The best idea I've heard in a long time. Be kind, folks.

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"I don’t have time for your insanity! Take it someplace else!" I'm going to use this.

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And....dear sir, let's not forget the flyng insects, indoors, bumble bees and ilk, trying to fly out through glass panes...no swatting allowed...only gentle pick up on paper, to release to elements outside πŸ¦‹πŸ•·οΈπŸͺ³πŸ¦—πŸžπŸͺ²πŸπŸœπŸŒΌπŸŒ»πŸŒΊπŸ₯€

Me. Me, like your taxied advice. Pigeons - our local ones are cute. They walk along a lot, even cross the road on designated crossing (better sense than some biped pedestrians). Good luck on your patrols, Earthling πŸ‘

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I always love your sharing.

But just so you know, unless you were a combat era vet, with my guess at your imagined income/financial resources, the government will NOT be picking up the tab for nursing home care. Take it from someone who knows, as a caregiver for my pleasantly (thank god!) demented spouse. If I want nursing home care on the govt's dime for him or me, the financially best outcome I can hope for would be some terrible physical malady, that first MUST require at least 3 days in a hospital, and then one could go to a nursing home for THAT malady on Medicare's dime. And who wants that to happen to yourself or your loved one??!!

So no, go slow but stay active. Pigeon patrol sounds like just the ticket!!

Thanks for brightening my day, as usual.

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That was a fun and heartwarming set up for the last sentence. All is vanity and a striving after the wind, but doing something for the birds leavens the soul.

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I know that the Pigeon Patrol ploy is a comic device, which is pretty funny but seriously those who are helping collapsed birds, sometimes their injury is due to an infection particularly West Nile Virus which is still around in North America. The CDC reported cases are mostly located on the western part of our country but there are still cases reported on the east coast. My suggestion. when tending to injured wildlife use protective gear before handling them. This isn't funny but I thought I'd add it to the comments.

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I couldn’t help but notice that in the list of workers was a niece, a cousin, a daughter, a wife - nothing about Jason. A chip off the old block, perhaps? I hope they are not estranged.

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You are doing and have been doing the β€œbest” work, Mr. Keillor: Being Kind and spreading Kindness throughout the world.

What better work could there ever be?

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Kindness counts. However, you couldn’t pay me to pick up a pigeon. I might bend for a sparrow or robin. To each his own.

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Garrison: Not the motorized people mover at the airport, have an airport attendant push you from here to there. Betty needs this service because of neuropathy in her feet. She can walk the distance, but it would take a whole lot longer for her and cause breathing issues, she has had two lung cancers and is experiencing a third. NO, damn it, she did not smoke. That is the first and only question she is asked when the scan shows cancer in a part of her lung. A large benefit of this service is passing all at the security area. Walking Garrison is all you need to do to stay healthy, if you have the time. rr

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When I lived in Manhattan, I found my fellow New Yorkers to be very kind and caring when I fell in the subway with a cast on my leg and cut my chin open!

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As I reminisced in the pre-draft of my memoirs I’ve been sharing here on Substack - moment of self promotion over - I once picked up a bird that had fallen on the ground seconds before. I felt the heat of its body warming the palm of my hand and its little heart beating fast. The bird looked at me and died in my hand. I felt the heart stop. A breeze blew at that moment rustling the bird’s feathers.

If you pick a bird from the ground, be prepared to have death caress you as she wrenches the life you carry on your palm.

It occurs to me God feels that way every time someone, or something, dies.

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Are you going to come to San Diego, CA sometime? I’d buy a ticket. We have a lot of birds here and the weather’s nice. People are too, for the most part. We could take you and your wife out for a fish taco.

Thanks for making my world a better place.

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That looks like the Olivetti typewriter I bought in 1959 when I was 18! Finally went to Goodwill a few years ago.

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Thank you! I laughed out loud thinking about you as an Avian EMT!

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Made my day!!!

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