, Main Stream Media (MSM) tells you, without question!

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I rest my case.

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BTW, our Nation of the USA has never been a Democracy. It was founded and despite the efforts to destroy it, as a Representative REPUBLIC, a far cry from any democracy of which the Large Progressive areas control all. Even, the major fraudulent elections, since 1960s.

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Everyone knows that the USA is a democracy. In fact, it is the world's champion of democracy, despite its faults. Democracy and representative republic are not mutually exclusive things. Saying that we are not a democracy is just a strange way of trying to simultaneously change the subject and justify the increasingly authoritarian behavior of the shameless "leaders" who have managed to gain control of the Republican party. With all due respect, though, thank you for illustrating my points with your truly bizarre comments.

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Thank you for your efforts here. Good grief.

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Vickie, have you noticed that Republican candidates are increasingly refusing to say that they will accept election results if they lose? Did you watch Marjorie Taylor Greene recently tell Dr. Anthony Fauci in a congressional hearing that he should be in prison? Are you aware that trump calls immigrants vermin who poison the blood of our country? That his campaign put out a video showing a newspaper with an aspirational headline about American industry booming because of trump economic policies imposed under a "unified Reich"? They claimed it was accidental, but he's the same guy who says there are fine people on both sides and invites white supremacists to Mar-a-Lago. Do you care that Fox News has had to pay $787.5 million for the "stop-the-steal" lies it told about the 2020 election? Have you watched the entire Republican party work to discredit our judicial system since trump's conviction? None of this is "black and white," and you're kidding yourself if you think there are similar horrors on "the other side."

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Concerning slapstick:

To anyone who’s never seen it, might I recommend Laurel & Hardy’s “The Music Box”.

The sigh and the shrug after talking to the mailman alone is worth a month’s of giggles.

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Yes. It would be a shame to die because of a reckless delivery cyclist carrying LGBTQRS&TUVWXYZ crudités. I am in Tokyo and it's the same thing here but the bicycles are all on the sidewalk which I was told is because there's no room for them on the street but it is an unconvincing argument since the sidewalks are more crowded with pedestrians than the streets are crowded with cars and they keep coming at me from all directions whizzing by inches away and when they're coming from the front they never signal their intentions in any way. Will they at the last second veer to the right or to the left, how am I to know, and so I'm forced to stop in my tracks and they never make eye contact as they swoosh past me with sacks of groceries and infants and sometimes small dogs in little carriers on the handlebars.

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Run, don’t walk, Mr. Keillor, to see the new movie, “Thelma!” You’ll love it as much as did my long-time beautiful bride and I. It has all the things you write about in your best posts about your ups and downs plus an old “Shaft” and an ancient “Alex” from “A Clockwork Orange” and the young people who give you and all of us so much hope!

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You can write your own obituary in advance to assure that it includes exactly what you want in it. Give the file to your wife and children so they can make final corrections to it when you are no longer able. I made this suggestion to my husband, who is 81, but he was not ready to do it yet. I intend to write my own, but haven't gotten around to it yet...

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Michele, I agree this is a great idea, and I also wonder if your comment is a useful reminder of the difference between 'can' and 'may.' Yes, we can write our own obituaries, but somehow among you and yours and me, none of us has yet done so. We are not 'ready.' I am going to start working on giving myself permission regarding this project, that is, so that I 'may' do it.

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Your comments about idiot riders (and electric scooters) could have been much tougher. They are ignorant and selfish. I am tempted to push them over -- but that would be wrong.

Good riders know they are vehicles in the eyes of the law. When riding on the road, ride with traffic, obey stoplights, give turn signals or caution signals, stay close to the edge of the road, always wear a helmet, keep the bike in good shape. We do ride through stop signs if there is no traffic coming; that's legal in our state. The people you described are outlaws. Too bad the police can't find the time to stop them and take their bikes to a precinct house far away.

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Back in the days I commuted to STL, occasionally someone on a crotch-rocket would zip in between slow moving traffic to pass us all by. Similar to your observations about guys on scooters. Sorry to hear about your friend.

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Good day, to you, Garrison.

Thank you for typing about your experience viewing Buster Keaton, Live;

I was riveted, reading your account!

Your true story, of a bicycle-riding husband,

(of a pal of yours) needs to hire a contingency lawyer, to make a civil suit, if the statute-of-limitations is open, for that particular case.

Contingency lawyers take the case when they know it's a slam-dunk win (despite the lies, from the other side, naturally). You don't pay the lawyers, ever, they take a cut from your obvious winnings coming up the pike.

Currently, I'm in a similar case, with a small lie, from a police-department statement (the hospital account backs me up), and then there's the individual withholding their insurance, including additional, obvious lies.

(My contingency lawyers, for this civil suit, said I should be receiving winnings within this year.)

It's hard to wrap my mind around folks blatantly hurting others;

for what reason, and why do they enjoy it?

Are they bad seeds?

Is it their upbringing, and lack of a foundation in Christ (which will ground you morally, forever, whether you remain within a religeon, or decide to depart).

Hope your bicycle-riding pal fully recuperated, and that his pup is well, too.


~ Tamara ⚘️

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