Hilarious! Love it! Keep it coming 😊

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You just couldn't resist could you? You took the bait. Funny as hell...but be careful out there!

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Bait? I think not. Scary, though.

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You are right!!! Point taken.

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My first true laugh after the election! Thanks!!!

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I'm embarrassed to say that I found your article quite funny at Trump's expense. It's OK though, he can afford it.

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Hmmm… interesting speculation.

But it does go a long way toward explaining all the Junior-High-hiding-in-the-closet propensity for proving your manhood with all of the “grab ‘em by the *****” locker-room talk.

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Only you could make me smile about this! Thanks

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I’ve had the feeling that Dawn has been wanting to tell us her truth for years . SCOTUS gave her immunity and she should use it!

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(As an aside:

We should never forget that it’s worse than we could have imagined possible:

Trump’s proposal for Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth, has bragged that he had not washed his hands for 10 years because he does not believe in germs.)

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Really? Equally hilarious.

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It would indeed be hilarious if it weren’t so horrific.

We now live in a country in which someone as criminally incompetent, as well as so obscenely stupid, could be genuinely, seriously recommended for an office like this.

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Oh my, I needed that laugh! And now I’ll have that image every time he/she steps into the spotlight 😂! Thanks so much!

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If that was humor I can't say I get it. Nevertheless, someone once said "the pen is mightier than the sword, so knock yourself out." I'm sure your peeps will enjoy it.

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We already know that your idea of humor is more like sticking it to Garrison Keillor and Friends by putting a lying rapist in the White House, installing a sex-trafficking pedophile as his attorney general and calling Kamala Harris vulgar names. Hardy, har, har.

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Don't mean to be too technical for you but last time I looked Trump won quite decisively. Trump 1 / Woke Idiocy 0. I know you live in a fantasy world so I am delighted that you are enjoying yourself. Live it up my friend. You are going to need it. Trump 2.0 is going to be quite hard on you.

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As the vote count continues, obviously he has won...but the margin continues to shrink. Not a mandate, not "decisive". Perhaps you consider yourself to be immune from the hurt that Trump and his unqualified minions will inflict on the U.S., but don't relax too much.

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Feeling pretty darn relaxed but thank you for your concern.

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It is easy to be relaxed when you haven’t got the brains to be concerned. But you are still despicable, no matter how relaxed you feel.

By the way, Garrison’s sense of humor has taken him a long way. I guess the brain-dead are incapable of getting it.

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That would be Mr. Brain Dead to you! 😂😂😂

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As before, think you're immune? Guess again.

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Trump won by less than a 2% margin-

Hardly a landslide, but unfortunately enough to allow for a peaceful transfer of power before he burns the house down. Right now we hurry up and wait.

Soon, we’ll be able to say I told you so.

But Trumpsters may continue to live in denial even as they all go down with the ship, like lemmings to the sea.

I dare say I prefer to be ‘woke’ rather than a hypocrite or a bigot.

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I'll soldier on as best as I can in light of your oh so sanctimonious predictions.

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Better than your clouded predictions.

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You are an “interesting” dude. You have a somewhat casual relationship with reality I must say.

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I like my reality better than Trumpian surreal "reality".

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Me too.

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For your info- it wasn’t “wokeism” (whatever you think that is) that lost, but a booming economy, low inflation, affordable health care, investment in infrastructure, support for our true allies, as well as common sense and common decency. But apparently none of that matters to you.

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How true.

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There you go speaking of “hard on” projectionist

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"Woke idiocy"? The definition of woke, before it became a fallacious partisan pejorative, is being aware of issues and problems and doing something positive about them. Trunp 2.0 is going to be hard on everyone who isn't a privileged Trump sycophant.

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The upcoming victims haven’t realized their predicament yet!

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Look at the popular vote. Trump won by less than 1%. The electoral system distorts the actual results and makes it possible for a candidate to lose the popular vote and still win the election. Democrats are preparing for a rough year. We are fortifying our positions, looking for ways to stop or at least slow down trumps efforts to tear down what is good about this country.

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Serious question- why the hell are you here? No one needs you.

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Very simple Martin, treat Trump fairly and you will never hear from me. I wrote the same to Mr. Keilor (since he is the one doing the writing). Not that I owe you any explanation.

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Questions- how have I treated Trump unfairly? (That sounds like one of his pet whines). Also, why should I be the one to treat Trump fairly, when he is the poster boy for treating people unfairly. I am supposed to take the high road and keep my mouth shut, when his spews lies, insults, and nonsense non stop?

Another question- why do you support such a vile human being? What do you see in him that I don’t? What is in it for you? Do you like Matt Gaetz for AG. What’s his name for Defense? Bullying the Senate to go away so he can install loyalists in his quest to overturn the Constitution and break laws? Was January 6 a love fest? I could go on.

You seem like a rational and thinking person. I would appreciate some rational answers, before I decide that you are actually not a contemptible troll.

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Martin, I could go on as well and we are never going agree. So, why bother. I did not technically mean you, I was referring to Mr. Keilor's writing (that we all respond to). I don't know what a troll is (honestly), but it sounds bad. I will say this, give Trump an oppportunity and then see how things go. Might surprise you...

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Trump already had his “opportunity”, and failed. He has already started out worse- the most incredibly incompetent cabinet picks in our history.

I don’t expect better from him and I certainly have no reason to give him the benefit of the doubt. I did that in 2016 and got nothing in return.

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We may never agree, but I still would like to hear your answers to my questions. I gave you real reasons; I would appreciate some from you.

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Sorry Martin, not getting into a tic for tat conversation. I have better things to do with my time to be brutally honest. Our conversation would be full of sound and fury and signify nothing (little Faulkner reference for you). I'm am 100% in on Trump, love all of his nominees for cabinet posts, and I share many of his grievances. If you want to know more about how I think, listen to Steve Bannon. I'm sure you hate him and now you can have another person to hate. Congratulations.

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I asked you in good faith for rational answers, and you have none. “I’m all in” is not a rational answer. So you are just a troll (look it up), as well as a person whom I hold in the deepest contempt. Please go do your “better things” and leave the rest of us alone.

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If you like Steve Bannon, the multiple jailbird, no wonder you are such a sick puppy. Try better folks to follow. I am sure you can find some if you can get your head out of that dark place.

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Yes you are, to your detriment.

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Being held in contempt by someone like you is a badge of honor for me so knock yourself out. No skin off my nose.

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I have lots of company.

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Incuding me.

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Wow, "all in" with Trump, his nominees, and Steve Bannon. Guess that pretty much defines you and it ain't pretty.

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We've been treating Trump fairly, for all of his bravado and lies.

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I have decided that Cook is really just a troll. No one likes Gaetz, including most Republicans. Also, the smart ass says he doesn’t know what a troll is. But it sounds bad. lol.

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Please define "fair". While I was surprised by Mr

Keillor's connection between Trump's attraction to makeup shiny things, and his adoration of chest thumping males, and his sexual proclivities; I am more concerned with Trump having his finger on the nuclear button with no one around to talk him down from the ultimate show of male missile envy.

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Martin is only comfortable in his silo. He is shaken by any criticism or disagreement, which is why Martin and his ilk will never "get" other people, and why he thinks he should challenge anyone he dislikes for "being here."

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And why he can only respond like this. 🤣

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Love it!

The limerick is priceless!

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Trump is still living rent-free in your head, I see? Does the lease ever run out?

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Trump makes sure of that, a narcissistic egomaniac.

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Ah, somebody to split the rent!

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Oh yeah...!

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You knew it was coming, didn't you? Ok, here goes...I love you like a brother, and have for decades, and please grow up; you are too great a writer/storyteller to stoop to schoolboy comedy. Especially now that trans rights and LGB rights will be attacked from the most powerful office in the world. We are talking lives here.

Please, Garrison, go meet and have a coffee (I love that you love coffee with strangers in airport lounges) with a trans person--you may have to work to find one as most dont stand out. Hear THEIR story.

You write that you wouldnt feel comfortable with your cardiologist being trans. Ok, thats an old sentiment from a time gone by, and you can grow, like everyone. Have a chat with a neice or grand-daughter over turkey and hear what they say. Even we old dogs have to learn new tricks.

Humor is needed now more than ever, and not at the expense of the most marginalized of us. Please.

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AMEN! Beautifully said.

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Ryn, no offense intended with my post. I'm very sympathetic to trans folks. I just couldn't resist the delicious irony of Garrison's spin. Like many, I'm a little crazy now. If Trump had been brought up to be comfortable inside his skin with whoever he really is, the world wouldn't be in so much trouble today.

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Yes, that's the unfortunate part. He is, at his core, a frightened child

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Appreciate how thoughtfully you worded this. I felt uncomfortable reading this piece and I laughed at parts. It’s knowing the real threat to the LGBTQ community, especially the youth, where I feel the joke is inappropriate. Their lives are in danger. Everyday. Especially now. That needs to be taken seriously.

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Yes. I concur. Still I laughed because those who harm others - often GOP homophobes - are gay. All at risk are terrified. I’d be surprised if Garrison didn’t have trans friends. Or am I that naive or as you noted he does and has no idea? Oh now I’m upset I sent to trans family who may not find it amusing. My stress is so great, am I now finding humor at which I’d not normally laugh funny? I ask seriously.

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Im sorry you are finding times so stressful. Im no psychologist but I think anyone who isn't affected and anxious would be the exception. You are normal, things hurt because you care.

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It’s not comedy. It’s real hate. That’s what makes the left so frightening. Show them a meme and they are cancel, swat call etc.

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I want to travel back in time and un-recite the Pledge of Allegiance. I feel deeply unAmerican.

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Remember when Michelle Obama said she wasn’t proud? I’m not at all. I avoided the pledge all my life. Unsure how I wasn’t punished in ‘50s & ‘60s schools. It stinks being an aware child. And adult.

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And the thing is, Michelle said “For the first time, I’m proud” and that got twisted into “She hates us.”

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Agreed. Michelle Obama, despite any "twist," will always be a treasured - and beloved former First Lady.

(Melania, not so much.)

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Melania is to be pitied, trapped in a green card marriage to lousy spouse Trump, and probably subject to deportation if she doesn't agree with him.

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She worked so hard on this campaign. Tears in her eyes when she talked about the future for girls and women. As much as she hates politics, she went all-in.

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