I asked you in good faith for rational answers, and you have none. “I’m all in” is not a rational answer. So you are just a troll (look it up), as well as a person whom I hold in the deepest contempt. Please go do your “better things” and leave the rest of us alone.
I asked you in good faith for rational answers, and you have none. “I’m all in” is not a rational answer. So you are just a troll (look it up), as well as a person whom I hold in the deepest contempt. Please go do your “better things” and leave the rest of us alone.
If you like Steve Bannon, the multiple jailbird, no wonder you are such a sick puppy. Try better folks to follow. I am sure you can find some if you can get your head out of that dark place.
I asked you in good faith for rational answers, and you have none. “I’m all in” is not a rational answer. So you are just a troll (look it up), as well as a person whom I hold in the deepest contempt. Please go do your “better things” and leave the rest of us alone.
If you like Steve Bannon, the multiple jailbird, no wonder you are such a sick puppy. Try better folks to follow. I am sure you can find some if you can get your head out of that dark place.
Yes you are, to your detriment.
Being held in contempt by someone like you is a badge of honor for me so knock yourself out. No skin off my nose.
I have lots of company.
Incuding me.