Don't let her get a copy of "Brisk Verse." Quit while you're ahead.

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Please elucidate. Snark alone is not enough.

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Your work deserves this accolade. You are profound and brilliant, doncha know, as well as sharp and buoyant. And congrats on the Avon parade gig. We should all be so lucky.

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Ooww! Sounds like Bob shouldn't have gotten his copy!!

I'd say taking Ms. O'Geiblyn out for that lutefisk dinner paid dividends. Maybe you should have invited Bob?

Relaxin Rog - L.A.

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"... respect from one righteous person..." That does it for me!

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One of the egregious logical fallacies made by members of the "Woke" population is that "because virtually all recent oppressors of humanity were white males of European (mostly western European) extraction, then all white males MUST be within the oppressor class".

Of course the truth is a lot of us "white males" have never had any sort of special privilege or "leg up" in our lives and we are in reality and fact just ordinary folk trying to get by.

Perhaps that is why no one of significance is reviewing your books now, Mr. K.

You and I are currently on the wrong side of history.

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Well, Garrison, I hope I’ll be able to read the review in full but I’ll wait until after I’ve finished your book. I love looking at the cover, having spent a few years in Brooklyn. But I’m only to page 44 so far.

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I figure those dyspeptic critics taking on 5 books for the NY Review can go on and on, but I'll trade them for a mature writer whose crisp observations end with a wry twist worth sharing with a friend who needs a shaft of optimism. Thanks, Garrison Keillor. You've revived thousands.

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Have fun at the Avon Fair .Those stories from the public will hopefully be gold !! Fan from NZ 👍

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Ya gotta be judged by intent. As a humorist GK stands tall. His secret? Like Twain, if the joke ain't there don't tell it. Something Sedaris (ugh) and pretty much every other contemporary never learned

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Who was it who said “I can live a week on a good compliment”?

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As one of the contributors to the compilation of readings from “Brisk Verse” I didn’t agree that the reviewer of it called “Flatulence” one of the “lowlights” of that volume. For me, it was a definite highlight.

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Where can I find O’Gieblyn’s review?

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Where can I find Megan’s review?

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For those that Just Dont Get It. sorry, the rest of us. Love to Laugh, and take ourselves, as lightly as possible. Thank You Garrison , for doing that for us, during the Tough times, and the Good Times

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"Willful optimism seems somewhat strained at times". Well heck, optimism is optimism and I appreciate yours Garrison. Keep it coming.

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