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DK, I think you’re demonstrating my point. You had to look up the Biden record, yet you knew the Trump record which was widely reported, enough so to be a meme (Mr. Bone Spurs). DEMOCRATS and the media downplayed the identical story about Biden, to the point where the author of this blog was comfortable enough to repeat the anti-Trump comments without reference to Biden.

Does that not make you wonder what other exaggerations and covering up of facts is occurring right now? Does that not make you think it is a form of election interference?

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No. It doesn’t make me question the reasons that Trump is unqualified and a danger. Absolutely not. I would be ashamed to vote for Donald because he is a rapist, a racist, demented and a danger to everything I love about this country.

BTW. Donald doesn’t release his tax returns. In fact he has been found to be a business fraud who owes millions because of it. He committed 34 felonies and paid $130,000 to hide that he had sex with Stormy when his wife had a baby.

Do you want to continue to compare the candidates?

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Biden criminal enterprises with his several dozen shell companies have raked in over $34M in bribes for no discernible work from the CHINESE AND UKRAINIANS…

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And when the voices tell you the moon really is made of cheese, will you order a pound?

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Ha ha. Donald should ask him for a loan to help pay off the half a billion he owes.

Rapist Donald. Meanwhile, Biden isn’t running for office, just running the country.

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Fact: Joe Biden sought and received the same number of deferments as Trump

Fact: Joe Biden sought and received the same number of deferments as Trump


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Sep 4Edited

The only fanboy here who needs to deal with the truth, Frank, is you. Biden has been serving the country his entire life, and he withdrew from the race for the sake of the country. That's something your purely self-serving criminal cult leader could never begin to comprehend. Your information about Biden accepting bribes is flat-out wrong. By the way, are you aware that Fox "News" has had to pay more than three quarters of a billion dollars (so far) for its lies? Biden is no longer in the race, but your dictator-coddling Dear Leader always has to announce in advance that he can only ever lose an election if it's "rigged," and when that doesn't work he incites his rabid fans to violence. These are the classic tactics of an autocrat, and fanboys like you swallow it hook, line and sinker. You and your ilk--desperate to revive the legacy of that fascist Joe McCarthy--absolutely must be outnumbered at the polls by patriots with at least some semblance of a moral compass. If you want to continue ranting, though, you can always take it to Truth Social, the social network that only the former liar-in-chief could have come up with, where every lie posted is a Truth™ and every conspiracy theory shared is a re-Truth™.

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The number of deferments means nothing.

Legitimacy is what matters. Student deferments vs. fake bone spurs?

Get real.

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They both had the same number of student deferment. Biden’s exemption came for asthma after being a lifeguard and playing college football. So you can’t use Trump’s bone spurs unless you address Biden’s asthma.

Biden has been at the test of government for 50 years, you’re saying. Never held a job not paid by a government…

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Student deferments were common as could be. The bone-spur deferment by a friendlhy podiatrist is a little more interesting. But what disquaifies the man for the presidency is the sheer dishonesty. Read his acceptance speech to the RNC out loud to yourself and see what you think.

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This conversation started because of bone spurs. I contend the asthma exemption is the same. Student deferments were common, as you indicated, and both got four to get them through school.

Your point stands alone, I’m only arguing that the student deferment/exemption is a wash.

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Your conention is invalid. Asthma "trumps" "bone spurs" hands down.

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You’re assuming the lifeguard/football athlete truly had asthma and it miraculously went away…

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Any basis for your assuming he didn't have asthma? We'll never know because of HPPA.

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The same as Trump not having the bone spurs…

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Since Trump has lied and cheated his way through life, I am willing to bet the bone spurs were bogus.

I doubt that Biden had the wherewithal as a student to find and fund a doctor who was willing to lie for him.

The simplest answer is usually the correct one.

But you choose to be wrong, again.

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Biden is a serial plagiarist, as even Wapo admits. And if you believe his uncle was eaten by cannibals and he taught anything to CornPop, you’re as foolish as he is…

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I received eight student deferments for my four years of undergrad and 4-1/2 years of grad school (1958-67). I was from "Nordeast" Mpls. and of the 4 draft boards in Mpls. , I think only 25% of us guys from there went to college so that board had a lot of cannon fodder to choose from (Edison High School did produce at least 2 PhDs and a slug of BAs). I had a 3.20 GPA at UMN and did well at Princeton (goofy grad grading system, ranked research more). When I got my PhD, I informed my draft board of my first job, lab research in industry 9number 157 on the lottery) but the draft board said they didn't need to hear from me anymore.

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At what age did Biden have the brain aneurysm that required major surgery? See, if he had been in the military when that happened, you would have been denied what is your obvious joy at trying to demean him by equating him with the most depraved, debauched, amoral, inhumane, deranged person ("person, whale, giraffe...." etc. Consider those cribbed answers from don's "cognitive test" that he "aced" to help you in future tests of your own.) to ever set foot in our White House. By not having that aneurysm while in the military, PRESIDENT Biden gave YOU the gift of trump deceptionism.

And when it came to don being in the White House (how is that even a thing except in nightmares??!), maybe don got confused when his father Fred - who did, indeed, connive that bone spurs diagnosis from a doctor who was his tenant - said "we only rent to whites in our houses" because that was, indeed, their policy (see Federal charges from the mid-20th century against the trump crime family, early editions) and don, who wasn't paying much attention because Fred wasn't talking about HIM, thought he said "white houses." You can see how one of limited intellect might be confused, eh?

This "patriotism" of some Americans always crops up with every Presidential election: who "served?" who "evaded" the draft" (certain age matter, there)? who was in combat? etc. etc. etc. Most Americans of ANY age did not "serve." And during VietNam, most American MALES (only) lived in fear of their school grades falling or their number coming up. And many American males during VietNam DISCOVERED some medical issue that would and did keep them out of the military and only a few did that as a deceitful, contrived ruse arranged by a rich, powerful daddy or other intercessor.

And then, even those who DID "serve" get the kind of abhorrent, filthy treatment from others with some agenda - the "swiftboaters" who hated John Kerry, the vile trump who cannot abide that John McCain was a man and trump is a loathsome libertine and so trump had to spit on McCain's reputation..... and other similar garbage, most of it coming from trump whose contemptible personality disorder has been forced upon our entire country, staining every form of respect and reverence we once had (Gold Star families, wounded veterans, POWs, Arlington Cemetery....)

You all should look on YouTube for the Marsh Family who will sing for you "Give Us Hope, Kamala" and when you need to feel better, they will help you achieve that. They are "serving" us some light into the darkness that is trump and his crime family and cult.

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