Biden received five student draft deferments, first as an undergraduate at the University of Delaware and later as a law student at Syracuse University.
And after a medical exam in April 1968, he received the "1-Y" classification, which meant he could only be drafted in a national emergency.
Biden released his Selective Service records to the Associated Press in 2008. At the time, a spokesperson said he was "disqualified from service because of asthma as a teenager," per The News Journal. Com
DK, I think you’re demonstrating my point. You had to look up the Biden record, yet you knew the Trump record which was widely reported, enough so to be a meme (Mr. Bone Spurs). DEMOCRATS and the media downplayed the identical story about Biden, to the point where the author of this blog was comfortable enough to repeat the anti-Trump comments without reference to Biden.
Does that not make you wonder what other exaggerations and covering up of facts is occurring right now? Does that not make you think it is a form of election interference?
No. It doesn’t make me question the reasons that Trump is unqualified and a danger. Absolutely not. I would be ashamed to vote for Donald because he is a rapist, a racist, demented and a danger to everything I love about this country.
BTW. Donald doesn’t release his tax returns. In fact he has been found to be a business fraud who owes millions because of it. He committed 34 felonies and paid $130,000 to hide that he had sex with Stormy when his wife had a baby.
Do you want to continue to compare the candidates?
Biden criminal enterprises with his several dozen shell companies have raked in over $34M in bribes for no discernible work from the CHINESE AND UKRAINIANS…
The only fanboy here who needs to deal with the truth, Frank, is you. Biden has been serving the country his entire life, and he withdrew from the race for the sake of the country. That's something your purely self-serving criminal cult leader could never begin to comprehend. Your information about Biden accepting bribes is flat-out wrong. By the way, are you aware that Fox "News" has had to pay more than three quarters of a billion dollars (so far) for its lies? Biden is no longer in the race, but your dictator-coddling Dear Leader always has to announce in advance that he can only ever lose an election if it's "rigged," and when that doesn't work he incites his rabid fans to violence. These are the classic tactics of an autocrat, and fanboys like you swallow it hook, line and sinker. You and your ilk--desperate to revive the legacy of that fascist Joe McCarthy--absolutely must be outnumbered at the polls by patriots with at least some semblance of a moral compass. If you want to continue ranting, though, you can always take it to Truth Social, the social network that only the former liar-in-chief could have come up with, where every lie posted is a Truth™ and every conspiracy theory shared is a re-Truth™.
They both had the same number of student deferment. Biden’s exemption came for asthma after being a lifeguard and playing college football. So you can’t use Trump’s bone spurs unless you address Biden’s asthma.
Biden has been at the test of government for 50 years, you’re saying. Never held a job not paid by a government…
Student deferments were common as could be. The bone-spur deferment by a friendlhy podiatrist is a little more interesting. But what disquaifies the man for the presidency is the sheer dishonesty. Read his acceptance speech to the RNC out loud to yourself and see what you think.
This conversation started because of bone spurs. I contend the asthma exemption is the same. Student deferments were common, as you indicated, and both got four to get them through school.
Your point stands alone, I’m only arguing that the student deferment/exemption is a wash.
Biden is a serial plagiarist, as even Wapo admits. And if you believe his uncle was eaten by cannibals and he taught anything to CornPop, you’re as foolish as he is…
I received eight student deferments for my four years of undergrad and 4-1/2 years of grad school (1958-67). I was from "Nordeast" Mpls. and of the 4 draft boards in Mpls. , I think only 25% of us guys from there went to college so that board had a lot of cannon fodder to choose from (Edison High School did produce at least 2 PhDs and a slug of BAs). I had a 3.20 GPA at UMN and did well at Princeton (goofy grad grading system, ranked research more). When I got my PhD, I informed my draft board of my first job, lab research in industry 9number 157 on the lottery) but the draft board said they didn't need to hear from me anymore.
At what age did Biden have the brain aneurysm that required major surgery? See, if he had been in the military when that happened, you would have been denied what is your obvious joy at trying to demean him by equating him with the most depraved, debauched, amoral, inhumane, deranged person ("person, whale, giraffe...." etc. Consider those cribbed answers from don's "cognitive test" that he "aced" to help you in future tests of your own.) to ever set foot in our White House. By not having that aneurysm while in the military, PRESIDENT Biden gave YOU the gift of trump deceptionism.
And when it came to don being in the White House (how is that even a thing except in nightmares??!), maybe don got confused when his father Fred - who did, indeed, connive that bone spurs diagnosis from a doctor who was his tenant - said "we only rent to whites in our houses" because that was, indeed, their policy (see Federal charges from the mid-20th century against the trump crime family, early editions) and don, who wasn't paying much attention because Fred wasn't talking about HIM, thought he said "white houses." You can see how one of limited intellect might be confused, eh?
This "patriotism" of some Americans always crops up with every Presidential election: who "served?" who "evaded" the draft" (certain age matter, there)? who was in combat? etc. etc. etc. Most Americans of ANY age did not "serve." And during VietNam, most American MALES (only) lived in fear of their school grades falling or their number coming up. And many American males during VietNam DISCOVERED some medical issue that would and did keep them out of the military and only a few did that as a deceitful, contrived ruse arranged by a rich, powerful daddy or other intercessor.
And then, even those who DID "serve" get the kind of abhorrent, filthy treatment from others with some agenda - the "swiftboaters" who hated John Kerry, the vile trump who cannot abide that John McCain was a man and trump is a loathsome libertine and so trump had to spit on McCain's reputation..... and other similar garbage, most of it coming from trump whose contemptible personality disorder has been forced upon our entire country, staining every form of respect and reverence we once had (Gold Star families, wounded veterans, POWs, Arlington Cemetery....)
You all should look on YouTube for the Marsh Family who will sing for you "Give Us Hope, Kamala" and when you need to feel better, they will help you achieve that. They are "serving" us some light into the darkness that is trump and his crime family and cult.
I share your love of “group song.” There’s no greater pleasure -okay, maybe one- than singing in a choir. It’s good for one’s mental health and happiness. I don’t know the psychology behind it, but just know it’s true. Hugs!!
It’s not a good time to visit us here in Yuma, Arizona, just yet, but if you’ll make the trip this January when you are in Irvine, California, we’ll sure show you a good time!
"Journalism that aims for honesty is a foundation rock in a democracy". True enough but it seems that there are just too many scoundrels in the thick of it for that to ever happen.
Thanks for the early morning laughs as I leave to go to the doctor, then off to volunteer at a wonderful place that has a group of Alzheimer’s people come each week so we can laugh together. In a week…I’m off to visit friends in Europe, first a wonderful family in Vienna then an absolutely great couple (he is a Parisian, she is German) for a time In Italy….Venice and surrounds.
I’m 84 and being patted down would be kind of thrilling. Shhhh…don’t tell my family I said that.
I loved this missive… and I too, think joining voices in song - watching and/or participating - is a magical “whole so much greater than the sum of its parts” kind of experience. To get a little touch of St. Paul/Minneapolis Minnesota AND the beauty of carrying forward that trove of music often relegated to mildewy pieces of sheet music found in darkened thrift shops : YouTube fun galore are the monthly LiveStreamed sing-alongs led by the great MInnesota musicians, Ann Reed and Dan Chouinard - (link to one of the recent Sing-a-Longs). Beautiful humans keeping all those great songs alive and well; sung together AND streamed for the many who are safest singing together, from home. Never have I ever so enjoyed a rousing accordion-accompanied cover of ‘Goodnight Irene’. It’s the pure joy of PHC, the love one feels for grandparents and as the great Dougie MacLean calls it ‘The World’s Choir’ all rolled into one!!! And you can watch and sing Live AND saved on YouTube, over and over !! ❤️
Is it me or does no one sing our national anthem as a group? Seems we stand, maybe put a hand over the heart, and listen to a soloist do voice acrobatics. After seeing and hearing the Canadians sing "Oh Canada" at the Stanley Cup with a lot of joy and enthusiasm, I wonder why we can't do that. I think the French were the same way at the Olympics.
My son has long career in musical theater, Chicago and on and off Broadway, but he's always refused to sing the National Anthem solo. What he did do was twice get the cast of the show he was in in the Chicago area to sing the National Anthem at a White Sox and at a Cubs game. I've asked him if he'd eve sing Oh Canada solo, it being probably easier than the Natgional
Anthem, but he's never answered.
I always sing along with the national Anthem at games.
At UMaine Black Bear Hockey games in Orono, school or guest soloists usually sing the National Anthem, somteimes to the Back Bear Band accompaniment. About 10 years ago, with the agreement of the AD, the UMaine coach encouraged the singing of both the US and Canadian Anthems. Emily Cain, then in the Maine legislature, if home, would sing both in succession, a cappella. Thrilling.
Good morning, Garrison. I've read the comments below that take issue with the Presidents deferments over the candidates' deferments. There has to be a lot more to this story, and I hope sometime in the future I'll know what that is. I've been recently beat up like that for spouting the truth of DT based on fact research and know how it can feel. Thanks. rr
Mr. Keillor— I know you’ll be back down south before too long, and how we look forward to it. Please don’t stint on the singing, and do have faith that we know the Battle Hymn. In fact, more than the first and last: such glory in the line “oh be swift my soul to answer Him! Be jubilent my feet!”
Could there be anything finer? And from another Episcopalian no less.
Your columns do lift us up, and these are times that need the help.
When you write a sentence like, "A person incapable of causing trouble is ready to be packed off to Shady Acres to sit at a table and do jigsaw puzzles.", you, perhaps inadvertantly, display a kind of ageism that belittles all the good people whom circumstance has placed in positions such that getting up each day and making it to the puzzle table is a courageous feat. You repeatedly crow about your life at age 82. Your current abilities are simple matters of chance in the genetic dice-roll that should be accepted with your self-proclaimed midwestern humility. You appear to be unaware of how your amazingly elitist life appears to most of us out here among the little people who admire your wit. Hubris about being just a simple soul who has a rare ability to appreciate the Little Things is still hubris.
Good morning, Scott. I’m a big Garrison fan but I tend to agree with you on this issue. I know he’s writing in a humorous vein, but you’re right that we’re all subject to the luck of the draw. I wish I had the oomph and moolah and eyesight to travel; it’s taking all my effort to make it to an eye doctor appointment an hour away—let alone going from NYC to Minneapolis.
Hi again, Garrison - I just read your column that included references to "Group Singing" and its pleasures. I will be 74 tomorrow and am happy to report that I am singing regularly with a group dedicated to enjoying and preserving songs from the Sacred Harp, a collection of shape-note hymns. Our membership is non-denominational, open to all ages, races, and genders, and our singing venues are a safe space for all attendees.
The Sacred Harp has been around for more that 200 years and convention attendees can number in the hundreds of devotees singing together for hours and hours. There is probably a group near you and if you are not familiar with this style of group singing, which is based on notes with shapes that indicate intervals, removing the necessity to be able to read music, I invite you to check it out. There are loads of Shape Note convention sings on YouTube that you can use for a preview. Singing with (or listening to) a group singing the old hymns from a bygone age is moving, fun, and sometimes sublime!
Barney, where is this? I've been a big fan of Sacred Harp singing for years (I have copies of both Sacred Harp and Southern Harmony and I treasure the transcriptions of hymns in the Lutheran Hymnal). There is a Shape Note singing group on the Maine Coast but I've never sung with them. I have sung shape note music in a workshop at Bagaduce music in Blue Hill and that was a great experience. But it drove my friend a fellow Baritone nuts since he had trouble reading the music.
Group singing - Over the years, starting at Oberlin, I got to hear Pete Seeger many times.
When you went to one of his concerts he would start a song and the choir (us in the audience)
would join in. While working with Project Upward Bound in Milwaukee, my wife and I took one of the students to a Seeger concert and she was amazed at the audience singing along with such passion. Group singing is really important, no matter the setting Garrison, I'd go to one of your programs just to be able to sing with everyone.
One of the great joys of my life was singing in the audience at Pete Seeger concerts in college and whenever he was within a hundred miles! That marvelously gifted man brought out such great harmony. To this day I have Seeger concert mix CDs (yeah, CDs, I’m the same age as Garrison) in the car and love to sing along with them. I’ve watched two of his concerts this year on the live stream and enjoy joining in. Like Garrison, I’m an Episcopalian, and we do love to raise our voices in hymns both old and new. Music sustains me!
Have you ever just started singing a song (one that lots of people know) while sitting on a plane? I think that many of the passengers would join in and enjoy it. I can’t sing well (about 1 octave in upper tenor range - my voice cracks at around F or G above middle C) but I enjoy trying when there are enough others around to drown me out. (My husband is a classically trained bass/baritone with a very strong voice, so if he sings next to me, I am not audible, even to myself. When we went to a concert in Jordan Hall given by Boston-area opera singers to raise money for Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign, everyone was asked to stand and sing the National Anthem before it started. My husband had often sung it as an a cappella solo at basketball games, so his voice overpowered those of everyone around us on one of the balconies. I was amused to see that most of the people sitting near us were staring at him as he sang. Once when were in the center of the 5th row at a concert given by Bryn Terfel in Ozawa Hall at Tanglewood, there was a sing-along of “The Road to Tipperary”. After the concert we waited in line to talk to Bryn and he told my husband that he could hear him singing over the crowd and thought that he was Sanford Sylvan.)
One of my favorite childhood memories is of group singing during school bus rides to Walden Pond (yes, the one where HDT lived for almost 2 years) for swimming lessons. Most of us were children of WWII veterans, so we used to sing all of the service songs, as well as patriotic ones and oldies like “You are my Sunshine”. Our parents were amused and pleased that my sister and I learned those songs on the way to our swimming classes.
Had to Google that.
From USA Today
Biden received five student draft deferments, first as an undergraduate at the University of Delaware and later as a law student at Syracuse University.
And after a medical exam in April 1968, he received the "1-Y" classification, which meant he could only be drafted in a national emergency.
Biden released his Selective Service records to the Associated Press in 2008. At the time, a spokesperson said he was "disqualified from service because of asthma as a teenager," per The News Journal. Com
Biden was on the football team and we all know he met Corn Pop when he was a lifeguard…
I accidentally deleted the original comment, which was:
Joe Biden received the exact same number of draft deferments as Donald Trump…
Not the same reasons. Dimps’ father found a doctor who would keep him out of the draft.
Your unserious. Boy did exactly the same thing…
DK, I think you’re demonstrating my point. You had to look up the Biden record, yet you knew the Trump record which was widely reported, enough so to be a meme (Mr. Bone Spurs). DEMOCRATS and the media downplayed the identical story about Biden, to the point where the author of this blog was comfortable enough to repeat the anti-Trump comments without reference to Biden.
Does that not make you wonder what other exaggerations and covering up of facts is occurring right now? Does that not make you think it is a form of election interference?
No. It doesn’t make me question the reasons that Trump is unqualified and a danger. Absolutely not. I would be ashamed to vote for Donald because he is a rapist, a racist, demented and a danger to everything I love about this country.
BTW. Donald doesn’t release his tax returns. In fact he has been found to be a business fraud who owes millions because of it. He committed 34 felonies and paid $130,000 to hide that he had sex with Stormy when his wife had a baby.
Do you want to continue to compare the candidates?
Biden criminal enterprises with his several dozen shell companies have raked in over $34M in bribes for no discernible work from the CHINESE AND UKRAINIANS…
And when the voices tell you the moon really is made of cheese, will you order a pound?
Ha ha. Donald should ask him for a loan to help pay off the half a billion he owes.
Rapist Donald. Meanwhile, Biden isn’t running for office, just running the country.
Fact: Joe Biden sought and received the same number of deferments as Trump
Fact: Joe Biden sought and received the same number of deferments as Trump
The only fanboy here who needs to deal with the truth, Frank, is you. Biden has been serving the country his entire life, and he withdrew from the race for the sake of the country. That's something your purely self-serving criminal cult leader could never begin to comprehend. Your information about Biden accepting bribes is flat-out wrong. By the way, are you aware that Fox "News" has had to pay more than three quarters of a billion dollars (so far) for its lies? Biden is no longer in the race, but your dictator-coddling Dear Leader always has to announce in advance that he can only ever lose an election if it's "rigged," and when that doesn't work he incites his rabid fans to violence. These are the classic tactics of an autocrat, and fanboys like you swallow it hook, line and sinker. You and your ilk--desperate to revive the legacy of that fascist Joe McCarthy--absolutely must be outnumbered at the polls by patriots with at least some semblance of a moral compass. If you want to continue ranting, though, you can always take it to Truth Social, the social network that only the former liar-in-chief could have come up with, where every lie posted is a Truth™ and every conspiracy theory shared is a re-Truth™.
The number of deferments means nothing.
Legitimacy is what matters. Student deferments vs. fake bone spurs?
Get real.
They both had the same number of student deferment. Biden’s exemption came for asthma after being a lifeguard and playing college football. So you can’t use Trump’s bone spurs unless you address Biden’s asthma.
Biden has been at the test of government for 50 years, you’re saying. Never held a job not paid by a government…
Student deferments were common as could be. The bone-spur deferment by a friendlhy podiatrist is a little more interesting. But what disquaifies the man for the presidency is the sheer dishonesty. Read his acceptance speech to the RNC out loud to yourself and see what you think.
This conversation started because of bone spurs. I contend the asthma exemption is the same. Student deferments were common, as you indicated, and both got four to get them through school.
Your point stands alone, I’m only arguing that the student deferment/exemption is a wash.
Your conention is invalid. Asthma "trumps" "bone spurs" hands down.
You’re assuming the lifeguard/football athlete truly had asthma and it miraculously went away…
Any basis for your assuming he didn't have asthma? We'll never know because of HPPA.
The same as Trump not having the bone spurs…
Since Trump has lied and cheated his way through life, I am willing to bet the bone spurs were bogus.
I doubt that Biden had the wherewithal as a student to find and fund a doctor who was willing to lie for him.
The simplest answer is usually the correct one.
But you choose to be wrong, again.
Biden is a serial plagiarist, as even Wapo admits. And if you believe his uncle was eaten by cannibals and he taught anything to CornPop, you’re as foolish as he is…
I received eight student deferments for my four years of undergrad and 4-1/2 years of grad school (1958-67). I was from "Nordeast" Mpls. and of the 4 draft boards in Mpls. , I think only 25% of us guys from there went to college so that board had a lot of cannon fodder to choose from (Edison High School did produce at least 2 PhDs and a slug of BAs). I had a 3.20 GPA at UMN and did well at Princeton (goofy grad grading system, ranked research more). When I got my PhD, I informed my draft board of my first job, lab research in industry 9number 157 on the lottery) but the draft board said they didn't need to hear from me anymore.
At what age did Biden have the brain aneurysm that required major surgery? See, if he had been in the military when that happened, you would have been denied what is your obvious joy at trying to demean him by equating him with the most depraved, debauched, amoral, inhumane, deranged person ("person, whale, giraffe...." etc. Consider those cribbed answers from don's "cognitive test" that he "aced" to help you in future tests of your own.) to ever set foot in our White House. By not having that aneurysm while in the military, PRESIDENT Biden gave YOU the gift of trump deceptionism.
And when it came to don being in the White House (how is that even a thing except in nightmares??!), maybe don got confused when his father Fred - who did, indeed, connive that bone spurs diagnosis from a doctor who was his tenant - said "we only rent to whites in our houses" because that was, indeed, their policy (see Federal charges from the mid-20th century against the trump crime family, early editions) and don, who wasn't paying much attention because Fred wasn't talking about HIM, thought he said "white houses." You can see how one of limited intellect might be confused, eh?
This "patriotism" of some Americans always crops up with every Presidential election: who "served?" who "evaded" the draft" (certain age matter, there)? who was in combat? etc. etc. etc. Most Americans of ANY age did not "serve." And during VietNam, most American MALES (only) lived in fear of their school grades falling or their number coming up. And many American males during VietNam DISCOVERED some medical issue that would and did keep them out of the military and only a few did that as a deceitful, contrived ruse arranged by a rich, powerful daddy or other intercessor.
And then, even those who DID "serve" get the kind of abhorrent, filthy treatment from others with some agenda - the "swiftboaters" who hated John Kerry, the vile trump who cannot abide that John McCain was a man and trump is a loathsome libertine and so trump had to spit on McCain's reputation..... and other similar garbage, most of it coming from trump whose contemptible personality disorder has been forced upon our entire country, staining every form of respect and reverence we once had (Gold Star families, wounded veterans, POWs, Arlington Cemetery....)
You all should look on YouTube for the Marsh Family who will sing for you "Give Us Hope, Kamala" and when you need to feel better, they will help you achieve that. They are "serving" us some light into the darkness that is trump and his crime family and cult.
I share your love of “group song.” There’s no greater pleasure -okay, maybe one- than singing in a choir. It’s good for one’s mental health and happiness. I don’t know the psychology behind it, but just know it’s true. Hugs!!
Did you only fly to Minnesota, Mr. Keillor?
Do you consider Minnesota “out West?”
It’s not a good time to visit us here in Yuma, Arizona, just yet, but if you’ll make the trip this January when you are in Irvine, California, we’ll sure show you a good time!
I'll be in Tucson on the 9th of January and Scottsdale soon after.
You will LOVE Tucson and Scottsdale in January, Garrison, but especially Tucson.
We'll likely come see you there or in Scottsdale and sell or give away our Irvine tickets.
And there's always the 3:10 to Yuma if you get bored . . . or arrested!
"Journalism that aims for honesty is a foundation rock in a democracy". True enough but it seems that there are just too many scoundrels in the thick of it for that to ever happen.
Thanks for the early morning laughs as I leave to go to the doctor, then off to volunteer at a wonderful place that has a group of Alzheimer’s people come each week so we can laugh together. In a week…I’m off to visit friends in Europe, first a wonderful family in Vienna then an absolutely great couple (he is a Parisian, she is German) for a time In Italy….Venice and surrounds.
I’m 84 and being patted down would be kind of thrilling. Shhhh…don’t tell my family I said that.
Pat Barrett
I loved this missive… and I too, think joining voices in song - watching and/or participating - is a magical “whole so much greater than the sum of its parts” kind of experience. To get a little touch of St. Paul/Minneapolis Minnesota AND the beauty of carrying forward that trove of music often relegated to mildewy pieces of sheet music found in darkened thrift shops : YouTube fun galore are the monthly LiveStreamed sing-alongs led by the great MInnesota musicians, Ann Reed and Dan Chouinard - (link to one of the recent Sing-a-Longs). Beautiful humans keeping all those great songs alive and well; sung together AND streamed for the many who are safest singing together, from home. Never have I ever so enjoyed a rousing accordion-accompanied cover of ‘Goodnight Irene’. It’s the pure joy of PHC, the love one feels for grandparents and as the great Dougie MacLean calls it ‘The World’s Choir’ all rolled into one!!! And you can watch and sing Live AND saved on YouTube, over and over !! ❤️
Is there a way to receive audio versions of your posts with YOUR voice, not an a.i. voice? Your wonderful voice and inflections add so much !
I record them and they come out every week or so. Check the website for more information. I'm only the writer.
Is it me or does no one sing our national anthem as a group? Seems we stand, maybe put a hand over the heart, and listen to a soloist do voice acrobatics. After seeing and hearing the Canadians sing "Oh Canada" at the Stanley Cup with a lot of joy and enthusiasm, I wonder why we can't do that. I think the French were the same way at the Olympics.
My son has long career in musical theater, Chicago and on and off Broadway, but he's always refused to sing the National Anthem solo. What he did do was twice get the cast of the show he was in in the Chicago area to sing the National Anthem at a White Sox and at a Cubs game. I've asked him if he'd eve sing Oh Canada solo, it being probably easier than the Natgional
Anthem, but he's never answered.
I always sing along with the national Anthem at games.
At UMaine Black Bear Hockey games in Orono, school or guest soloists usually sing the National Anthem, somteimes to the Back Bear Band accompaniment. About 10 years ago, with the agreement of the AD, the UMaine coach encouraged the singing of both the US and Canadian Anthems. Emily Cain, then in the Maine legislature, if home, would sing both in succession, a cappella. Thrilling.
Good morning, Garrison. I've read the comments below that take issue with the Presidents deferments over the candidates' deferments. There has to be a lot more to this story, and I hope sometime in the future I'll know what that is. I've been recently beat up like that for spouting the truth of DT based on fact research and know how it can feel. Thanks. rr
I think what's important is that Biden has been a public servant his entire life while Trump has been a ruthless servant to his own ego and wealth.
Mr. Keillor— I know you’ll be back down south before too long, and how we look forward to it. Please don’t stint on the singing, and do have faith that we know the Battle Hymn. In fact, more than the first and last: such glory in the line “oh be swift my soul to answer Him! Be jubilent my feet!”
Could there be anything finer? And from another Episcopalian no less.
Your columns do lift us up, and these are times that need the help.
Mr. Keillor
When you write a sentence like, "A person incapable of causing trouble is ready to be packed off to Shady Acres to sit at a table and do jigsaw puzzles.", you, perhaps inadvertantly, display a kind of ageism that belittles all the good people whom circumstance has placed in positions such that getting up each day and making it to the puzzle table is a courageous feat. You repeatedly crow about your life at age 82. Your current abilities are simple matters of chance in the genetic dice-roll that should be accepted with your self-proclaimed midwestern humility. You appear to be unaware of how your amazingly elitist life appears to most of us out here among the little people who admire your wit. Hubris about being just a simple soul who has a rare ability to appreciate the Little Things is still hubris.
Good morning, Scott. I’m a big Garrison fan but I tend to agree with you on this issue. I know he’s writing in a humorous vein, but you’re right that we’re all subject to the luck of the draw. I wish I had the oomph and moolah and eyesight to travel; it’s taking all my effort to make it to an eye doctor appointment an hour away—let alone going from NYC to Minneapolis.
Am I not allowed to mention travel for fear of offending you? Really?
Oh goodness. You surely don’t take offense that easily. I was just commiserating with Scott. We both just pointed out that you’re a lucky man.
I didn't know it was taken as crowing. I meant it to be gratitude. I don't know where you come up with "elitist" but that's your privilege.
Hi again, Garrison - I just read your column that included references to "Group Singing" and its pleasures. I will be 74 tomorrow and am happy to report that I am singing regularly with a group dedicated to enjoying and preserving songs from the Sacred Harp, a collection of shape-note hymns. Our membership is non-denominational, open to all ages, races, and genders, and our singing venues are a safe space for all attendees.
The Sacred Harp has been around for more that 200 years and convention attendees can number in the hundreds of devotees singing together for hours and hours. There is probably a group near you and if you are not familiar with this style of group singing, which is based on notes with shapes that indicate intervals, removing the necessity to be able to read music, I invite you to check it out. There are loads of Shape Note convention sings on YouTube that you can use for a preview. Singing with (or listening to) a group singing the old hymns from a bygone age is moving, fun, and sometimes sublime!
Thanks for all you do!
Barney Griggs
Have a good birthday!
Thanks for the good wishes!
Barney, where is this? I've been a big fan of Sacred Harp singing for years (I have copies of both Sacred Harp and Southern Harmony and I treasure the transcriptions of hymns in the Lutheran Hymnal). There is a Shape Note singing group on the Maine Coast but I've never sung with them. I have sung shape note music in a workshop at Bagaduce music in Blue Hill and that was a great experience. But it drove my friend a fellow Baritone nuts since he had trouble reading the music.
I see there are singing groups all over the country, but where is FASOLA located? Where do you sing?
Toronto, ON
So much well -put Garrison. So nice to 'hear' a creative voice of reason!
Group singing - Over the years, starting at Oberlin, I got to hear Pete Seeger many times.
When you went to one of his concerts he would start a song and the choir (us in the audience)
would join in. While working with Project Upward Bound in Milwaukee, my wife and I took one of the students to a Seeger concert and she was amazed at the audience singing along with such passion. Group singing is really important, no matter the setting Garrison, I'd go to one of your programs just to be able to sing with everyone.
One of the great joys of my life was singing in the audience at Pete Seeger concerts in college and whenever he was within a hundred miles! That marvelously gifted man brought out such great harmony. To this day I have Seeger concert mix CDs (yeah, CDs, I’m the same age as Garrison) in the car and love to sing along with them. I’ve watched two of his concerts this year on the live stream and enjoy joining in. Like Garrison, I’m an Episcopalian, and we do love to raise our voices in hymns both old and new. Music sustains me!
You're a threat GK. But not to national security. More to entrenched thinking and unfunny writing : )
Have you ever just started singing a song (one that lots of people know) while sitting on a plane? I think that many of the passengers would join in and enjoy it. I can’t sing well (about 1 octave in upper tenor range - my voice cracks at around F or G above middle C) but I enjoy trying when there are enough others around to drown me out. (My husband is a classically trained bass/baritone with a very strong voice, so if he sings next to me, I am not audible, even to myself. When we went to a concert in Jordan Hall given by Boston-area opera singers to raise money for Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign, everyone was asked to stand and sing the National Anthem before it started. My husband had often sung it as an a cappella solo at basketball games, so his voice overpowered those of everyone around us on one of the balconies. I was amused to see that most of the people sitting near us were staring at him as he sang. Once when were in the center of the 5th row at a concert given by Bryn Terfel in Ozawa Hall at Tanglewood, there was a sing-along of “The Road to Tipperary”. After the concert we waited in line to talk to Bryn and he told my husband that he could hear him singing over the crowd and thought that he was Sanford Sylvan.)
One of my favorite childhood memories is of group singing during school bus rides to Walden Pond (yes, the one where HDT lived for almost 2 years) for swimming lessons. Most of us were children of WWII veterans, so we used to sing all of the service songs, as well as patriotic ones and oldies like “You are my Sunshine”. Our parents were amused and pleased that my sister and I learned those songs on the way to our swimming classes.
No. I’ve not started singing on a flight or in a train car tho tempted because it felt so gloomy! We must!