Keillor's connection between Trump's attraction to makeup shiny things, and his adoration of chest thumping males, and his sexual proclivities; I am more concerned with Trump having his finger on the nuclear button with no one around to talk him down from the ultimate show of male missile envy.
Keillor's connection between Trump's attraction to makeup shiny things, and his adoration of chest thumping males, and his sexual proclivities; I am more concerned with Trump having his finger on the nuclear button with no one around to talk him down from the ultimate show of male missile envy.
Please define "fair". While I was surprised by Mr
Keillor's connection between Trump's attraction to makeup shiny things, and his adoration of chest thumping males, and his sexual proclivities; I am more concerned with Trump having his finger on the nuclear button with no one around to talk him down from the ultimate show of male missile envy.