Like magic, the first tone of your voice made my face light up with a smile 🪄

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"Don’t think you’re somebody because you’re not. You’re not so smart as you think. You’re the same as everybody else." The first two statements should be the mantra of all writers. The last rejected with all your heart and soul.

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Another beautiful and informative riff, so thanks Garrison You add a grace and thoughtfulness to the day, like no other "entertainer" I know.

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I like the joke on the airplane...and the scene on the terrace...and the parade of people in your prayer...I like to do something similar only I need my list.

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I echo Gary's words and feelings, being in the same boat - though i am a mere 74 years of age. You are a lucky man! The luck is more, of course, fifty years of discipline and practice, over and over. I join the choir of voices singing 'Great is Thy Faithfulness' as is our faithfulness to this community. May 82 lead to 83 in good and blessed ways. Steve Engelhardt

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I really enjoy it when you read aloud for us. Thank you.

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Garrison, I, also, am an old Episcopalian: I’m two years younger. Am thinking you are one of my life long friends: starting listening, with spouse and three children, in 1975; and have seen you in NYC, Memphis and Tanglewood. A priest, I account it one of the best pastoral blessings to make you part of our family. Fr Gary Sturni (Pomfret, CT)

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I played this for Dad and he said it was the best you ever did. He likes to rate things, so that was high praise. I listened to it twice myself because I am not really listening to everything I think I am.

He likes your poetry segments, too.

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I read this before when you first wrote it about a month or so ago, that is unless I'm just having a Déjà vu experience now as I type this. But it was very nice to hear your old familiar voice read it. Stay well dear friend.

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And we can be thankful even if there is no white bearded guy up the sky, directing traffic.

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I can just hear that gentle, burbling, telling-stories voice like honey with a touch of lemon juice and my day is complete and fulfilled.

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Think. too, of our prayers for you, GK.

Many of us keep up our prayerful graces for you, too.At 80+ don't over-do too much. Keep spreading your graces and humor-filled joys: music, stories and songs. What gifts to share with us! And returned!


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Thanks for supportive responses....GK generates his own good graces.

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