Good morning, Scott. I’m a big Garrison fan but I tend to agree with you on this issue. I know he’s writing in a humorous vein, but you’re right that we’re all subject to the luck of the draw. I wish I had the oomph and moolah and eyesight to travel; it’s taking all my effort to make it to an eye doctor appointment an hour away—let alone going from NYC to Minneapolis.
Good morning, Scott. I’m a big Garrison fan but I tend to agree with you on this issue. I know he’s writing in a humorous vein, but you’re right that we’re all subject to the luck of the draw. I wish I had the oomph and moolah and eyesight to travel; it’s taking all my effort to make it to an eye doctor appointment an hour away—let alone going from NYC to Minneapolis.
Good morning, Scott. I’m a big Garrison fan but I tend to agree with you on this issue. I know he’s writing in a humorous vein, but you’re right that we’re all subject to the luck of the draw. I wish I had the oomph and moolah and eyesight to travel; it’s taking all my effort to make it to an eye doctor appointment an hour away—let alone going from NYC to Minneapolis.
Am I not allowed to mention travel for fear of offending you? Really?
Oh goodness. You surely don’t take offense that easily. I was just commiserating with Scott. We both just pointed out that you’re a lucky man.